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Illustrate the synchronous and asynchronous communications from serial devices. Illustrate out the various bus structures which are employed in embedded systems.
How do you construct your AJAX functionality? Describe.
Write down the four (4) types of data transfer employed in USB. What do you understand by the tem high speed device interfaces?
What do you mean by EJB? How many various types of EJB components are accessible?
Illustrate the merits of using Entity bean for database operations over directly by using JDBC API to do the database operations? When one must be used over the other?
Describe any six benefits of Software as Service in Cloud computing?
Illustrate the meaning of Firewall? Describe various types of firewalls in short.
Write down the steps to model the executable release. Demonstrate with a UML diagram.
Describe how optimization in achieved in mobile IP. Describe tunnelling and encapsulation in mobile IP.
What do you mean by binding time in compilation? Describe the significance of binding time.
Distinguish two-pass and single pass translation scheme in an assembler.
What are the four types of handover available in GSM? What do you understand by TETRA? Explain in detail.
Describe in brief the broadly used language processor development tool-the lexical analyzer generator LEX.
Explain any four characteristics of the top down approaches to algorithmic design.
Design parallel priority interrupt hardware for a system through eight interrupt sources.
What do you mean by the shared secret key? Also write down the algorithm with suitable example. Describe EIGamal Public key cryptosystem in detail.
What do you mean by micro-instruction? With appropriate block diagram, describe the working of a micro programmed sequencer.
Illustrate the implications of Moore’s Law in the growth of computer technology?
What do you mean by weak collision property of a hash function?
Describe the Miller-Rabin Algorithm with suitable example. User A and B exchange key by using Diffie-Hellman algorithm. Suppose α=5 q=11 XA=2 XB=3. Determine the value of YA, YB and k.
Describe the tunneling operation in the mobile IP. Draw the relevant diagram.
What is the function of session key in public key schemes? What is the purpose of the State array?
Convert “MEET ME” by using Hill cipher with the key matrix. Write short notes on:Chinese Remainder theorem.
Explain Euler’s totient function or phi function and their applications in detail.
2-dimensional intensity arrays suffer from the three principal types of data redundancies namely: coding, spatial and temporal, irrelevant information. In brief explain each.