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q for a curve of 50 apex angle of 900 and transition length of 60m calculate the parameters for setting out curve by a theodolite for ttp mid
q if the degree of curve is defined by the angle at the center subtended by an arc or chord 20 meters find the length of the chord in meters so
q a transition curve is required for a circular curve of 200-meter phi radius the gauge being 15 m and max super elevation restricted to 15 cm
q what do you mean by river gaugingdue to certain behavior of rivers the problem of gauging then is quit complex the purpose of river gauging is to
q explain hot weather patrolling hot weather patrolling is done for lwr and cwr tracks when the rail temperature reaches td 200 c and above and td
q how can a temporary diversion to laid a cross flowing river in case of disruption to rail traffic over a major bridge lasting over 6 months ans-
q explain about overhauling of level xingeach level crossing except those laid with psc sleepers must be opened out and the condition of sleepers and
q protection of line in case of lsquostop dead restriction for carrying out a work of short duration on a single line section on a bg route
q explain census of traffic at level crossingsperiodical census of traffic at all level crossings unmannedmanned should be taken at least once in
q7- write the important items to be inspected during level crossing inspection how do you take census of traffic at level crossingans-important items
multi speed restriction ie existence of two or more than two speed restrictions in continuationwhen work of deep screening or sleeper renewal is in
q case of multi speed restrictionsposition of engineering indicators in case of multi speed restrictions on one of the line in a double line section
q explain about catch sidingsnormally all catch sidings except those which are sanded shall be kept alive on sanded catch siding the rails shall be
q what is assisted sidingan assisted siding is a siding to serve a factory mill or other industrial premises other than colliery or mining are
qwhat do you mean by slip sidingif the station yard is in a gradient steeper than 1 in 260 or there is a continuous falling gradient away from the
q what is the importance of general and subsidiary rules what is the main differences between the twoans- importance of general and subsidiary
q write briefly for trolley permitsit is the permit given to the moter trolley push trolley cycle moped trolley it is essential to have trolley
ion single line by one or two men as required following and proceeding the lorry at a distance of 600 m on the bg and 400 m on the mg amp ng carrying
q what are rules for working of dip lorries and their protection arrangements on a single line section explain with sketchesans-rules for working of
with a clear sketch indicate the system of protection of line for works of short duration where lsquo stop dead restriction need to be observed on a
q what do you mean by depth of scourthe maximum scour depth in a stream can be ascertained when ever possible by actual sounding at or near the site
write definition of the following -i afflux ii free board iii clearance iv via duct v skew bridge vi cause way vii clear
q explain foundation design discharge for a bridgeto provide for an adequate margin of safety against any abnormal flood exceeding the design
q explain types of bearingsthe bearing transfers the forces coming from the superstructure to the substructure it also allows for necessary movements
major bridge - major bridge is one of which has a total linear waterway of 18 m or more for multiple and total linear water way of 12 m or more