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what is risk risk a function of the probability of an adverse effect and the magnitude of that effect consequential to
q what is normalisation of inverted t-wavesin patients with flat or inverted t-waves at rest the evolution to an upright t-wave has been considered
risk analysis - definition of hazardhazard a biological chemical or physical agent in or property of food that might
q what is qt dispersionis the difference between the qt interval measured from one part of the heart and the qt interval measured from another part
risk analysis- definiton of foodfood any substance whether processed semi- processed or raw which is intended
q duration limit of the qrsthe duration of the qrs is usually reduced slightly during exercise because catecholamines increase conduction velocity in
q what is r - wave amplitudethe r-wave amplitude in the lateral precordial leads usually decreases more in normal than in abnormal subjects and
q what do you mean by qrs changesthe total amplitude of the qrs compared with exercise usually decreases near peak workload as well as the t-wave
q false positive st changes1 the slope of the pq-segment can help predict the magnitude of the influence of p-wave depolarization and thus help
q what is rounded st depressiona rounded st-segment depression pattern in the cm5 lead as well as in the other leads is common and is often
q what do you mean by st hystersisansthe rate of recovery of st depression has been recognized as a measure of ischaemia severity for many years when
q what is st depression with long diastolic fillingfor the person with a slow heart rate and a long period of a diastole after a premature
what is intermittent st depression ansseveral patients progress from variable st-segment depression often associated with respiration to the classic
q st-segment depression after hyperventilationpatients with abnormal autonomic drive have demonstrated st-segment depression after
q what is st heart rate indexto calculate the index the maximum st depression is divided by the delta heart rate difference between the resting and
qwhat is st heart rate slopecorrecting st depression for heart rate seems to be based on second physiological principles and has been proposed by a
when the r-wave in the lateral precordial leads is less than 10 mm the sensitivity of st depression is very low if 1 mm of st depression is used as a
q what is st elevationalthough a stable lv aneurysm may manifest st-segment elevation in the precordial leads at rest some subjects with normal
q what is st elevation in leads without q-wavest elevation in leads without q-waves can occur in few very different situations both of which are
q evaluate the magnitude of st depressionit is intuitive that the magnitude of st depression should correlate with the degree of the ischaemia in
q st depression only on recoveryalthough st depression during exercise often persists into recovery it may not manifest until exercise has been
q can you show downsloping st-segmentthe long term follow-up information suggests that patients whose st depression evolves to downsloping have more
q what are changes in st-segmentnormal exercise electrocardiogram st and j point as the heart rate increases with exercise a number of predictable
q can you explain bayesian theorembayesian theorem the predictive value of a test is related to the incidence of disease in the population a history
q what do you mean by recovery periodat the instant exercise is discontinued the ecg recorded is turned on and left running for a few seconds while