• Q : Heart of western civilization....
    History :

    Greece has been termed to as the heart of Western Civilization, implying that all the Western society stems from the accomplishments of a handful of city states in the Mediterranean. Do you agree wi

  • Q : Ancient israelite view on life after death....
    History :

    As in most of the cases where ancient history and particularly ancient religious history is concerned, there is disagreement among scholars as to how to interpret the events.

  • Q : Disintegration of the roman empire....
    History :

    With the disintegration of the Roman Empire, the bonds between the West and East start to disintegrate. Explain why did conflict as opposed to the cooperation prevail between the three stepchildren

  • Q : Divisive christian church....
    History :

    From the dawn of the Christian Church there existed disagreements in the theology, ritual and doctrine. Trace the divisions and reform attempts which pervade the history of the church from 300 to 15

  • Q : Dates of jesus birth and death....
    History :

    Describe how we have approximated the dates of Jesus birth and death and also the length of his ministry. List out the primary and secondary sources explaining his life. Which of these sources is th

  • Q : Introductory civilization information....
    History :

    a) What forces contributed to the cultural makeup of the early civilizations? b) What social issues arise because of this cultural make-up?

  • Q : Geographic factors-expansion of united states....
    History :

    Validate your choice of the two most important geographic factors which contributed to the expansion of the United States.

  • Q : Distinguish early greek and roman cultures....
    History :

    Please comprise elements of culture like government and geographical terrain, economics and trade practices, art and architecture, and philosophical and religious beliefs.

  • Q : Government and democracy-modern and ancient....
    History :

    Give illustrations of the ways which ancient governments (Athens, Rome, Sparta, Persia and other ancient societies) distinct from the modern American democracy.

  • Q : Comparing mayans to chinese and indian empires....
    History :

    Explain how does the Maya Empire compare to other empires like the Indian, Chinese and Mongolian Empires?

  • Q : Mesopotamia-greece-rome....
    History :

    Reflect on how the ancient world (Mesopotamia, Greece and Rome) contributed important ideas regarding government, law, religion, and the responsibility of the individual to later societies.

  • Q : The expansion of african civilization....
    History :

    The growth of African civilization was tied closely with slave trade. In ancient times, occupation specialization became significant. African slave trade had three characteristics.

  • Q : Ancient arabic and hindu cultures....
    History :

    The stating goes that the West owes a big debt to the ancient Arabic and Hindu cultures. A) Write down the nature and significance of this debt.

  • Q : Main factors permitting incas rule....
    History :

    Sum up the main factors which permitted the Incas to conquer and rule their large empire. Some propose that, in numerous ways, the Incas were similar to the Romans or other Pre-Columbian American Ci

  • Q : Failure of diplomacy in vietnam....
    History :

    What lessons can we learned about essential conditions and understandings which are necessary for conflict negotiations to succeed?

  • Q : History of ancient islam....
    History :

    From various Islamic reading sources: the Quran, Imam Nawawi, Ibn Babawayh al-Sauq, Al-Mawardi, and Abu Hamid Muhammad al-Ghazali, what can you learn regarding Islamic society's government, economy,

  • Q : Societies-cultures developed before european colonization....
    History :

    For mainland Asian countries, plus Japan, what type of societies and cultures developed before the European colonization? Explain their social and cultural attributes.

  • Q : Cultural make-up of early civilizations....
    History :

    a) What forces contributed to the cultural makeup of the early civilizations? b) What social issues occur because of this cultural makeup?

  • Q : Question regarding greek gods....
    History :

    What responsibility do the Greek Gods play in the Ancient World? Explain why do certain Gods encompass power over nature or human emotions? Are they distinct in the Ancient World?

  • Q : Ancient cultures thru early greek and roman....
    History :

    Make a 1050 to 1400 word paper exploring a topic from one of the given themes as they associate to the Ancient Cultures thru early Greek and Roman times as explained in the course readings: the main

  • Q : Taxonomies of eysenck and ancient greeks....
    History :

    Eysenck noted that the two-dimensional structure of traits he recognized in his 20th-century research is associated closely to taxonomy of personality characteristics recognized by the ancient Greek

  • Q : Greek culture versus roman culture....
    History :

    This solution in brief compares and contrasts differentiating elements or characteristics of early Greek and Roman cultures, such as government and geographical terrain, economics, art and philosoph

  • Q : Civilizations of ancient greek....
    History :

    Explain the Minoan and Mycenaean civilizations and describe how they were similar and how they were different.

  • Q : Declining of the roman empire....
    History :

    If most of the factors are implicated in the decline of the Roman Empire, comprising overuse of resources, political infighting, and lack of morality, explain how does this hold any lessons for mode

  • Q : Transformation from a roman republic....
    History :

    Explain how was the transformation from a Roman Republic to the Empire reflected in the political, intellectual, and social life of the civilization? Give references.

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