• Q : Case-job analysis guides reorganization at bethphage....
    HR Management :

    Question 1. Discuss why job analysis was an essential part of the corporate change process at Bethphage.

  • Q : Reducing recruiting problems....
    HR Management :

    What practical suggestions could you make that might help reduce turnover and make the stores a more attractive place in which to work, thereby reduce recruiting problems? 

  • Q : How should growing minds select the best candidates....
    HR Management :

    Question: How should Growing Minds select the best candidates? What type of characteristics and measures should be used? Why?

  • Q : Wal-mart strengths and weaknesses....
    HR Management :

    1. Introductory Analysis in which you succinctly address : A.Wal-Mart's strengths and weaknesses regarding compensation B.Issues regarding compensation plans for international companies in China

  • Q : Recruiting and selecting appropriate employees....
    HR Management :

    As a business owner, you are concerned with recruiting and selecting appropriate employees for your business.

  • Q : Privacy in setting up and maintaining human resource files....
    HR Management :

    Discuss the importance of confidentiality and privacy in setting up and maintaining human resource files. Explain and discuss in detail the laws that impact records management, such as the American

  • Q : Recruitment-retention-organizations human capital....
    HR Management :

    When considering recruitment, retention and the development of an organizations human capital, what key considerations should be made to ensure adequate planning, evaluation of recruiting and select

  • Q : Develop a training plan and a compensation-benefits plan....
    HR Management :

    Assume you are the HR Manager of the team working to restore the oil industry in Iraq. Develop a training plan and a compensation/benefits plan for use with this team.

  • Q : How to figure out employee pay....
    HR Management :

    Discuss the considerations that must be made in determining whether an organization should pay employees more than, less than, or equal to the market rate.

  • Q : Training and retraining employees....
    HR Management :

    Problem 1. Why do organizations spend money and time training and retraining employees? Problem 2. Is tuition reimbursement a valid expense?

  • Q : Explanation of hrm topic of your choice....
    HR Management :

    Problem 1. Explanation of HRM topic of your choice Problem 2. What are the positive and negative aspects of the topic you have chosen on an organization

  • Q : Employee disciplinary process within the organization....
    HR Management :

    Does HR or Management do an effective job of educating employees on conflict resolution strategies and the employee disciplinary process within the organization?

  • Q : Relationship between motivation and performance....
    HR Management :

    In considering the concepts of motivation and reward, what is the relationship between motivation and performance? Consider different perspectives on human behavior and motivation - how do they tie

  • Q : Components of effective retention-career development process....
    HR Management :

    What are the components of effective retention and career development processes? Tie in human behavior, motivational theory, and discuss the concept of total rewards.

  • Q : Organizational issues and leadership concerns....
    HR Management :

    Identify and describe a situation where you could use the knowledge gained in your review of leader-follower relations to address organizational issues and leadership concerns of your organization.

  • Q : How hr systems relate to business strategy....
    HR Management :

    Can you explain how HR systems relate to business strategy and ultimately to the performance of the firm. Provide an example of how specific factors can influenced HR practices in an organization

  • Q : Motivators to the respective employees....
    HR Management :

    Consider the following profile of Company and its employees. Describe what you would consider to be motivators to the respective employees as well as the types of HR process you recommend to Company

  • Q : Methods for measuring performance....
    HR Management :

    Problem: What are the major methods for measuring performance? Simple Ranking, Forward distribution, paired comparison are to name a few of the methods used for measuring performance.

  • Q : Research the internet for examples of training plans....
    HR Management :

    Your manager has allowed you to hire a few consultants to assist you in pulling together the training plan. Research the Internet for examples of training plans.

  • Q : Case on sexual harassment....
    HR Management :

    It's been only one year since you graduated college and already you are assistant vice president in charge of public relations for the Catfish Division of Fink, Inc., the largest seafood purveyor in

  • Q : Training to employees working abroad....
    HR Management :

    What do you think is the best way to deliver policies, procedures, and training to employees working abroad? Explain your reasoning.

  • Q : Part-time or contingent employees....
    HR Management :

    Today's workforce is increasingly made up of part-time or contingent employees. Is organizational culture really important if the workforce is mostly comprised of temporaries? Please explain.

  • Q : Discuss issues relating to growth and downsizing....
    HR Management :

    View the Layoff Reports for Northeastern Region of America - Human Resource Management in particular - and discuss issues relating to growth and downsizing in general, with emphasis on:

  • Q : Evaluating hr systems....
    HR Management :

    "What is HR good for, anyway" is the question that Mike O'Malley and Edward Lawler ask in the July/Aug 2003 issue of "Across the Board"

  • Q : Classifications of employees....
    HR Management :

    Identify different and common classifications of employees when talking about International HRM and why a company might hire one type over another type?

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