• Q : Describe renaissance humanism....
    History :

    Describe renaissance humanism, its main influences (like people, social and/or political affects) and examine the last supper to reveal how it adheres to the aesthetic values of the renaissance huma

  • Q : Define renaissance humanism....
    History :

    Define the term Renaissance humanism. Give detailed illustrations. Explain how Renaissance humanism is alike or not alike a humanist in today's United States? How does a humanist distinct from a hum

  • Q : High italian renaissance-age of pericles in athens....
    History :

    In a sense, the High Italian Renaissance is alike to the Age of Pericles in Athens, in that the turbulence of the time would generate remarkable monuments.

  • Q : Italian renaissance affect on durer and grunewald....
    History :

    The Italian Renaissance and former traditions in the North shaped the best German art of the 16th century, comprising Grunewald and Durer. Explain how did Early and High Italian Renaissance and Earl

  • Q : Mental health treatments before renaissance period....
    History :

    Write down some methods which were used to treat the individuals who were presumably suffering from some form of mental illness prior to the Renaissance period? Describe the rationale behind these m

  • Q : Individualism-key value driving civilization....
    History :

    Take a position and describe the given proposition: From ancient Mesopotamia via the Renaissance, individualism was the key value driving the historical development of Western Civilization. (Use rel

  • Q : Hysteria of salem witchcraft....
    History :

    I want help describing the Salem witchcraft hysteria. Assess the participants by answering the given questions: a) Who were the accusers (what part of society)?

  • Q : Social stratification since renaissance....
    History :

    Since the Renaissance, have the economic forces, social forces and social stratification shaped the western nations? In what manners did this happen?

  • Q : Impact of renaissance on europe....
    History :

    This word will usually lead one to ask, "Why was a rebirth essential" and "if society was to be reborn, what would it base its new life on?" The other question is "did society require being reborn a

  • Q : Fall of italy-causing historians and political theorists....
    History :

    The fall of Italy acted as the catalyst, causing historians and political theorists to approach these disciplines in new ways. Describe the two main individuals in the text who are representative of

  • Q : Artistic features of the italian renaissance....
    History :

    To what extent were climate and disease key factors in producing economic and social changes? (The Medieval West and The Italian Renaissance period).

  • Q : Humanities outline....
    History :

    The social and cultural differences reflected in the arts? Use at least two particular artistic illustrations to describe your points.

  • Q : Renaissance and baroque periods....
    History :

    Even although the art in the Renaissance and Baroque periods were not totally religiously oriented as had been the case before 1400, there was still much artistic effort put forth toward the creatio

  • Q : Artistic characteristics of the italian renaissance....
    History :

    What were the core intellectual, political and artistic features of the Italian Renaissance (c. 1350-1550 CE)? Explain two figures which seem to represent especially significant Renaissance characte

  • Q : Long-term effects of the crusading movement....
    History :

    Please tell me regarding the good or bad impact which the Crusades had on Islamdom. Go into detail regarding the long-term effects of the crusading movement and how it hindered unification of Islam

  • Q : Position of women in italian society....
    History :

    I am looking for an outline of key points which will make for a strong argument to write down a short academic paper in response to the Joan Kelly's seminal article.

  • Q : Modes of human inquiry and expression....
    History :

    Explain how does the selected form of cultural expression compare with other forms you know regarding from the similar time period?

  • Q : Information regarding prehistoric ancestors....
    History :

    In terms of our prehistoric ancestors, think especially back to humans who lived in caves, what do you envision their view of nature to have been?

  • Q : Question regarding beowulf....
    History :

    What observations can we make about Beowulf? For example, you might want to note what makes Beowulf a heroic figure.

  • Q : Medieval europe and england....
    History :

    In medieval Europe and England, we observe the emergence of chivalry as a code of behavior. What do you believe were the PRACTICAL reasons for such a system of conduct?

  • Q : Federal support for art....
    History :

    Explain why does such a program of public art come into existence? A historical examination takes place.

  • Q : Cultural awareness and global economy....
    History :

    Do we humans learn from the past, not just its successes however as well its failures? Yet, if this is true, why do we frequently fail to heed the lessons of the past?

  • Q : Growth and decline of egypt....
    History :

    a) What conditions permitted this culture to grow and become dominant throughout its particular epoch? b) What outside influences might have contributed to either the growth or decline of this culture

  • Q : Judaic law and theology....
    History :

    What do you mean by Torah? What makes Judaic law and theology dissimilar from other faiths of the period?

  • Q : Judaic and early christian eras....
    History :

    Explain the key contribution in art, music, architecture, philosophy and literature for the Judaic and early Christian eras linking it to the cultural patterns of the two religions.

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