• Q : Traditional litigation system and nontraditional forms....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    Write a paper in which you compare and contrast the traditional litigation system with the nontraditional forms of alternative dispute resolution.

  • Q : Incorporating the family counseling practice....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    What would be the points that you feel that should be discussed over lunch about incorporating the family counseling practice.

  • Q : Emerson violate section of the securities exchange act....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    Did Emerson violate Section 10(b) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and SEC Rule 10b-5? What theory or theories might a court use to hold Wallace liable for insider trading?

  • Q : Minimizing legal risk involving the product....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    Select a product you are familiar with or interested in. What product liability issues arise for that product? What measures can management take to prevent these product liability problems from aris

  • Q : Plaintiff-burden of proof-district court-appeals court....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    Use all of the terms listed below to create a paragraph or scenario demonstrating that you understand the terms. Terms: plaintiff, burden of proof, district court, appeals court, Supreme Court, cert

  • Q : Internal revenue code problem....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    The Internal Revenue Code (IRC) is the supreme source of income tax law. When trying to resolve an income tax question, a tax practitioner will look to other sources in addition to the IRC.

  • Q : Opinions and positions of ries and trout....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    For my discussion, I need the thoughts on the opinions and positions of Ries and Trout. Do their laws still apply? Consider how we communicate and respond in the 21st century, do basic laws of marke

  • Q : Internet transactions involving contracts....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    What are some special issues that arise in Internet transactions involving contracts as compared to traditional transactions involving contracts?

  • Q : Discussing the sec and sox on my accounting class....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    The SEC or Securities and Exchange Commission. The laws that govern the Securities Industry. Securities Act of 1933 often referred to as the "truth in securities" law, the Securities Act of 1933 has

  • Q : Sarbanes-oxley-result of the enron....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    The Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX) Act was enacted in 2002 as a result of the Enron (and others) scandal. The goal was to ensure that investors get an accurate picture of a company's finances.

  • Q : Plaintiff-court cases of the law....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    Identify and present two opposing-one outcome favoring the defendant and the plaintiff-court cases of the law. In each case, define the burden of proof chronology.

  • Q : Employees legal right to work in the united states....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    The supervisor comes to your office and wants to see the employee's file. You provide the supervisor the file. The supervisor asks for the results from the drug test, the medical follow-up for the w

  • Q : Administration in protecting the rights of employees....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    Examine (and also critique) the responsibility of public personnel administration in protecting the rights of employees. Please include any reference used.

  • Q : Qualified individuals with disabilities....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    The ADA creates a protected class called "qualified individuals with disabilities." Discuss what this phrase means and how one qualifies for protection.

  • Q : Employment law class problem....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    Contact the Human Resources manager at your company, division, or another company. If you are in the military, make a cold call to a civilian company. Explain that you are a student in the Employmen

  • Q : Case study-tyco versus dennis kozlowski....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    In the Tyco v. Dennis Kozlowski, we can see how Mr. Kozlowski considered of the world's best managers is accused of stealing millions of dollars from the corporation that trusted him with their busi

  • Q : Agencies and laws impact business organizations....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    How do government regulatory agencies and laws impact business organizations? Choose one or two specific governmental regulatory requirements, and explain what affects they have on business organiz

  • Q : Create a fictitious case favoring the defendant....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    Create a fictitious case favoring the defendant using the EEO law Title VII and provide a paper in which you incorporate the following: 1) An outline of the burden of proof chronology, clearly indica

  • Q : Analyze a factual scenario and draft a simple contract....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    The purpose of this project is for you to sharpen your skills for analyzing and evaluating a factual scenario, and then draft a simple contract based on that scenario.

  • Q : Types of contracts people make in everyday life....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    Browse through the "Consumer Information Center". Discuss the types of contracts people make in everyday life. (Hint: Discuss something you learn from one of these websites: "Consumer Action Website

  • Q : Violation of right to commercial speech....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    Do you think the Do Not Call list is effective? Is National Do Not Call List a violation of right to commercial speech?

  • Q : Notification of the cobra rights....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    A company terminated an employee and sent him notification of his COBRA rights via certified mail with return receipt requested. The former employee was out of the house on two occasions when the po

  • Q : Chatfield versus childrens services....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    Look up the case (Chatfield v Children 's Services, 555F.Supp.2d 532 (E.D. Pa. 2008)on the Internet and read about it. You will come back to the case later for the writing part of the assignment.

  • Q : What kind of intellectual property is a poem....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    Answer the following questions in the case: What kind of intellectual property is a poem? What is copyright infringement? What acts apply to copyright infringement?

  • Q : Tangible property rights of the organization....
    Business Law and Ethics :

    Select an industry (Mcdonalds). What actions should a manager in the selected industry take to identify and protect the tangible property rights of the organization?

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