• Q : Replication of virus genome....
    Biology :

    I am having trouble explaining the virus genomes and the features of viral replication. I have read literature on it and tried comprehended the teacher's notes, however I want something more straigh

  • Q : Protein degradation-signal transduction pathway....
    Biology :

    In addition to protein phosphorylation and dephosphorylation, protein degradation as well plays key role in regulating signal transduction pathways and cell proliferation. Please answer the give que

  • Q : Hiv-aids epidemic....
    Biology :

    Describe three ways the Hepatitis C epidemic is similar to the HIV/AIDS epidemic and three ways the Hepatitis C epidemic is dissimilar than the HIV/AIDS epidemic.

  • Q : Microbial metabolic and environmental needs....
    Biology :

    Present and describe the differences and similarities in the microbial metabolic and environmental needs for growth for E Coli and HIV.

  • Q : Basics of endosymbiont hypothesis....
    Biology :

    Explain how the mitochondrion evolved as an organelle according to the endosymbiont hypothesis.

  • Q : Co-evolution of a predator and prey....
    Biology :

    Explain a scenario involving co-evolution of a predator and prey. What might you expect when the two species initially co-occur? What might you expect after 20 generations?

  • Q : Dietary restrictions during pregnancy....
    Biology :

    Should society subject pregnant women to dietary restrictions throughout pregnancy to protect the fetus from the consequence of defective genes they carry? Use phenylketonuria carrier status as an i

  • Q : Meiotic non disjunction events....
    Biology :

    Meiotic non disjunction events will make aneuploid gametes. Explain (with figures) normal Drosophila male meiotic segregation of the sex chromosomes.

  • Q : Chromatin packaging and transcription rates....
    Biology :

    Describe the relationship between chromatin packaging and transcription rates. Name the two different kinds of chromatin modification related with changes in the gene expression.

  • Q : Non-pathogenic microorganisms....
    Biology :

    Describe the benefits derived from the subject non-pathogenic microorganisms in the human environment.

  • Q : Norovirus-recurring disease global....
    Biology :

    Norovirus(nv) is a common, recurring disease global. The disease is caused by the single-stranded RNA virus that infects the cells of the intestine, causing vomiting and diarrhoea.

  • Q : Punitive promoter region of gene....
    Biology :

    I have five sequenced genes, comprising the punitive promoter region of each gene. All are comprised in the cold acclimation process in Arabidopsis. Each is expressed just when the temperature falls

  • Q : Introduction of red-colorblindness....
    Biology :

    If a man with a red-colorblindness (that is, a sex-linked trait) marries a normal woman, would you expect to see the trait expressed in their children?

  • Q : Dna methods in forensic science....
    Biology :

    In forensic analysis by using STR systems, up to 16 different loci can be tested in a single PCR reaction. Explain why is it significant for forensic analysis that each locus being tested is present

  • Q : Mutant forms of a receptor tyrosine kinase....
    Biology :

    In a sequence of experiments, genes which code for mutant forms of a receptor tyrosine kinase are introduced into the cells.

  • Q : Extra-cellular signals....
    Biology :

    You are given a mutant cell which lacks the GTPase activating protein. What are the abnormalities would one expect to find out in the way which RAS activity responds to extra-cellular signals? Expla

  • Q : Process of bacterial transduction....
    Biology :

    Give an explanation of the process of bacterial transduction and provide specific details on how you would prove which transduction had occurred between bacteria.

  • Q : Positions labeled in atp-gtp during purine biosynthesis....
    Biology :

    Purine biosynthesis is permitted to occur in the presence of [N15] aspartate, and the newly synthesized GTP and ATP are isolated. What are the positions which are labeled in the two nucleotides?

  • Q : Dna repair enzymes....
    Biology :

    Describe the physical changes required in the body which would need to happen in order for our bodies to live forever. Changes like telomerase activity, collagen flexibility, environmental changes,

  • Q : In vitro transcription and translation....
    Biology :

    What kind of polypeptide would you make from this polynucleotide? Would you expect to encompass more than one polypeptide? Explain why?

  • Q : Proteins which are synthesized....
    Biology :

    Explain how some proteins can be made from the above nucleic acid (that is, you only saw 1 long piece). What does this imply regarding the activity of at least one of the proteins which are synthesize

  • Q : Synthesis of mrna....
    Biology :

    Polio and HIV are both +ssRNA viruses which have much different strategies for replicating their genomes. After the viral genomes enter the cell (that is, post entry), explain the first step compris

  • Q : How hiv infects helper t cells....
    Biology :

    This solution will review the fundamentals of viruses and describe the process which takes place whenever a helper T cell is infected by the HIV virus.

  • Q : Metabolic requirements for growth of microbe....
    Biology :

    Describe the metabolic requirements for growth of each microbe and choose one antibiotic (bacteria), antiviral (virus) or anti-fungal (fungi) agent, based on the pathogens which you chosen.

  • Q : Role of the immune system....
    Biology :

    Describe the role of the immune system in protecting the body from the pathogenic and non-pathogenic microbes chosen in Module 1 and 2.

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