• Q : What is maximum quantisation error....
    Electrical Engineering :

    An analogue signal is to be sampled from a transducer with an output voltage range of 0 to 10 volts and operating on a 12-volt power supply.

  • Q : Waveform with fourier transform....
    Electrical Engineering :

    A waveform v(t) has a Fourier transform which extends over the range -F to +F in the frequency domain.

  • Q : Multiplexer conversion....
    Electrical Engineering :

    Given a 16-to-1 Multiplexer, how many of the following are required:Convert the following numbers as indicated.

  • Q : Tones input in to an amplifier....
    Electrical Engineering :

    The tones are pure sinusoids with one at frequencies 8GHz and the other at frequency 8.03GHz,(delta f =0.03GHz).

  • Q : Erlang problem....
    Electrical Engineering :

    A company needs to provide sufficient private trunks between two switches to accommodate 90% of call attempts among employees.

  • Q : Transfer function-open and closed loop system....
    Electrical Engineering :

    Compute a K of the form [ 1 k2] so that (A - BK, C) is unobservable. (I.e., the closed loop system is unobservable).

  • Q : Problem on data link....
    Electrical Engineering :

    What bit pattern (after you remove the beginning and ending flags and any stuffed bits) will the receiver pass on for higher level processing?

  • Q : Proportional-integral-derivative control....
    Electrical Engineering :

    Let Ki = 10. Use the Routh-Hurwitz criterion to find the range of Kd, and Kp in terms of Kd, so that closed loop stability is achieved.

  • Q : Maintaining transistor in saturation....
    Electrical Engineering :

    For the circuit, determine the required values of Rd, R1 and R2 so that the transistor operates in the saturation region with Id=0.5mA.

  • Q : Reason for using non-uniform quantizers....
    Electrical Engineering :

    A PCM system with uniform quantization is used to transmit a speech signal. The bandwidth of the signal is equal to 6 KHz.

  • Q : Programming logic for movie collection....
    Electrical Engineering :

    You want to produce a report of your movie collection. Which fields would you use, and which would be the data types of each of those fields?

  • Q : Problem on cellular communications....
    Electrical Engineering :

    For an urban environment, at 1900MHz, what is the path loss between a base station at 40m height and a mobile at 1.6m height separated by a distance of 5 km?

  • Q : Communications systems of frequency downconverters....
    Electrical Engineering :

    The band-pass filter has a center frequency fi=|fc - ft| (also known as the intermediate frequency, IF).

  • Q : Problem on network planning and link budget....
    Electrical Engineering :

    Assume feeder lengths = tower heights, and a mobile height of 2m. For the purpose of this exercise, cell with a radius of less than 1 km are acceptable.

  • Q : Finding a transfer function....
    Electrical Engineering :

    A feedback element with a transfer function, H(s), is to be chosen so that the system steady-state error to a unit step input is equal to 0.07.

  • Q : Finding phasor current....
    Electrical Engineering :

    For the following circuit, find the phasor current Ix.

  • Q : Block truncation coding....
    Electrical Engineering :

    Suppose you have a 64 gray-level 512x512 image.What is the compression ratio achieved by the BTC with 8x8 sub-blocks?

  • Q : Computing fourier series coefficient....
    Electrical Engineering :

    Compute the Fourier series coefficient of the periodic function shown in the figure and defined as.

  • Q : Determining mesh current....
    Electrical Engineering :

    Determine the mesh currents ia and ib in the circuit shown.

  • Q : Thevenin equivalent voltage....
    Electrical Engineering :

    A resistor, R, was connected to a circuit box as shown. The voltage, v, was measured. The resistor was changed, and the voltage was measured again.

  • Q : Designing a series controller....
    Electrical Engineering :

    Design a series controller (a PD, PI or PID) so that the following performance specifications are satisfied.

  • Q : Unity feedback system....
    Electrical Engineering :

    If the unity feedback closes around this G(s) and an input is a unit step r(t) = 1u(t), what is the stead-state error, e_ss, as a function of alpha and K?

  • Q : Phase angle of current....
    Electrical Engineering :

    An RC series circuit has a voltage source of 10Vac, a resistor of 10ohms, and a capacitor with an impedance of -j10 ohms.

  • Q : Saturated npn transistor....
    Electrical Engineering :

    A saturated npn transistor has a base to emitter applied voltage of 0.6V. The collector to emitter voltage is 0.2V. The collector current is 12mA.

  • Q : Problem on speedup and efficiency....
    Electrical Engineering :

    Given 100 processors for a computation with 5% of the code that cannot be paralleled, compute the speedup and efficiency.

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