• Q : Roosevelt and second world war....
    History :

    Describe the different challenges faced by Franklin D. Roosevelt leading up to World War II. Though most of the efforts were made to keep us out of the war, many more led to the intervention.

  • Q : Experiences of great depression....
    History :

    Please describe how the experiences of the U.S. in the Great Depression and in WWII explain the significance of aggregate spending (Keynesian theory) as the primary engine of post-WWII.

  • Q : Impact of slavery economies....
    History :

    Describe the differences between the North and South economically, socially and religiously. In your response, please emphasize how slavery ties to the differences.

  • Q : Production and output in world war second....
    History :

    Explain how did the United States "gear up" their production and output so much for WWII? I ask that you describe this by utilizing the Production Possibilities Curve, addressing in specific the cha

  • Q : Confrontation with the soviet union....
    History :

    Explain how did containment shape American actions abroad for almost half a century? Where and explain how did we practice the policy of containment in the year 1950s and 1960s?

  • Q : Indian removal act-problems and benefiters....
    History :

    Describe who benefited from the Indian Removal Act. What were the benefits? Describe the problems with the Act?

  • Q : Soviet global ambitions after second world war....
    History :

    Explain how would you evaluate the Soviet's global ambitions after World War II, specifically in the newly-independent "Third World" (the less developed former European colonies in Africa and Asia)?

  • Q : Us rationalization for actions in south vietnam....
    History :

    Vietnam played such a big role in the history of America, specifically in the 1960's and 1970's, that it is easy to forget which we were comprised in that country the decade prior.

  • Q : Perception of the federal government....
    History :

    Throughout the Civil War, the tragic character Robert E. Lee came to the forefront with his impact on the war. If you were in Lee's position, what would you encompass done in relation to either supp

  • Q : Results of the lincoln-douglas debate....
    History :

    Compare and contrast the political attitudes toward the slavery of Stephen A. Douglas with those of Abraham Lincoln. What were the outcomes of the Lincoln-Douglas Debates?

  • Q : New kinds of warfare strategies....
    History :

    Both Grant and Sherman pursued a new kind of warfare. Describe the change in strategy these men employed. Note a battle or campaign in which each man used this new strategy. Lastly, was this strateg

  • Q : Federal government expansion....
    History :

    Recognize and explain two illustrations of the U.S. federal government expansion of authority between the starting of the U.S. Civil War and the end of the Civil rights era?

  • Q : Effect of civil rights movement on social change....
    History :

    Explain how did the civil rights movement produce important social change not merely for African Americans, however as well for Native Americans, Latinos and women?

  • Q : Introduction to reagan revolution....
    History :

    The Reagan Revolution (and the ending of the Cold War) brought about and witnessed big changes here in America and around the world. Both ends of the American political spectrum changed considerably

  • Q : Assessing ronald reagan legacy....
    History :

    Whenever Ronald Reagan died in the year 2004, he was widely hailed as one of the greatest American presidents and credited with ending (and winning) the Cold War.

  • Q : Economic globalization transforming united states....
    History :

    In the late 20th Century, economic globalization transformed the United States. Describe what globalization is and explain how it influenced the US economy and population in the year 1990s.

  • Q : Standardized testing-american public educational system....
    History :

    Explain how do you think Dewey would have felt about standardized testing and American public educational system as a whole these days?

  • Q : American enlightenment-great awakening....
    History :

    Describe the American Enlightenment and the Great Awakening of the 1730s and 1740s. In what manners did they influence the lives of the colonists?

  • Q : Experiences of native american....
    History :

    1) Explain the experiences of Native American tribes included in the Indian Removal Act of the 1830s. 2) Explain the life of a slave in the plantation south (if such a thing can be generalized).

  • Q : How constitution endangered freedom....
    History :

    Describe the response of those who favored the Constitution - how did they think it would protect the freedom or enhance on the Articles of Confederation?

  • Q : How american society has changed over life-time....
    History :

    What do you think is the most pressing issue facing the United States nowadays? Border Security, Debt, Welfare, immigration and so on. Give reference to support your claim. Do you think these alike

  • Q : Conflict between britain and france....
    History :

    Explain how wars in Europe spread to the American colonies. The responsibility of Native Americans in the conflict between Britain and France will be described. The Albany plan of Union will as well

  • Q : Minister african american views on union....
    History :

    What views do the African American ministers, led by the Garrison Frazier, have about the Union and their status throughout their description with General William T. Sherman and Secretary of War Edw

  • Q : Patriots and british-strength and weaknesses....
    History :

    Evaluate both Patriot and British strengths and weaknesses when the Revolution starts. Explain how did the United States win the War against such a powerful adversary?

  • Q : Internet censorship....
    History :

    Civil libertarian groups and other free speech advocates want no censorship. Concerned parent groups think in a different way. How do you feel regarding this issue? Explain why? Defend your position

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