• Q : Overseas assignment to china-hypothetical hrm....
    HR Management :

    As a hypothetical HRM preparing for a 2-year overseas assignment to China, I need to be able to discuss (3) specific articles from the Internet about China that would assist me in adapting to Chines

  • Q : Decision to look for a position in hr....
    HR Management :

    Did the fact that many jobs are sent to different countries to be performed impact your decision to look for a position in HR.

  • Q : Cultural and regional differences impacting global hrm....
    HR Management :

    Problem: Select a non-North American based organization that conducts business in at least two non-North American countries. Examine the cultural and regional differences impacting global HRM within

  • Q : Impact of technology on global hrm....
    HR Management :

    Need help on a 700 to 1,400-word article analysis describing the impact of technology on global HRM. Be sure to cite your reference(s) in your analysis.

  • Q : Relationships within and without the technical staff....
    HR Management :

    Please be detailed and address such issues as personalities and how they can affect relationships within and without the technical staff.

  • Q : International hr mistakes....
    HR Management :

    Read the case incident "Boss, I Think We Have a Problem". Then, answer following questions: Q1. What are some international HR mistakes that Mr. Fisher has made?

  • Q : Do the employers comments constitute harassment....
    HR Management :

    A female employee's male supervisor comments her on an outfit she is wearing, complimenting her on how flattering it is to her figure. She is uncomfortable about the compliment. Do the employer's co

  • Q : Importance of core hr knowledge for managers....
    HR Management :

    Q1. What is the importance of core HR knowledge for managers? Q2. What areas should be inclusion and exclusion in new manager orientation?

  • Q : Catering business in your specific state....
    HR Management :

    You are the Manager of a local catering business in your specific state. The company, as it is very small, does not have an employee handbook nor has one ever been considered.

  • Q : Develop a staffing plan for the smc....
    HR Management :

    Prepare a 15-20 slide Microsoft PowerPoint® slide Presentation with presenter's notes in which you develop a staffing plan for the SMC or Vitual Company.

  • Q : Explaining the role of hr....
    HR Management :

    It's time to meet with senior management and explain what you do and why you do it. You don't want to overwhelm them with details, so you ask yourself the following question: What do you believe is

  • Q : Case study-sears-roebuck and co-the auto center scandal....
    HR Management :

    Make recommendations. 1) Draw up your set of recommendations on what must be done, and prepare an agenda of corrective actions. 2) What recommendations would you make to the manager? 3) What specific

  • Q : Human resources-sexual harassment case study....
    HR Management :

    You are the Manager of Human Resources for a Fortune 100 Company. A female employee approaches you, very upset and tells you that her manager, also a woman has told her that she if she does not ente

  • Q : Anticipating staffing and recruiting needs....
    HR Management :

    Workforce planning is a systematic approach to anticipating staffing and recruiting needs and determining what actions should be taken to meet those needs.

  • Q : Ethical implications of an individual reward system....
    HR Management :

    Question: What are the ethical implications of an individual reward system? Support your answer. Question: Would you describe your organization as innovative or non-innovative? Why? Explain your answe

  • Q : Improving an existing hr system or process in your company....
    HR Management :

    What are the various inputs that need to be considered in order to develop an appropriate HR system, or improve an existing HR system or process in your company? Provide as much information as possi

  • Q : Example of discrimination in the workplace....
    HR Management :

    Questions: Describe an example of discrimination you have seen in the workplace. Did you simply observe it? Were you the subject of it? Did you take any action? Did anyone else take action? Did it a

  • Q : Human performance technology....
    HR Management :

    Since we're focusing on HRM in this class, what is "human performance technology?" (Hint to get you started: www.ispi.org/hpt_institute/) Please refer to at least one other outside reference (web si

  • Q : Four functions of management-managers decisions....
    HR Management :

    Put yourself in the shoes of your current manager or one you have had in the past. What internal stakeholders currently have, or have had, and influence over that manager's decisions?

  • Q : Employee reward system for a human services organization....
    HR Management :

    Task: Create an employee reward system for a human services organization. Write a paper detailing the methods to determine what aspects of the work should be monitored and rewarded.

  • Q : What tactical roles does hr perform in an organization....
    HR Management :

    What tactical roles does HR perform in an organization? How does an HR professional act as a coach, counselor, adviser and change agent?

  • Q : Value of human resources to an organization....
    HR Management :

    What is the value of Human Resources to an organization? Explain how and why the organization prioritizes and values the following HR functions, staffing, employee development, compensation, employm

  • Q : Compensation and reward systems....
    HR Management :

    Question 1. How would one apply compensation and reward systems to individuals as well as to work teams?

  • Q : Hrm functions-responsibilities and working concepts....
    HR Management :

    Conduct a discussion on the discussion board on the topic of, "How Human Resource Management functions, responsibilities, and working concepts have evolved from the early 1900s." This is done via po

  • Q : Different approaches to job evaluation....
    HR Management :

    Why are there different approaches to Job Evaluation? Think of a two different organizations (from the convenience store down the street to the multinational firm downtown). Select two (real) organi

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