• Q : Difference between eukaryotic and prokaryotic mrna....
    Biology :

    Eukaryotic genes differ than the prokaryotic genes. Please describe, in depth, the post-transcriptional modification which a eukaryotic mRNA goes through before it leaves the nucleus and explain how

  • Q : Problem about down syndrome....
    Biology :

    Is it possible for two people who have Down syndrome to give birth to a normal (without Down syndrome) child? If so, explain how would that be possible?

  • Q : Reason of down syndrome and its possible remedies....
    Biology :

    Select a chromosomal disorder from the March of Dimes Foundation Website. Recognize the disorder and describe how is it expressed in a person and inherited.

  • Q : Introduction to chromosomal variants....
    Biology :

    Certain trees of the similar species are known to take place with some different chromosome numbers, even although they have similar features.

  • Q : Impact of chromosomal aberration....
    Biology :

    What would occur if any of the gametes produced were crossed with any of the other gametes produced? (That is, crossing an abnormal gamete with the normal gamete)? Be specific.

  • Q : Alleles sequence causing the blue soybeans....
    Biology :

    Suppose that a single gene controls soybean seed color, and that you already know the nucleotide sequence of the wild type allele.

  • Q : A primary oocyte....
    Biology :

    A primary oocyte gives mount to: four diploid egg cells, one diploid egg cell and three polar bodies, four haploid egg cells or one haploid egg cell and the three polar bodies. Explain it in detail

  • Q : Characterization of genotype....
    Biology :

    What event should take place during meiosis for this to happen? What syndrome is characterized by the XYY genotype? What can you learn regarding this syndrome?

  • Q : Human chromosomal aberrations....
    Biology :

    Certain human chromosomal aberrations which take place during meiosis result in eggs or sperm with two copies of the X chromosome.

  • Q : System of sex determination....
    Biology :

    Explain how is sex determined in the grasshoppers? Can you find other illustrations of organisms with a similar system of sex determination?

  • Q : Introduction to polynucleotide codons....
    Biology :

    Once it was found out that codons consisted of three-nucleotide sequences, the specificity of each and every codon could be determined.

  • Q : Trinucleotides and protein sequence....
    Biology :

    If the sequences are read in dissimilar reading frames, explain how does this influence the resulting protein sequence?

  • Q : Rflp-vntr-snp-definitions and use....
    Biology :

    Describe the terms RFLPs, VNTRs, and SNPs? What is the relationship among these? Explain how do we use this technology to, for example, recognize paternity?

  • Q : Chromosomal inversions-deletion with human disorders....
    Biology :

    Name a human congenital disorder which has been attributed to a chromosomal deletion. Explain how common is the disorder? Which human chromosome has suffered a deletion in the disorder?

  • Q : Concepts of homologous chromosome....
    Biology :

    Describe the concepts of homologous chromosome - diploid and haploid. What features are shared between the two homologous chromosomes?

  • Q : G-protein linked receptors....
    Biology :

    G-protein linked receptors activate the G proteins by decreasing the strength of GDP binding. This outcomes in rapid dissociation of bound GDP, which is then replaced by the GTP, which is present in

  • Q : Role of double helix....
    Biology :

    Explain the role of double helix in complimentary base pairing in DNA replication. What does it signify when we state that the two strands of DNA in the double helix are anti-parallel?

  • Q : Basics of dna sequence....
    Biology :

    By using the DNA sequence 3' ACTACGGCAATACGGGCTGGATCTGG 5', answer the given questions. a) Write down the mRNA sequence. b) Write down the sequence of the start codon.

  • Q : Development of embryo....
    Biology :

    Write down the processes and phases of human embryogenesis? Explain how does a fetus develop from a one-cell fertilized egg?

  • Q : Describing chromosomes breaks....
    Biology :

    Illustrate, define and describe the single break chromosomes: a) One arm of one chromosome. b) One arm of two chromosomes.

  • Q : Genes in regulation mammalian biological clock....
    Biology :

    What genes are comprised with the regulation mammalian "biological clock" causing it to maintain a consistent 24 hour cycle? Please explain the possible pathways comprised in this phenomenon?

  • Q : Human genome level....
    Biology :

    I understand the utilization of processed food products needed some adaptation on the human genome level. Animals don't consume sterile alcoholic beverages and milk is only consumed by the young.

  • Q : Dna sequencing and technology....
    Biology :

    Explain DNA sequencing with reference to the cloning of a DNA fragment in bacteriophages M13 based cloning vector.

  • Q : Promoters for mrna....
    Biology :

    The promoters for mRNA encoding early proteins in viruses such as T4 have a different sequence than the promoters for mRNA encoding late proteins in the same virus.

  • Q : Constructing cdna libraries....
    Biology :

    Whenever constructing cDNA libraries it is much significant to copy the whole of an mRNA into cDNA. One way to try and make sure that the 5' end of an mRNA is represented in a cDNA copy is to use "c

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