• Q : Sampling frequency and bit rate of transmission....
    Electrical Engineering :

    If the digital outputs of three identical video cameras are combined onto a single cable using time division multiplexing, what is the bit rate on the cable?

  • Q : Calculating power of spectral component....
    Electrical Engineering :

    Consider a spectrum analyzer and suppose that V1 = 5 V, V2 = 0.1 V, V3 = 0.4 V, and V4 = 0.2 V. What is the total harmonic distortion?

  • Q : Determining cutoff frequency....
    Electrical Engineering :

    If the unity gain frequency is 5 MHz and the midband open-loop voltage gain is 200,000, what is the cutoff frequency?

  • Q : Analysing output spectrum....
    Electrical Engineering :

    A spectrum analyzer is connected to an unknown signal. The spectrum analyzer displays the power level of signals in dBm vertically and frequency horizontally.

  • Q : Analyzing a square wave....
    Electrical Engineering :

    The waveform output by the signal generator in part (b) is changed so that the rectangular pulses have the same width but no longer are periodic.

  • Q : Digitizing an audio signal....
    Electrical Engineering :

    The sampling rate is to be 1.2 times the Nyquist rate. What is the sampling frequency?What is the bit rate at the output of the ADC?

  • Q : Maximum symbol rate of twisted pair line....
    Electrical Engineering :

    A twisted pair telephone line is equipped with an equalizer that ensures the line has a constant attenuation between 300 Hz and 3300 Hz.

  • Q : Examination of digital radio link....
    Electrical Engineering :

    What RF bandwidth must the radio link provide if the modulation is binary phase shift keying (BPSK)?

  • Q : Finding maximum pulse rate....
    Electrical Engineering :

    If the filters in the transmitter and receiver are changed for ideal RRC filters with roll off factor r = 0.25, what is the maximum symbol rate for this link?

  • Q : Determining cause of bit errors on digital link....
    Electrical Engineering :

    A logical 1 is transmitted over the link. A noise spike of +150 mV is added to the signal at the instant it is sampled by the receiver. Will this cause a bit er

  • Q : Bandwidth occupied by qpsk signal....
    Electrical Engineering :

    What is the BER at the output of the receiver in clear air conditions, and the average time between errors? Give your answer in years, days.

  • Q : Determining average time between errors....
    Electrical Engineering :

    For what percentage of the time is the noise output of the receiver greater than + 2.0 V or more negative than -2.0 V?

  • Q : Decompsotion of time domain signals....
    Electrical Engineering :

    A radio transmitter operates at a carrier frequency of 99.1 MHz. The transmitter has an intermediate frequency of 10.0 MHz.

  • Q : Baseband digital transmission....
    Electrical Engineering :

    A baseband digital data link transmits polar binary NRZ current pulses at a rate of 1.0 Msps. The link uses ideal RRC filters with roll off factor r = 0.5.

  • Q : Analyzing digital radio link....
    Electrical Engineering :

    A digital radio link operates at a frequency of 75 MHz and uses ideal RRC filters with roll off factor r = 0.2 in the transmitter and receiver.

  • Q : Calculating noise power....
    Electrical Engineering :

    Calculate the power received Pr, by a receiving terminal (earth station) at the edge of the satellite transmit beam (edge of coverage area).

  • Q : Analysis of frequency spectrum....
    Electrical Engineering :

    What is the extent of the spectrum in the frequency domain? What is the unit that is applied to the magnitude of the spectrum?

  • Q : Analysis of digitally sampled pcm audio signal....
    Electrical Engineering :

    An audio signal has a frequency range from 50 Hz to 20 kHz. The signal is sampled, digitized and recorded on magnetic tape as a PCM signal.

  • Q : Characteristics of a filter....
    Electrical Engineering :

    From 2 kHz to 20 kHz attenuation increases from 3 dB to 23 dB in a straight line when plotted on axes of power in decibels (vertical axis) against log frequency

  • Q : Noise bandwidth of receiver....
    Electrical Engineering :

    A digital communication system transmits binary data using polar NRZ pulses of current over a baseband link with a bandwidth of 20 kHz.

  • Q : Bandwidth occupied by qpsk signal....
    Electrical Engineering :

    Why is it necessary to include an implementation margin when estimating the BER expected in a real digital communications link?

  • Q : If-rf reception and system noise....
    Electrical Engineering :

    The receiver in problem 4 has a dynamic range of 78.7 dB. If it has a 6 dB NF preamp (gain = 20 dB) added to its input, find its sensitivity and dynamic range.

  • Q : Analysing harmonic content of ac voltage waveforms....
    Electrical Engineering :

    An a.c. voltage, V, comprises of a fundamental voltage of 100 V rms at a frequency of 120 Hz, a 3rd harmonic which is 20% of the fundamental.

  • Q : Inverse laplace transforms....
    Electrical Engineering :

    Use Laplace transforms to compute the solution to the differential equation given below.Compute the Laplace transform of e-10t =u(t).

  • Q : Determining rms interference voltage....
    Electrical Engineering :

    The midrange open-loop gain of a certain op-amp is 150 dB. Negative feedback reduces this gain by 60 dB. What is the closed-loop gain?

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