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illustration of perform with varying optiona perform para-3 varying the k from 1 by 1 until k gt 10here para-3 will be constantly executed 10 times
illustration of perform statementperform calcualte-taxin this illustration the calculate-tax is either a section name or paragraph name
example of perform statementperform begin-calculation thru end-calculationassume begin-calculation and end-calcultion is paragraph names the
nested if statement the then and else statement of an if statement can hold other if statements the involved if statements in their turn may also
illustration of the abbreviationa few illustration of the abbreviation are given belowillustrationthe compound condition amount greater than 499
abbreviationthe consecutive relational conditions in a compound condition can be abbreviated in many cases as showni when the subjects in the
compound conditionthe two simple conditions can be connected by the logical operators and or or to form a compound condition also termed as combined
negated simple conditionany of the easy condition explained can be preceded by the logical operator not the consequence of placing the operator not
example of condition namesthe illustration below is of the use of the condition names 77 marital-status pic 9
rules for apply for the condition namethe rules below apply for the condition namei the condition names should be explained at level 88 the level
example of class conditionlet the basic-pay be a data name in the card record defined with picture 95 v99 by reading the card we can test the value
class condition the class condition establishes whether or not the value of the operand is numeric or alphabetic the operand is numeric if it
example of sign conditionthe illustration below describes the use of the sign conditionillustration 77 balance pic s9 6 v99
comparison of the numeric operand with nonnumeric operandthe numeric operand can be compared to the nonnumeric operand subject to the restrictions
comparison of nonnumeric operandsa nonnumeric operand can be compared to the other nonnumeric operand according to the rules as shown belowi fields
comparison of numeric operandswe are well-known with the kind of the relational condition where both the operands are numeric the comparison in this
relational condition we know that a relational condition specifies a comparison between two operands and has the form
condition - cobol programmingthe condition is an entity which at one point of time can have only one of the two values - true or false as we already
program for compute verbwe have to write an easy program to elaborate the compute verb identification divisionprogram- id compverbenvironment
program for size error we have to write an easy program to elaborate the size error optionidentification divisionprogram- id sizeerrenvironment
program for divide verb we have to write an easy program to elaborate divide verb you can also use edit characters in the programidentification
program for multiply verbwe have to write a simple program to elaborate multiply verb you can also use the edit characters in the
program for subtract verbwe have to write a simple program to elaborate the subtract verb you can also use edit characters in the
program for add verbwe have to write a simple program to elaborate the add verb you can also use edit characters in the programidentification
on size error optionwhenever a size error occurs the contents of the result field after the operation is unpredictable though the processing is