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What are the fields in that the ideal designer of interactive system must expertise? Illustrate out the four (4) general categories of control layout and design.
Sketch and describe the block diagram of typical workstation. With the use of a block diagram describe the display system with only frame buffer.
Illustrate out the term synchronous and asynchronous Data Replication. Illustrate out the dissimilar types of Attacks.
Describe the Attribute-Based Programming Model for Grid Services. What are the characteristics which users/applications in Grid Computing environments should be capable to carry out?
Describe the different approaches to compiler development. Write down the output of each phase for the expression a: = b + c *
Describe briefly producer-consumer pair of lexical analyzer and parser.
Explain the Analysis-Synthesis Model of compilation in detail. Write down the feasible error-recovery actions in lexical Analyzer.
Explain threats and attacks in distributed system in detail. Describe cryptography and the uses of cryptography.
Describe flat Transaction and Nested Transaction. Describe a distributed banking transaction.
Write detailed note on: Distributed garbage collection, Distributed deadlock detection and Distributed termination detection.
Explain the use of remote object references in detail. What do you understand by object location?
Write down the difference between RMI and RPC. What do you mean by Datagram?
Explain in detail about characteristics of inter process communication.
Write a comprehensive note on the general observation regarding design rules. Why package sealing is needed in packing and how it is done?
Sketch the cross section of Bi CMOS transistor. Prove that the combination of BJT and MOS technology provides the best performance in Analogue VLSI design.
Describe the methods of augmentation for a grammar of AI problem.
Describe in detail ambiguity and disambiguation in knowledge representation.
Describe top down parsing by a search problem. Describe bottom up parsing by a search problem in detail.
Describe multilayer feed forward neural networks with suitable algorithm.
Write down the factors involved in analysis of efficiency gains from EBL.
Describe forward chaining and backward chaining in detail for a first order definite clauses.
Write down the components of a first order logic. Write down the difference between the two quantifiers in the logics.
What are the problems faced by a local search algorithm? What are the components of a genetic algorithm?
Explain the method of reading the names and values of parameters that are included in a client request. Illustrate with an example program.
Write brief notes on Iterative deepening depth first search.