• Q : Impact of pearl harbor....
    History :

    Examine the positive and/or negative effects of the selected issue in relationship to WWII. Recognize the long-term consequences of the selected issue, comprising the impact on present-day society.

  • Q : Challenges of the twenty first century....
    History :

    These comprised a contested election, hurricane Katrina, financial meltdown, war, terrorism and so on. Which of the challenges of the 21st century has proved most significant and explain why? What c

  • Q : Western trends in the united states....
    History :

    However the United States of America has become a melting pot for a diversity of cultures, its fundamental institutions and ideals are basically Western.

  • Q : American-mexican war-imperialism or expansionism....
    History :

    The given illustrations or events are adequate to prove that the Mexican-American War (1846-48)was an effort to extend the American territories, and it shows the horrific imperialistic attitude of t

  • Q : Impact of geography on middle-eastern economies....
    History :

    Describe how the Greater Middle East or Gulf is shaped by its different regional geographies (Middle East versus Gulf versus North Africa, Fertile Crescent versus deserts), and its geo-economic impo

  • Q : Ottoman success making non-arab islamic empire....
    History :

    Describe the reasons for the military successes of the Ottoman-Turks in making a third (non-Arab) Islamic empire re-uniting the Greater Middle-East or Gulf region

  • Q : Geo strategic-military and religious policies....
    History :

    Explain the different geo-strategic, military and religious policies used by the European Great Powers (Austria, Russia, France, Great Britain and Italy) to annex key Turkish provinces and ultimatel

  • Q : Zionism as an ideology....
    History :

    In brief describe Zionism as an ideology (with its five points from the 28th Zionist Congress in the Jerusalem in year 1968) and its role throughout World War I (1914-18) and World War II (1939-45)

  • Q : Jewish diaspora-history of zionism....
    History :

    Describe the Jewish ‘Diaspora', history of Zionism, its five points (adopted by the 28th Zionist Congress in Jerusalem in the year 1968) and impact of both World War I (1914-18) and World War

  • Q : Important meeting between us-britain during world war second....
    History :

    What were the two most significant meetings between the U.S. and Britain during WWII between 1943-1944? Describe the Allied strategy at Casablanca and explain how had it changed by August 1944

  • Q : South carolina declaration of secession....
    History :

    I want help with a summary on the South Carolina Declaration of Secession pre-war document and also listing the reasons given to validate the secession and if the South was justified in leaving the

  • Q : The african slave trade....
    History :

    Explain why and how did the Atlantic slave trade start? How did this impact culture in regards to how different countries perceived or thought regarding slavery as a form of labor?

  • Q : Nationalism-working class-women-minorities....
    History :

    Recognize the changing roles of the working class, women, and minorities during this period. Describe the implication of the changing roles.

  • Q : Assumption of post-war japan....
    History :

    Describe how assumptions the social reforms and equality would flourish in the post-war Japan have or have not been realized. Who was supposed to benefit in Japan from the global trend of social emp

  • Q : Events that led iran-iraq war....
    History :

    Describe the events which led to the Iran-Iraq War? What was the importance of the Shiite-Sunni division in Islam which led to this war and what was the role of religious fundamentalism in such even

  • Q : Military history-american war for independence....
    History :

    Explain why were the British unsuccessful in subduing the American colonies and preventing the creation of an independent USA?

  • Q : Ottoman-turkish empire repression policies....
    History :

    Explain the Ottoman-Turkish Empire's repression policies against the secessionist minorities (Greek-Balkan Christians, Armenian Christians and Assyrian Christians) and non-Turkish subject Muslim pop

  • Q : Define arabs and relationship to pan-arabism....
    History :

    Define the word ‘Arabs' and its relationship to the pan-Arabism (nationalism) by differentiating between the Muslim world and the Arab world. Also Illustrate Nasser and Saddam Hussein as natio

  • Q : Philippine insurrection of 1899 to 1902....
    History :

    Describe the main military operations, battles and campaigns of the Philippine Insurrection of 1899 to 1902. What particular problems did the Army experience, and how successful were the civilian an

  • Q : American military operations in world war first....
    History :

    Describe the main American military operations, battles, campaigns, and leaders included with World War I from May 1918 to the conclusion of the war on November 11, 1918.

  • Q : Comparison of latin american and north american revolution....
    History :

    Spanish economy was despotic and corrupt. The church was oppressive and superstitious. On the other hand, England had a free, vibrant, elite and democratic population.

  • Q : Downfall of rome and role of emperors....
    History :

    Describe the factors which contributed to the downfall of the Roman imperial administration, comprising the role of its military, the influx of barbarian peoples, the reforms of Constantine and Chri

  • Q : American colonization society....
    History :

    Describe the overall goal of the American Colonization Society? Was colonization successful or unsuccessful? What were the pros and cons of the colonization of blacks?

  • Q : Objective of soviet union at geneva conference....
    History :

    Diplomats from a diversity of nations with an interest in Vietnam came altogether in Geneva, Switzerland in the year 1954. Write down their goals? Which countries led these negotiations?

  • Q : Christian cultures of the west....
    History :

    Compare and contrast the social structure of the two main Christian cultures of the West, that is, the Byzantine Empire and the three-tiered social structure (the three orders) of the West.

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