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named notationthe second procedure call uses the named notation an arrow gt serve as the relationship operator that associates the formal parameter
positional notationthe first procedure call uses the positional notation the plsql compiler relates the first actual parameter account with the first
positional and named notationyou can write the actual parameters when calling a subprogram using either positional or named notation that is you can
stored subprogramsnormally tools like oracle forms which incorporate the plsql engine can store subprograms locally for later strictly local
in packagesthe forward declarations also group logically related subprograms in the package the subprogram specifications go in the package
forward declarationsthe plsql needs that you declare an identifier before using it and hence you should declare a subprogram before calling it for
declaring subprograms you can declare subprograms in any plsql subprogram block or package but you should declare subprograms at the end of the
return statementthe return statement instantly completes the execution of a subprogram and returns control to the caller the execution then resumes
functions the function is a subprogram that calculates a value the functions and procedures are structured similar except that the functions have
procedures the procedure is a subprogram which performs a specific action you write procedures using the syntax as shown belowprocedure name
advantages of subprogramsthe subprograms give extensibility that is tailor the plsql language to suit your requirements for illustration if you
what are subprogramsthe subprograms are named plsql blocks which can take parameters and be invoked the plsql has 2 types of subprograms known as the
how exceptions are raisedby the run-time system the internal exceptions are raised implicitly as are user-defined exceptions that you have related
redeclaring predefined exceptionskeep in mind that the plsql declares predefined exceptions globally in the package standard therefore you need not
using raiseapplicationerrorthe package dbmsstandard that is supplied with oracle gives language facilities that help your application to interact
using exceptioninitto handle unnamed internal exceptions you should use the others handler or the pragma exceptioninit the pragma is a compiler
scope rulesyou cannot declare an exception twice in the similar block though you can declare the similar exception in 2 different blocks the
declaring exceptionsthe exceptions can be declared only in the declarative part of the plsql subprogram block or package by introducing its name you
user-defined exceptionsthe plsql defines the exceptions of your own dissimilar to the predefined exceptions the user-defined exceptions should be
advantages of exceptionsusing the exceptions for the error handling has many benefits without an exception handling every time you issue a command
exception handlingin the plsql a warning or error condition is known as an exception the exceptions can be internally defined by the run-time system
ensuring backward compatibility the plsql version 2 permits some abnormal behavior which version 8 disallowsparticularly version 2 permits you toi
rephrase conditional control statementswhen computing a logical expression the plsql uses short-circuit evaluation that is the plsql stops evaluating
avoid the not null constraintin the plsql using the not null constraint incur a performance cost consider the illustration as shown belowprocedure
use the plsinteger datatypewhen you require to declare an integer variable use the datatype plsinteger that is the most efficient numeric type that