• Q : Morale of soldiers....
    History :

    A huge number of conscripted soldiers were sent to the Vietnam after their initial service training. What impact would such conscripted soldiers encompass on the morale of their voluntarily enlisted

  • Q : Saving face in diplomatic context....
    History :

    Write down some of the big examples shown of ‘saving face' on the part of diplomats throughout the Vietnam War? What does ‘saving face' signify in diplomatic conditions?

  • Q : Concerns for a cold war....
    History :

    Explain how does that whole package of thought translate to other threats, other proxy wars during the Cold War, and concerns for a return to the Cold War even to this day?

  • Q : Early western european culture and society....
    History :

    The Catholic Church is a much maligned and frequently misunderstood organization. The aims of this writing are to show three significant factors that make the Catholic Church so significant in Europ

  • Q : Myth and propaganda used throughout the holocaust....
    History :

    This is a concise analysis of the important role myth and propaganda played in the Final Solution or Holocaust throughout World War second.

  • Q : Cultural regions of north america-preceding colonization....
    History :

    Recognize the three cultural regions of North America directly preceding the colonization. Note one group for each area and explain its culture and the distinctive traits which defined the communiti

  • Q : Government and the internet....
    History :

    The Internet has had an undisputed consequence on the distribution of information. Do you think the political outcomes of this broad distribution of information have been positive? Explain why, or w

  • Q : Virtues of the past-hebrew-roman-greek....
    History :

    Research one of the given virtue words: Arete, Prudence, Temperance, Justice, Fortitude, Faith, Hope and Love. 1) Is this virtue still significant to success in life today? Explain why or why not?

  • Q : Handling of the war with spain....
    History :

    Explain why were Americans so critical of the handling of the war with Spain? What lessons did the United States learn from the Spanish American War? What legacy did the war encompass for the future

  • Q : Sherman plan of taking atlanta and march to sea....
    History :

    Describe Sherman's strategy of taking Atlanta and his March to the Sea. Be sure to comprise a description of the main battles and leaders comprised in this operation. Could Sherman have been stopped

  • Q : Rise of democracy and the political changes....
    History :

    Write down a response in which you compare and contrast the rise of democracy and the political changes which took place in Great Britain, France and the United States (at first the American Colonie

  • Q : American and french revolutions....
    History :

    Describe the cause of these changes in each nation, comprising the conditions which led to both the American and French revolutions and possible reasons for the very different outcomes in the revolu

  • Q : Relations of united states with korea-china....
    History :

    Want help with Summarizing events between the U.S. and North Korea and recognize and explain the present relationship between the U.S. and South Korea.

  • Q : Spanish-american war-key battles....
    History :

    Describe the main military operations, battles and campaigns, land and sea, of the Spanish American War. What weaknesses in both the U.S. Army and Navy did the war expose?

  • Q : Involvement of united states in world war second....
    History :

    Explain how did European powers interpret American contributions to the war effort, and explain why did they form this interpretation? Do you think the contributions made by America were underestima

  • Q : World war second-cause and effect....
    History :

    Select one military conflict in (World War 1) which the United States was included that was described during this course. Describe both the causes and consequences of this specific conflict and outl

  • Q : Apologizing for the covert warfare....
    History :

    Should the US apologize to foreign nations, enemy and supporter, for intercepting communications, or has history given suitable reason to take such action?

  • Q : Comprehensive view during world war second....
    History :

    The social characteristics, like opportunities for women and minorities, internment of Japanese Americans, demographic shifts, leisure activities and others.

  • Q : Chicago democratic convention....
    History :

    Was there any good which came out of this condition for all of those involved, our country and the war in Vietnam

  • Q : Enlightenment or the great awakening....
    History :

    Explain on either the Enlightenment or the Great Awakening. Describe how did the movement impact the ideological growth of the colonies?

  • Q : Wartime experiences-constitutional convention issues....
    History :

    1) Explain and examine the wartime experiences of and the effects on women, slaves and natives. 2) A number of disagreements occurred at the Constitutional Convention of 1787. What were they and how w

  • Q : American system of government....
    History :

    Describe in detail the American System of government? After defining it, recognize and thoroughly explain its three main elements.

  • Q : Time of exploration and expansion for europe....
    History :

    The 1400s marked a time of exploration and expansion for the Europe. Recognize and describe three developments which stimulated this age of exploration.

  • Q : Main principles of the constitution....
    History :

    The three main principles of the Constitution are inherent rights, self government and separation of the powers. Which one of these three major principles of the Constitution do you feel is most sig

  • Q : Philosophies of free market liberalism....
    History :

    Describe the differences in economic policy, the role of government, the role of business, and the part that the public workers, unions and taxpayers played in each and every system.

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