• Q : Suppose you are assigned a project to extend employee....
    PL-SQL Programming :

    Suppose you are assigned a project to extend EmployeeWithTerritory class to accommodate data specific to a salesRep object. What additional behaviors and attributes might you include in your class dia

  • Q : Write a create table statement....
    PL-SQL Programming :

    Write a CREATE TABLE statement for the ASSIGNMENT table. Cascade only deletions from PROJECT to ASSIGNMENT; do not cascade either deletions or updates

  • Q : What are some of the more common sql functions....
    PL-SQL Programming :

    What are some of the more common SQL functions? How would you use them to generate useful information for your organization?

  • Q : Show all the data in each of the four tables....
    PL-SQL Programming :

    You can view the Microsoft tutorial, Create Queries for a New Database, found in the lecture to learn how to test your queries in Stoves.accdb. Don't worry about your SQL code being completely correct

  • Q : Here is a question to expand your conceptual understanding....
    PL-SQL Programming :

    Here is a question to expand your conceptual understanding of relations sets.

  • Q : Write an sql statement to show the warehouseid....
    PL-SQL Programming :

    Write an SQL statement to show the WarehouseID, WarehouseCity, WarehouseState, Manager, SKU, SKU_Description, and QuantityOnHand of all items with a Manager of 'Lucille Smith'. Use a join

  • Q : Provide the appropriate "select" sql statement....
    PL-SQL Programming :

    Required: Consider the following tables in a relational database. Provide the appropriate "SELECT" SQL statement necessary to answer the queries that follow. Primary keys are underlined and foreign ke

  • Q : Suppose each customer is represented by a process....
    PL-SQL Programming :

    Suppose each customer is represented by a process and the body of the process consists of all the reservations made by that customer. A customer can make reservations, payments cancellation of&nb

  • Q : Sql....
    PL-SQL Programming :

    Sql, Build a procedure named STATUS_SHIP_SP which permits a company to employee in the Shipping Department to update the status of an order to add up shipping information. The BB_BASKETSTATUS table ma

  • Q : Explain how to defeat sql injection attacks since....
    PL-SQL Programming :

    Your logical database designs are rolling along great, and your boss has even hinted that you may be promoted to senior systems analyst! Now, you are ready to have rubber meet the road and actually ph

  • Q : Artists will only appear in one tuple....
    PL-SQL Programming :

    All primary keys are underlined. All foreign keys have the same name as the primary key that they are referencing. When asking about the similarity of one Artist to another, you can safely assume

  • Q : Show all the data in each of the four tables....
    PL-SQL Programming :

    You can view the Microsoft tutorial, Create Queries for a New Database, found in the lecture to learn how to test your queries in Stoves.accdb. Don't worry about your SQL code being completely correct

  • Q : Write a sql statement using a set operator....
    PL-SQL Programming :

    Write a SQL statement using a set operator to show which students enrolled in a section that are not enrolled in any classes. Exclude students with student id less than 300.

  • Q : Write an sql code for a procedure....
    PL-SQL Programming :

    Write an SQL code for a procedure that accepts a job code as a parameter and lists the full name and hire date for all employees with that job code. Display a message if the job code is invalid.

  • Q : Write an sql statement to display each shipping date....
    PL-SQL Programming :

    Write an SQL statement to display each shipping date for customer 1005 from the orders table. Display both the customer number and the shipping date. 

  • Q : How can a dba use the profile concept in oracle....
    PL-SQL Programming :

    How can a DBA use the profile concept in Oracle to implement password policies? Why? Please provide specifics using your own words and cite your source(s).  

  • Q : Question regarding a basic oracle pl/sql statement....
    PL-SQL Programming :

    Question regarding a basic Oracle PL/SQL statement. in the following case statement I need to replace the +14, + 7, +3 with the values that are pulled from a table called checkout_periods with materia

  • Q : From an oracle database security standpoint....
    PL-SQL Programming :

    From an Oracle database security standpoint what are the pros and cons for using Database Configuration Assistant (DCBA) to create a database versus manually creating a database? Why? Please provide s

  • Q : Use advanced sql statements for data manipulation....
    PL-SQL Programming :

    This assignment aims at enhancing your skills of using complex SQL statements to solve more realistic business problems. Work through each section in the SQL queries and subqueries tutorial, pay speci

  • Q : Oracle trigger or a sql server trigger....
    PL-SQL Programming :

    Provide an example of an Oracle trigger or a SQL Server trigger; explain what the purpose of the trigger and how it may contribute to the database security. Remember to explain using your own words an

  • Q : Creating a stored procedure in sql server vs. oracle....
    PL-SQL Programming :

    Why do you think that it would be important to have the flexibility of using a variety of languages in the development of database systems?

  • Q : You choose the appropriate data type and field size....
    PL-SQL Programming :

    You choose the appropriate data type and field size for each column and enter 2 department records and about 5 employee records.Then, use phpMyAdmin to run this SQL statement: select * from department

  • Q : Basic concepts of pl/sqlthis assignment....
    PL-SQL Programming :

    Basic Concepts of PL/SQLThis assignment is due for online students by midnight Sunday of Week 5 and for on-ground students before the Week 5 class. On-ground students will share their projects with th

  • Q : Given the assumption that a vendor....
    PL-SQL Programming :

    Given the assumption that a VENDOR can supply many products and a PRODUCT can be supplied by many vendors, an ERD would look like

  • Q : A video can be rented many times....
    PL-SQL Programming :

    A video can be rented many times over its lifetime; therefore, there is a M:N relationship between RENTAL and VIDEO. DETAILRENTAL is the bridge table to resolve this relationship. How do I write

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