• Q : Cell structures of prokaryotic-eucaryotic cell....
    Biology :

    What structure is found in the eukaryotic cell's nucleus and what is its equivalent in the prokaryotic cell? Write down the advantages of the three different types of vacuoles found in the eukaryotic

  • Q : Difference in cells and structure....
    Biology :

    Prokaryotic cells are simple cells. Eukaryotic cells are more complex. What structures do eukaryotic cells have that prokaryotic cells do not? What are different kinds of eukaryotic cells? How do th

  • Q : Eukaryotic cells and their organelles....
    Biology :

    Eukaryotic cells are complicated in organization and structure, especially when you consider their small size. Consider the organelle contents of the typical eukaryotic cell.

  • Q : The endosymbiotic theory....
    Biology :

    The endosymibiotic theory recommends a description of the origin of mitochondria, chloroplasts and eukaryotic cells. Describe the evidence for this theory. Are you convinced?

  • Q : The endosymbiotic theory....
    Biology :

    The endosymibiotic theory recommends a description of the origin of mitochondria, chloroplasts and eukaryotic cells. Describe the evidence for this theory. Are you convinced?

  • Q : Chemical energy for the anaerobic organism or cell....
    Biology :

    Comprise any reactions needed for this process, and describe how the energy from the sun ends up as chemical energy for the anaerobic organism or cell.

  • Q : Photosynthesis and aerobic respiration....
    Biology :

    Complete explanations of photosynthesis and aerobic respiration. Explain how these two processes are linked between plants and animals based on the reactants and products (water, carbon dioxide, glu

  • Q : Bottom of lakes-facultative anaerobes....
    Biology :

    Some of the species of bacteria which live at the surface of sediment on the bottom of lakes are facultative anaerobes; which is, they are capable of either aerobic or anaerobic respiration.

  • Q : Integrity of the plasma membrane....
    Biology :

    The integrity of the plasma membrane is necessary for cellular survival. Could the immune system use this fact to destroy foreign cells which have invaded the body?

  • Q : Basics of cell biology....
    Biology :

    An integrin is an integral membrane protein in the plasma membrane of cells. This plays a role in the attachment of a cell to the extracellular matrix (ECM) and to other cells, and in signal transd

  • Q : Why do cells want a plasma membrane....
    Biology :

    Explain why do you think the plasma membrane exists in all living things? Why aren't there living things that do not encompass a membrane at their periphery?

  • Q : Brownian motion and water diffusion....
    Biology :

    1) Explain why must particles be extremely small to explain Brownian movement? 2) Describe the difference between molecular motion and diffusion?

  • Q : Description for biological questions....
    Biology :

    Describe why phospholipids encompass a natural tendency to self assemble into a bi-layer. Explain why is this biologically significant?

  • Q : Diffusion through a lipid bi-layer....
    Biology :

    I want a basic explanation of the difference in the rates at which glucose is transported across the cell membrane versus the concentration gradient of glucose.

  • Q : Resting membrane potential....
    Biology :

    Describe how the axonal membrane potential is restored following action potential depolarization. Explain h how resting ionic distributions are maintained.

  • Q : Cell membrane characteristics and constitution....
    Biology :

    What sorts of member molecules might be distributed asymmetrically? Explain why does it make sense for some components of membranes to be asymmetrically distributed?

  • Q : Moving neurotransmitters into synaptic vesicles....
    Biology :

    1) Describe why the coupling of the import of amino acids or sugars into cells is usually linked to Na+ ion import. 2) What happens to the post-synaptic cell's membrane potential at an inhibitory syna

  • Q : Concentration by simple diffusion....
    Biology :

    As materials move from high concentration to the low concentration by simple diffusion, and they move the similar way by facilitated diffusion, explain why do cells make proteins to carry out facili

  • Q : Compartments within a eukaryotic cell?....
    Biology :

    How are proteins targeted to various compartments with in a eukaryotic cell? Please give a detailed illustration of how a protein is targeted to the specific organelle.

  • Q : Integral membrane glycoprotein....
    Biology :

    Explain how does an integral membrane glycoprotein travel from ER to the Golgi and from the Golgi to the plasma membrane? Describe the modification which goes on to this protein?

  • Q : Obliogmycin and mechanism of inhibition....
    Biology :

    The addition of oligomycin to mitochondria markedly reduced both the rate of electron transfer from NADH to oxygen and the rate of ATP formation.

  • Q : Treatment of functioning mitochondria....
    Biology :

    Nigericin is an ionosphere which exchanges K+ for H+ across membranes. Describe how the treatment of functioning mitochondria with nigericin uncouples electron transport form oxidative phosphorylati

  • Q : Presentation of chemiosmosis hypothesis....
    Biology :

    Several chemicals block ATP synthesis by permitting protons and other ions to "leak across membranes," disrupting the charge and protein gradients established by the electron flow via an electron tr

  • Q : Electron transport chain....
    Biology :

    Is the production of water by the electron transport chain catalyzed by the cytochrome oxidase, ubiquinone, cytochrome c, cytochrome b or complex I?

  • Q : Action potential and its representation on egg....
    Biology :

    Compare and contrast the divisions of the autonomic nervous system's effect on the heart rate and stroke volume.

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