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With a neat block diagram, describe the working principle of the micro program sequencer.
Write down comprehensive notes on Iterative deepening depth first search. Write down comprehensive note on Depth limited search.
Make a distinction between an agent of AI and non AI program. Illustrate out the term tree search algorithm in detail.
What do you mean by digital multiplexer? Describe its functional diagram. Realize 4-to-1 multiplexer by using:
Write down the environment characteristics of any four (4) agent type. Illustrate out in detail Simple reflex agent.
Illustrate the meaning of Instruction Set Completeness? Write down the types of instructions to be comprised in the Instruction Set.
Write down the name of various uninformed search. Give the problem types for searching based upon partial information.
Illustrate out the differentiation between utility function and performance measure? Illustrate out the differentiation between agent function and agent program?
Write down a PEAS description for the automated taxi? Write down a PEAS description for the vacuum cleaner?
Write down the different types of induction heuristics. Write down the principles which are followed by any learning procedure.
Write down the features of the ideal planner. Write down the components which are needed for representing the action.
Write down the ways in which one can understand the semantics of the belief network. Write down the basic task of the probabilistic inference.
Illustrate out the principle of maximum expected utility? What is the need for the utility theory in uncertainty?
Illustrate out the Modus Ponen’s rule in Propositional logic. Illustrate AND –Elimination rule in propositional logic.
Illustrate out the criteria for the evaluation of search strategy. Make a distinction between blind search& heuristic search.
Illustrate out the various type of agent program. Write down the phases which are involved in designing a problem solving agent.
State Artificial Intelligence formulated by Haugeland. State Artificial Intelligence in terms of human performance.
Write down the various steps in knowledge engineering process of the first order logic. Write down the various resolution strategies.
Write down the differentiation between the two quantifiers in logics. What do you understand by the term synchronic and diachronic?
Illustrate a class called binarySearchTree to represent the Binary search tree. Extend this class by adding the public method outputInRange (Low, High) that outputs, in rising order of key, all elem
Describe different data structures which are used by One-Pass Macro processor.
Write down the components of basic sub elements of the control loop. What do you understand by the term control loop? Draw the diagram of control loop.
List all the merits of Top-Down parsing without backtracking. What do you mean by predictive parser?
Provide the two representations of CNOT gate; in brief explain the CNOT gate. Provide Truth table.
Describe the Interrupt acknowledgement cycle. Illustrate different kinds of interrupts.