• Q : Thrust to hold the helicopter in place....
    Physics :

    A 5300 kg helicopter hovers at a fixed height. The rotor blades send air downward at 62 m/s. What mass of air must pass through the blades every second to produce enough thrust to hold the helicopt

  • Q : What new force does each wire exert....
    Physics :

    If the angle of each of these wires is reduced to 79 degrees, what new force does each wire exert?

  • Q : Result for the frequency of the string....
    Physics :

    Derive a result for the frequency of the string if you know the tension (T), linear density (m), number of antinodes (n), and the length L?

  • Q : Estimate when the two galaxies will collide....
    Physics :

    Neglecting both the transverse component of the velocity and the effect of gravity in accelerating the motion, estimate when the two galaxies will collide.

  • Q : What is the decibel level of the street....
    Physics :

    On a workday the average decibel level of a busy street is 82 dB, with 100 cars passing a given point every minute. If the number of cars is reduced to 15 every minute on a weekend, what is the dec

  • Q : Speed at aphelion....
    Physics :

    IP Halley's Comet Halley's comet, which passes around the Sun every 76 years, has an elliptical orbit. When closest to the Sun (perihelion) it is at a distance of 8.823 x 10^10 m and moves with a s

  • Q : Determining straight horizontal line for a time interval....
    Physics :

    The gravitational force exerted on a baseball is 2.23 N down. A pitcher throws the ball horizontally with velocity 14.5 m/s by uniformly accelerating it along a straight horizontal line for a time

  • Q : Determine minimum coefficient of static friction....
    Physics :

    In a Rotor-Ride at a carnival, riders are pressed against the inside wall of a vertical cylinder 2.00 m in radius rotating at 1.10 revolutions per seconf when the floor drops out. what is the speed

  • Q : Magnitude of the maximum torque....
    Physics :

    A 60 turn coil of radius 4.8 cm rotates in a uniform magnetic field having a magnitude of 0.51 T. If the coil carries a current of 35 mA, find the magnitude of the maximum torque exerted on the coi

  • Q : Resistance of the bulb....
    Physics :

    A light bulb in a 120 V circuit is switched on, and a current of 0. .25 A flows through the filament. What is the resistance of the bulb?

  • Q : Resistance of the bulb....
    Physics :

    A light bulb in a 120 V circuit is switched on, and a current of 0. .25 A flows through the filament. What is the resistance of the bulb?

  • Q : What is the wire linear charge density....
    Physics :

    A proton orbits a long, uniformly charged wire, making 1.0×10^6 revolutions per second. The radius of the orbit is 1.0 cm. What is the wire's linear charge density?

  • Q : Frictionless horizontal surface of bullet....
    Physics :

    A 10.0 g bullet is fired horizontally into a 109 g wooden block that is initially at rest on a frictionless horizontal surface and connected to a spring of constant 160 N/m.

  • Q : What is the magnitude of the net force....
    Physics :

    Particles P1 and P2 are located in three dimensional space at the points (2.00, -3.50, 1.75) mm and (-3.50, 2.25, -2.00) mm. These particles carry charges of +3.00 μC and +4.50 μC respectivel

  • Q : Magnetic field strength in coil....
    Physics :

    A 420 turn solenoid of length 31.0 cm and radius 2.90 cm carries a current of 5.10 A. Find the following.

  • Q : What is the magnitude of the charge....
    Physics :

    Two balls of radius 2.00 mm have a separation between their centers of 5.33 cm. The same electric charge is placed on both balls so that there is a repulsive force between them of 2.75 N. Assume th

  • Q : Linear accelerations of block....
    Physics :

    Let the masses of blocks A and B be 4.00 kg and 2.00 kg, respectively, the moment of inertia of the wheel about its axis be 0.400 kg*m^2, and the radius of the wheel be 0.140 m. Find the linear acc

  • Q : Rms speeds of the molecules....
    Physics :

    The atmosphere of Mars is mostly (molar mass 44.0 under a pressure of 650 , which we shall assume remains constant. In many places the temperature varies from 0.0 in summer to - 100 in winter. Over

  • Q : Finite compression shock wave....
    Physics :

    Is the wave(s) generated a finite compression shock wave or a series of expansion waves?

  • Q : Calculate the speed of the fetal heart wall....
    Physics :

    A 2.40 MHz sound wave travels through a pregnant woman's abdomen and is reflected from the fetal heart wall of her unborn baby. The heart wall is moving toward the sound receiver as the heart beats

  • Q : Magnitude of the acceleration of a proton....
    Physics :

    What is the magnitude of the acceleration of a proton that is 1.0 from the center of the bead?

  • Q : Charges of equal magnitude and opposite sign....
    Physics :

    Two large, parallel, conducting plates are 28 cm apart and have charges of equal magnitude and opposite sign on their facing surfaces. An electrostatic force of 6 * 10-15 N acts on an electron plac

  • Q : What is the least distance....
    Physics :

    A carton of egg rests on the seat of a car moving at 22.5 m/s. What is the least distance in which the cart can be uniformly slowed to a stop if the eggs are not to slide? The coefficient of fricti

  • Q : How long will one full charge last before the phone dies out....
    Physics :

    As great as smartphones are, one of the main gripes about them is that they need to be recharged too often. Suppose my Samsung Galaxy S2 requires about 0.4 W to maintain a signal and data connectio

  • Q : What is the frictional force....
    Physics :

    A car of mass 960 travels at a speed of 30 along a straight road. The driver sees a red traffic light ahead, and applies the brakes. The coefficient of friction between the car tyres and the road is

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