• Q : Tv video signals....
    Electrical Engineering :

    There are 100 video channels numbered 1 through 100. Is this system using FDM or FDMA?

  • Q : Network used for voice communications....
    Electrical Engineering :

    Occasionally the hub has a voice message that is to be sent to all the mobile units. Can the message be sent on a single RF frequency?

  • Q : Drawing fault tree....
    Electrical Engineering :

    Draw a fault tree for the top event "no flow out of the system."Find the minimal cutsets.

  • Q : Message signal rate....
    Electrical Engineering :

    A DSSS-CDMA signal has a chip sequence that is 10,000 chips in length. The sequence repeats every millisecond. What is the chip rate?

  • Q : Memory storage and bit density....
    Electrical Engineering :

    A hard disk contains four Platters. Each side of the platter is coated with a magnetic oxide, allowing data to be stored on it.

  • Q : Maximum amount of channels....
    Electrical Engineering :

    A microwave radio link operates over a bandwidth of 400 MHz at C band. The link carries a number of channels of data using FDMA.

  • Q : Intermediate amplifier in superhet radio receiver....
    Electrical Engineering :

    Figure shows the block diagram of a superhetrodyne radio receiver. In a test a 20 uV signal was fed from the aerial into the first stage of the receiver.

  • Q : Estimating distance of noise from turbine....
    Electrical Engineering :

    As a rule of thumb, the perceived noise from a source falls by 6 dBA with every doubling of the distance from the source.

  • Q : Voltage resolution of an adc....
    Electrical Engineering :

    A simplified model of ADC noise refers the noise to a noisy input source resistance Rn while assuming the rest of the signal path to be noiseless.

  • Q : Sequence of grant operations....
    Electrical Engineering :

    Assume that at t = 70, B revokes the access right from C. Using the conventions, show the resulting diagram of access right dependencies.

  • Q : Computing the fourier transform....
    Electrical Engineering :

    A continuous time signal x(t) has the Fourier transform X(?) = 1/(j?+b) where b is a constant. Determine the Fourier transform for v(t) = x(t) * x(t).

  • Q : Amplifier circuit analysis....
    Electrical Engineering :

    Explain the operation of the circuit and in particular the role of resistors R1 and R2.

  • Q : Computing z-transform of discrete time signal....
    Electrical Engineering :

    Compute the unit-pulse response h[n] for the discrete-time system y[n+2]2y[n+1]+y[n]=x[n] (for n = 0, 1, 2, 3).

  • Q : Determining system fault....
    Electrical Engineering :

    A 415 V, 3-phase generator supplying a 3-phase 415/110 V transformer. Draw the individual and combined impedance diagrams to a base of 10 kVA.

  • Q : Proportional plus derivative control....
    Electrical Engineering :

    See the drawing showing proportional plus derivative controller that has a proportional band of 20% and a derivative action time of 0.1 minutes.

  • Q : Control of an electric heating system....
    Electrical Engineering :

    The heater is driven from a voltage-controlled power supply, the voltage V1 being derived from a potentiometer.

  • Q : Describing operation of a current mirror....
    Electrical Engineering :

    How are mutual transconductance, ß and a of a BJT transistor related to each other? What role do these parameters play in circuit design?

  • Q : Transient and fourier waveforms....
    Electrical Engineering :

    Sketch the waveform defined below and explain how you would obtain its Fourier series, develop the analysis as far as you are able.

  • Q : Determining rms rating of motor....
    Electrical Engineering :

    If the efficiency of the motor and drive system is 80% and it is fed through a transistor regulator at 12V.

  • Q : Designing half-wave unregulated power supply....
    Electrical Engineering :

    Design a half-wave unregulated power supply to give VL = 15V at IL = 10mA with deltav <= 0.1V. Assume a 120V, 60Hz supply.

  • Q : Finding autocorrelation function....
    Electrical Engineering :

    A white Gaussian noise process X(t) with power spectral density (PSD) N0/2=0.1 is input to an LTI filter with a transfer function H(f) given by.

  • Q : Potential difference between charger and battery....
    Electrical Engineering :

    In order to charge a battery there must be a potential difference between the charger and the battery, i.e.a charging voltage.

  • Q : Risk analysis and management fault tolerant systems....
    Electrical Engineering :

    What would be your revised estimate of failure rates of the components in your system?

  • Q : Working with wired rifle microphones and radio microphones....
    Electrical Engineering :

    On propagation related problems within the theatre and the positioning of transmit and receive antennas and "space diversity" reception.

  • Q : Problem on conservation of energy....
    Electrical Engineering :

    Conservation of energy requires that the sum of the power absorbed by all the elements in a circuit be zero.

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