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What do you understand by encryption on databases? Distinguish between internet and intranet.
Write down a C program to sort the data in two dimensional array.
Distinguish between bottom up and top-down testing.
What are the advantages of rate monotonic scheduling. What do you mean by task assignments?
Write down Euclid’s algorithm in ADA using recursion with suitable example.
What is the function of neural networks in real time systems?
Describe fault tolerant scheduling. What are its various advantages over other scheduling algorithms?
What is the function of fuzzy logic in real time systems? Explain the concept of deadline based protocols.
Describe Time token protocol in detail with a suitable flow chart. Why is the polling latency typically faster than interrupt latency?
Describe at least three uni-processor scheduling algorithms in detail.
Write down the difference between pre-emptive and non-pre-emptive scheduling with suitableexample.
Write down the names of different performance measures of a real time system.
Distinguish between real time and general purpose databases. Write in detail.
Explain Deadlock Deadlines based protocols in detail. Explain Performance measures for real time systems.
Describe Earliest Deadline First Scheduling algorithm. Describe different protocols used for real time communication.
Write down the issues and research for real-time systems.
Write down various RAID levels supported by Windows NT?
Describe the procedure to configure remote access services in any network operating system.
Describe the Morphological, Syntactic and Semantic phase of natural language processing.
What do you mean by AI ? Write down its applications? Describe different underlying assumptions of AI.
Describe the importance of queuing configuration in the ATM Networks. Compare and contrast various queuing configuration being used in the ATM Networks.
Distinguish the terms User Control and Management Planes.
Describe various models for designing ATM Interface. Describe the ATM Conjunction Control in detail.
What do you understand by Virtual Path Identifier?
Describe the ATM based protocol internetworking in detail.