• Q : Current in op-amp circuit....
    Electrical Engineering :

    Find current "i" for the op-amp circuit shown, assuming an ideal Op Amp (operational amplifier).

  • Q : Determining the sinusoidal voltage....
    Electrical Engineering :

    A sinusoidal voltage has a maximum value of 100V, and the value is 10V at t=0. The period is T=1ms. Determine v(t) for this sinusoidal voltage.

  • Q : Working with ripple voltage....
    Electrical Engineering :

    Assume that the input is a 60Hz signal with maximum voltage VM=100V and the load resistance R= 10kW.

  • Q : Disadvantages associated with closed loop control systems....
    Electrical Engineering :

    In this question you have to determine the closed loop transfer function and then use the characteristic equation to determine the closed loop poles.

  • Q : Determining output of exclusive or gate....
    Electrical Engineering :

    The outputs of two "NAND" gates are connected to the inputs of an "Exclusive Or" gate. Each of the "NAND" gates has one input at a logic high level.

  • Q : Rc series circuit analysis....
    Electrical Engineering :

    Consider the given circuit; the voltage step is an "ideal" pulse going from 0V to 4V and then back to 0V; the pulse width is 5 microseconds wide.

  • Q : Rlc circuit input impedance plotting....
    Electrical Engineering :

    How to plot a graph for the following RLC circuit which shows the magnitude of Z (the input impedance) as a function of frequency from 10Hz to 10KHz?

  • Q : Finding laplace transform of transfer function....
    Electrical Engineering :

    For the following circuit, how to find the Laplace transform of the transfer function V0(s)/V1(s)? Would this be considered a low or high pass filter?

  • Q : Circuit analysis and current....
    Electrical Engineering :

    A 5.1K resistor is connected between the cathode of a 6.2V zener diode and a 12V power supply. The anode of the diode is connected to 6V.

  • Q : Find values for resistance....
    Electrical Engineering :

    Find values for the resistances shown in the circuit below such that the circuit behaves as a difference amplifier with an input resistance of 30 kohms.

  • Q : First-order circuit....
    Electrical Engineering :

    A first-order circuit, having a gain of 10 at dc and a gain of 1 at infinite frequency, has its pole at 20 kHz. Find its transfer function.

  • Q : Question on superposition theorem....
    Electrical Engineering :

    Find the load voltages Vout1 and Vout2 with one voltage alone driving the circuit in each case. Also find the net response by using the superposition theorem.

  • Q : Current and voltage relationships....
    Electrical Engineering :

    Current through 1µF capacitor is given as i(t) = 4 cos (?t) where ? corresponds to the frequency of 1 MHz.

  • Q : Combinational versus sequential circuits....
    Electrical Engineering :

    A washing machine that sequences through the soak, wash, and spin cycles for preset periods of time.

  • Q : Transfer function for a circuit....
    Electrical Engineering :

    The impulse response for a circuit is h(t)=e^(-t), t>=0. What is the response function of the circuit in the s-domain if the input is f(t)=cos(2t)?

  • Q : Identification of authorized personnel....
    Electrical Engineering :

    compares and contrasts the use of electronic technology in relationship to the use of personnel and access control, surveillance.

  • Q : Building a signal conditioning circuit....
    Electrical Engineering :

    Using the Level Shifter shown in the attachment, design a circuit that will shift a signal from from +/- 25 volts (50 volts P-P) to 0 to 5 volts.

  • Q : Laplace transforms to analyse different circuits....
    Electrical Engineering :

    Laplace transforms enable interpretation and manipulation of different signals by viewing these signals as either time domain signals/pulse.

  • Q : Converting the digital levels....
    Electrical Engineering :

    State briefly why a PLC A/D module having 4 analogue input channels would probably not incorporate 4 internal A/D circuits.

  • Q : Problem on poles and stability....
    Electrical Engineering :

    Let the input x(t) = tu(t). Find y(t) and from it determine the steady-state response. What is the difference between this case and the previous one?

  • Q : Frequency of oscillation....
    Electrical Engineering :

    The parameter k must be positive. What is the maximum value k can assume before the system becomes unstable? When k is equal to the maximum value, the system o

  • Q : Op-amp circuit measurements....
    Electrical Engineering :

    Assuming that the switch closes at t0 = 0 sec, use MATLAB to plot the output voltage v0(t) for 0 =t =0.2 sec in time intervals of 0.01 sec.

  • Q : Transient current of logic gate....
    Electrical Engineering :

    Determine the maximum output current to find the the initial surge of current for (a) use I=C*dv/dt.

  • Q : Differential and instrumental amplifiers....
    Electrical Engineering :

    Derivation of the differential amplifier input impedance expressions followed by the example of how to calculate the input impedance.

  • Q : Problem on parallel rl circuit....
    Electrical Engineering :

    A parallel RL circuit has the values, R = 5kohms and XL = 5kohms. A voltage source of Vt = 10Vrms is connected in parallel to R and L.

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