• Q : Threatening to file a lawsuit....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    An employee is upset because a co-worker has been spreading rumors about her. She is threatening to file a lawsuit. If she does, what type of allegation would she be making, and what are the element

  • Q : Random drug test and tested positive for marijuana use....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    A truck driver was subjected to a random drug test and tested positive for marijuana use. After a confirmatory test verified the initial result, the driver was terminated. He denied having ever used

  • Q : Problem of leonel versus american airlines....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    Look at Leonel v American Airlines, 400 F, 3d 702 (9TH Cir. 2005). Read the story of the flight attendants whose conditional job offer was rescinded for failure to disclose HIV-positive status on th

  • Q : Negotiate a contract with a business person....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    Describe elements of culture that might affect how you would negotiate a contract with a business person from both countries and from your own country. Describe the following three countries: Austra

  • Q : Ethnicities for upcoming job openings....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    Tell the managers you will provide them with more diverse candidate slates, and while you will not mandate who they hire, you will strongly suggest that they begin to hire candidates of differing et

  • Q : Case of hoyle versus freightliner....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    Review the scenario presented as it relates to the case of Hoyle v. Freightliner. Were the actions of the co-workers towards the female employee sufficient to meet the severe and pervasive threshold

  • Q : Law terminologies of common employment law....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    Demonstrate your understanding of the following terms by using them correctly in a paragraph you create. Creativity is encouraged, but not required; a realistic scenario would be best.

  • Q : Reject the machine-revoke acceptance of the machine....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    At the end of the three months, she notified Tammie to come and get it. Has Kristine lost her right (a) to reject the machine? (b) to revoke acceptance of the machine?

  • Q : Difference between fmla interference and fmla retaliation....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    Compare and contrast the difference between FMLA interference and FMLA retaliation. Additionally, articulate the requirements for an employee to be covered under FMLA.

  • Q : Religious officers and employment law....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    Case: A devoutly religious office coordinator used the phrase "Have a Blessed Day" in many of her workplace communications (conversations, e-mails, and phone calls) with co-workers, managers, and c

  • Q : Contract for the international sale of goods-case study....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    Both Australia and Singapore are common law countries. Singatron and Semicontronics conclude their first round of negotiations with a Letter of Intent (LOI). If the deal falls through, will either p

  • Q : Possible tax consequences for the scenario....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    Please suggest on what my options are, the merits and demerits of each, and possible tax consequences for each scenario?

  • Q : Influence of medium-sized private companies....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    Outline three (3) ways in which your medium-sized private company may benefit from going public, providing a rationale for each.

  • Q : Case study-fault of arnett or butler....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    As a result of a fire, which occurred without any fault of Arnett or Butler, both warehouses and their contents were destroyed. Is Arnett liable to Hines for the value of her piano and furniture? Ex

  • Q : Company decision to obtain expansion funds....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    Suggest four (4) leading financial ratios that will be evaluated and how each will impact the company's decision to obtain expansion funds. Determine whether the results of the ratios would alter th

  • Q : Does united need to make a report to osha....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    Following medical treatment, he returned to the company which transferred him to an inspector position due to his broken arm. Does United need to make a report to OSHA?

  • Q : Story on sharon smiley and equity lifestyle properties....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    Google the story on Sharon Smiley and Equity Lifestyle Properties in Chicago, IL to find a plethora of information on the event.

  • Q : Contract for the sale of goods be fair....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    The UCC does not require that a contract for the sale of goods be "fair." Should the Code require that a contract be fair, or would this unnecessarily derogate the principle of freedom of contract?

  • Q : Impact of sox compliance....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    Considering the impact of SOX compliance, take a position as to whether your company can overcome the challenges posed by SOX compliance if the decision is to go public.

  • Q : Differences between ethical issues and legal issues....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    What are the differences between ethical issues and legal issues? Describe a scenario in which an issue may be unethical, but legal. Describe a scenario in which an issue may be ethical, but illegal

  • Q : Describe and analyze employment labor law....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    Describe and analyze employment a labor law influences as the (fictional) Construction Company grows domestically and internationally. Used for information as we develop the company.

  • Q : Traditional litigation and pursuing adr in case....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    Discuss the differences in costs and benefits of going through traditional litigation and pursuing ADR in this case (consider or example, why one of the parties in the case you're looking at may hav

  • Q : Patient protection-affordable care act of a company....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    Problem: Suppose that you are an employer with 110 employees and a group health plan. How would the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act affect your company?

  • Q : Practical impact might ruling have on businesses....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    These cases were litigated all the way to the Supreme Court. What, if any, practical impact might these ruling have on businesses? Why do you think that these issues were litigated all the way to th

  • Q : Anti-cutback provisions of erisa....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    Since the anti-cutback provisions of ERISA apply only to pensions and not welfare plans, what did changing the conditions under which retiree health care benefits were available run afoul of the ant

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