• Q : Explain why the short-circuit method....
    Electrical Engineering :

    Explain why the short-circuit method for determining the Thevenin resistance of a circuit cannot be applied if the circuit does not contain any independent current or voltage sources.

  • Q : Determine how proton can meet its advertising....
    Electrical Engineering :

    Proton sdn bhd , manufactures luxury cars and trucks.the company believes that its most likely customers are hight-income women and men.to each these groups,proton has embarked on an ambitious tv

  • Q : Compare moore and mealy state machine designs....
    Electrical Engineering :

    Mrs. Brooke owns a robot with an FSM brain. The robot walks from left to right along a paper type containing a sequence of 1's and 0's. On each clock cycle, the robot walks to the next bit. An indic

  • Q : Calculate the output resistance of the device....
    Electrical Engineering :

    An n-p-n transistor has impurity concentrations of 2x10^20 cm-3 in the emitter, 1x10^18 cm -3 in the base and 2x10^16 cm-3 in the collector. Assume the metallurgical base width is 150nm and the m

  • Q : Importance to the film canon....
    Electrical Engineering :

    Write a short essay on your genre (ACTION) and its importance to the film canon. Use specific examples of films that illustrate its importance (you don't need to limit yourself to films you wat

  • Q : Why we need of over voltage relay....
    Electrical Engineering :

    When voltage increases then current also increases then why we need of over voltage relay and over current relay? Can we measure over voltage and over current by measuring current only?

  • Q : Fiber optic and satellite communication....
    Electrical Engineering :

    Discuss the trade-offs between fiber optic and satellite communication in terms of costs, signal capacity, signaling method, interference, likelihood of failure and repair issues, multipoint capabi

  • Q : Express the result in real instantaneous form and simplify....
    Electrical Engineering :

    A sinusoidal voltage wave of real amplitude B0, and frequency w, and phase constant B, propogate in the forward z direction toward the shorted load end in a lossless transmission line of characte

  • Q : A resistor and an operational amplifier....
    Electrical Engineering :

    Use a capacitor, a resistor and an operational amplifier circuit to design an active first order low pass filter which passes frequencies that human can hear (below 15kHz). Show all the calculation

  • Q : Calculate the ratio....
    Electrical Engineering :

    "Design a passive 1-pole RLC notch filter suitable for filtering out 60Hz pickup noise. Use complex impedance to calculate the ratio Vout/Vin vs. freq - ignore phase."

  • Q : Find the sum of the elements of an array....
    Electrical Engineering :

    Write a program to find the sum of the elements of an array called list1. The size of list1 is four bytes. The values of list1 are $FF, $1, $FE, and $02. To check your work, the sum should becom

  • Q : Why the circuit power factor....
    Electrical Engineering :

    Why the Circuit Power factor (Cos θ) Decreases, when Inductance (L) or inductive reactance (XL) increases, In inductive circuit?

  • Q : Directly from the mentor....
    Electrical Engineering :

    Did you at least do the other part? The lab View part. Did you open the file that I got directly from the mentor? You have had 3 days to do this, how far are you?

  • Q : Derive a state graph for the elevator controller....
    Electrical Engineering :

    The block diagram for an elevator controller for a two-floor elevator follows. The inputs FB1 and FB2 are 1 when someone in the elevator presses the first or second floor buttons, respectively. T

  • Q : Two carnot-cycle heat engines....
    Electrical Engineering :

    Two carnot-cycle heat engines (A and B) work in series. Engine A absorbs heat at 627 oC from a high temperature thermal reservoir and releases heat to a thermal reservoir at temperature T; Engine

  • Q : What do you mean by cadence virtuoso....
    Electrical Engineering :

    What do you mean by Cadence Virtuoso not simulating the circuit? how far are you on that problem? Can I have what you have so far? Please respond?

  • Q : Electric wire is a cylindrical conductor covered....
    Electrical Engineering :

    Electric wire is a cylindrical conductor covered by an insulating material. The resistance of a piece of wire is given by the formulawhere ρ is the resistivity of the conductor, and L, A, and d

  • Q : The resistance and inductance of the circuit....
    Electrical Engineering :

    An inductive circuit takes a current of 10.5 amperes when connected to a 500 volts 50c/s supply. this current rises to 12.5 amperes when frequency is reduced to 40 c/s. the voltage being maintain

  • Q : Which one is the best and why....
    Electrical Engineering :

    Two IC op-amps are available which one is the best and why? Op-amp1: Zin = 5 Mohm, Zout = 100 ohm , Aol = 50,000 Op-amp 2: Zin = 10Mohms, Zout = 75 ohms, Aol = 150,000?

  • Q : The european union policy....
    Electrical Engineering :

    In response to the European Union's policy, an industry group was formed to generate industry-led solutions to the EU's concerns. This industry group is called?

  • Q : The wave ratio is the smallest possible....
    Electrical Engineering :

    A load with impedence z=[25-j50]ohms is to be connected to a loseless transmission line with characteristic impedance Zo.with Zo chosen such that the wave ratio is the smallest possible.what sh

  • Q : How will the device interpret that voltage....
    Electrical Engineering :

    Device has the following specifications.Maximum VIL = 1.67 V Minimum VIH = 3.33 V Maximum VOL = 0.05 V Minimum VOH = 4.95 VAn input is measured to be 3.9 V. How wi

  • Q : The upper critical frequency....
    Electrical Engineering :

    The upper critical frequency of anop-amps open loop response is 200Hz. If the midrange gain is 175,00, what is the ideal gain at 200Hz? what is th actual gain? what is the op-amps open loop band

  • Q : A locomotive accelerates....
    Electrical Engineering :

    A locomotive accelerates a 24-car train along a level track. Every car has a mass of 4.6 x 104 kg and is subject to a frictional force f = 177v, where the speed v is in meters per second and the

  • Q : A majority vote circuit....
    Electrical Engineering :

    A majority vote circuit is designed to indicate whenever two or more of three inputs are HIGH and is shown on pages 237-243 of your textbook. This circuit has been designed by beginning with a tr

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