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implicit cursor is declared and used by the oracle environment internally while the explicit cursor is declared and used by the external user more
Convert this table to an equivalent collection of tables that are in 3NF.
Write a SQL statement to display the First and Last name of students who have the Status greater than 1 and less than 10. Use BETWEEN.
Provide SQL statements for the following Queries. Feel free to use any of the views that you created in part
A unique constraint on METAL_DESCRIPTION shall be added to the table definition. The constraint name shall be METAL_DESC_UK shall be used.
Write a query that shows the change from sales in a year to year fashion as shown below
Write a PL/SQL program to find the name of departments
Write a SQL statement that creates a stored procedure with one int input parameter. The stored procedure selects the supplierId field and the total of all Count field values for each group of supplier
Write a SELECT statement that returns three columns: VendorName, InvoiceCount,and InvoiceSum. InvoiceCount is the count of the number of invoices, and InvoiceSum is the sum of the InvoiceTotal co
Write an UPDATE statement that modifies the VendorCopy table. Change the default account number to 403 for each vendor that has a default account number 400.
Only return those rows with a balance due greater than 1000. Sort the result set by InvoiceTotal, with the largest invoice first.
Code SQL statements to update this view as follows: a. change the spelling of Mark Tobey to Mark Toby. b. Create a new Transaction for Mark Toby. Assume you have the necessary transaction, work, and c
Write a PL/SQL block that displays the last name and salary of the following people. Each of these can be done separately as PL/SQL, first to test and get the output lines then encapsulated in the pro
New SQL Question: Consider the following entities.
Write a PL/SQL block that displays the last name and salary of the following people. Each of these can be done separately as PL/SQL, first to test and get the output lines then encapsulated in&nb
Write the SQL needed to create an employee table containin
Change the department number of all employees with employee 7900's job title to employee 7900's current department number. (use the emp table)
Write a SQL Statement to create a View called vwEmployeeTerritories that will do the following: Return all Employees and their Territories (use INNER JOIN). Show the Employee Name and the Territory De
Describe how to create a query in Access Query Wizard equilvant to the query
Using Join, list the items each customer ordered where the billing_price was lower than the item price (item, billing_price, and price). Sort the results alphabetically by customer name.
True/False: Each time you open a saved query, Access run the query again and displays the results based on the data stored in the associated tables; thus, the results always reflect the latest informa
Write a query tou creathe the following table