• Q : Violating a fiduciary duty....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    Plaintiffs appealed Did H&R Block violate a fiduciary duty through its failure to disclose its relationship with the banks involved? Why?

  • Q : Discussion in retail contracts with commission....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    Palmer made a valid contract with Ames under which Ames was to sell Palmer's goods on commission from January 1 to June 30. Ames made satisfactory sales up to May 15 and was then about to close an u

  • Q : Immigration reform and control act....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    Does the Immigration Reform and Control Act apply to your current (or most recent) employer? Explain. What are the consequences to an employer if it hires an unauthorized alien?

  • Q : Blowing the whistle-employer violation of contract....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    Roxberry was fired a short time later, and she sued R&P for wrongful dis­charge, alleging that she had been fired for "blowing the whistle" on her employer's violation of its contract with t

  • Q : Discharge prohibited by statute....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    General Motors claims that Percivil's employment was terminable at the will of GM for any reason and with or without cause, provided that the discharge was not prohibited by statute. Has Percivil be

  • Q : Unfair union practices....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    On May 26, the trial examiner issued his Intermediate Report finding that the respondent (Sailers' Union) had not engaged in unfair union practices under Section 8(b) in their dispute with Samsoc.

  • Q : Defining a legal doctrine....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    In 1 to 2 pages of content Identify and clearly define the relevant law, either defining a legal doctrine, provisions of a law, or elements of a specific cause of action.

  • Q : Case of unfair discrimination....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    Carol sued Specialty, claiming religious discrimination. Specialty defended claiming that Carol was not fired for religious discrimination but for absenteeism. Is this a case of unfair discriminatio

  • Q : Employment discrimination-union organization....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    In two to three paragraphs, provide information related to whether the topics apply to your new company and how your company will handle issues related to the topics. - Employment discrimination- Gu

  • Q : Issue involving uniform computer information transaction act....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    Research a recent article that discusses an issue involving the Uniform Computer Information Transactions Act and write a summary of the article.

  • Q : Problem on benfords law to detect fraud....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    Read this article. What are other tools auditors can use to detect fraud in a company? Response in around 100 words.

  • Q : Consensus about health care law....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    Question: Why is Congress often unable to come to consensus about health care law? Write your reply in a white paper according to APA style of writing.

  • Q : Legal issue-legal rule and analysis....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    Paul Gett is a well-known, wealthy financial expert living in the city of Torris. Adam Wade, Gett's friend, tells Timothy Brown that he is Gett's agent for the purchase of rare coins.

  • Q : Entitlement and rights....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    Dan issues a check for $100. Eve steals it and alters the amount to $1,000. She negotiates the check to Fred, who takes it in good faith, for value, and without notice of the alteration. Dan refuses

  • Q : How is a supervisor involved in discrimination....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    1. Other than it being against the law, what's wrong with discrimination? 2. How is a supervisor involved in discrimination? Provide specific scenarios and examples.

  • Q : What is wrong with harassment....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    Other than it being against the law, what's wrong with harassment? What does it do to productivity or quality, and is it ever moral?

  • Q : Case related to criminal law and the business world....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    Research a case related to criminal law and the business world. Discuss the facts of the case and the application of criminal law. Identify whether the crime is a white collar crime or blue collar c

  • Q : Regulations and laws of a contract....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    Multi-Tek issued check number 896 in the face amount of $1,844.98, drawn on Multi-Tek's account at Fidelity and made payable to Multilayer Computer Circuits. However, 10 days later, Multi-Tek's pres

  • Q : Attempt to pierce the corporate veil....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    What elements do the creditors of the Askew View corporation need to show to be successful in their attempt to "pierce the corporate veil" and recover from Keith personally for alleged corporate deb

  • Q : Statistics in determining staffing discrimination....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    To determine whether there is evidence of disparate impact, we rely heavily on the use of statistics. What are the strengths and the limitations of using statistics in determining staffing discrimin

  • Q : Steps necessary to establish a corporation....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    In this exercise: Complete the steps necessary to establish a corporation. Remember, that a corporation does not exist until the corporation documents are both filed and accepted by its home state.

  • Q : Discussion on the engagement ring issue....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    Post your position and discussion on the Engagement Ring issue here.

  • Q : Adverse possession of property law case....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    In West Virginia, where these properties were located, there is a ten-year statute of limitations covering adverse possession of property. Were the Naabs able to claim title to the land on which the

  • Q : Kelo case-do you agree with the dissenters....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    Please read the Kelo case in the link below: Discuss this issue: Do you agree with the majority opinion? Do you agree with the dissenters? Why? Why not? Explain your position.

  • Q : Contract negotiations with the ford motor company....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    Problem: The United Auto Workers union enters into contract negotiations with the Ford Motor Company in Michigan. What are the three main subject areas the UAW can negotiate with Ford? Provide an ex

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