• Q : Equality in pay....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    Pay particular attention to your audience. Describe all issues accurately to make them understandable across all levels of employees.

  • Q : Merits and demerits of a forced distribution method....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    Write down the merits and demerits of a forced distribution method of performance evaluation? In your opinion, are forced distribution processes worth the potential legal and employee relation probl

  • Q : Pro-affirmative action advocate....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    Choose and examine an article on Arthur Fletcher, the noted pro-affirmative action advocate. In addition, find out a second article which takes a stance against the affirmative action.

  • Q : Regulations of the civil rights act....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    Describe and examine the regulations of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Civil Rights Act of 1991. Comprise a discussion of executive orders giving laws covering federal workers, comprising affi

  • Q : Features of the fair labor standards act....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    Research and recognize the salient features of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). Give a definition of exempt and nonexempt employees.

  • Q : State laws associating to employment-at-will....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    Comprise a discussion on how the employer of a team member responds to its state's laws associating to employment-at-will.

  • Q : Criminal justice area and the motivation processes....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    Write down a 1,750 to 2,450 word paper analyzing the agency or other workplace of one of your team members-select an organization which is closely aligned with the criminal justice area-and th

  • Q : Criminal justice setting in a law enforcement organization....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    Develop a presentation of the four types of teams, outlining the advantages and disadvantages of their use in a criminal justice setting in a law enforcement organization or any criminal justic

  • Q : Ethics awareness inventory analysis....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    Make a 300 to 600 word analysis of your Ethics Awareness Inventory.

  • Q : How ethics and law similar....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    How are ethics and the law similar? Support your answer with real-world illustrations.

  • Q : Individual rights versus social rights....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    Compare and contrast the individual rights versus social rights. Describe what individual rights are, the difference between civil justice, criminal justice and administration of justice.

  • Q : Various court-related programming....
    Business Law and Ethics :

     Describe how various court-related programming might have affected the average citizen's views of the criminal justice system.

  • Q : Government-sanctioned views of morality....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    Examine how far into the private lives of citizens might government-sanctioned views of morality properly intrude and if a crisis of over-criminalization exists in the United States.

  • Q : Retribution-incapacitation-deterrence-rehabilitation....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    imposing a sentence and how the judge would incorporate the sentencing goals of retribution, incapacitation, deterrence, rehabilitation and restitution in his sentence of this individual for this sp

  • Q : Legal and ethical issues regarding workplace....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    Make a 1,050 to 1,400 word paper on legal and ethical issues regarding workplace drug testing while as well addressing workplace drug prevention and education programs.

  • Q : Scenario of ethical model and code of ethics....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    Explain what ethical model and code of ethics would you apply to solve this issue.

  • Q : Ethical model and code of ethics....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    Explain what ethical model and code of ethics would you apply to solve this issue.

  • Q : Issues and ethics in the helping profession....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    Choose a case study: Issues and Ethics in the Helping Profession, all of which are concerned with a family or couples issue.

  • Q : Criminal law terminology....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    There is wealth of information in the textbook about key concepts in the foundations of criminal justice.

  • Q : Jurisdiction and searches....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    Respond to this question if your last name starts with the letters A-L. What is jurisdiction and how does it influence the criminal prosecution?

  • Q : Ethics in the criminal process....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    Develop a paper detailing the importance of ethics in the criminal justice and criminal procedure. Please be sure to comprise all of the given elements in your paper:

  • Q : Confused concepts in criminal law....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    Two usually confused concepts in criminal law are reasonable suspicion and probable cause. Define and assess both of these important legal terms, and utilize pertinent U.S.

  • Q : Mandatory sentencing....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    The trend in the United States is toward mandatory sentencing for most criminal offenses. Comprise the given in your initial post:

  • Q : Crimes of voluntary manslaughter-involuntary manslaughter....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    Define the crimes of the voluntary manslaughter, involuntary manslaughter, and negligent homicide.

  • Q : Contemporary issues influencing criminal justice system....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    Recent and future trends and contemporary issues influencing the criminal justice system.

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