• Q : Determine the tension in the rope....
    Physics :

    A 218-kg log is pulled up a ramp by means of a rope that is parallel to the surface of the ramp. The ramp is inclined at 30.0° with respect to the horizontal. The coefficient of kinetic frictio

  • Q : Problem on interatomic bond....
    Physics :

    You hang the rod vertically and attach a 231 kg mass to the bottom, and you observe that the bar becomes 1.41 cm longer. Calculate the effective stiffness of the interatomic bond, modeled as a "spri

  • Q : Magnitude and direction of the net forceacts on the sailboat....
    Physics :

    A 435 kg sailboat has an acceleration of 0.70 m/s2 at an angle of 61° north of east. Find the magnitude and direction of the net force that acts on the sailboat.

  • Q : Calculate the acceleration of the first block....
    Physics :

    Assume the cord to be light (massless and weightless) and unstretchable and the pulley to have no friction and no rotational inertia. Calculate the acceleration of the first block.

  • Q : What is the coins acceleration....
    Physics :

    A customer sits in an amusement park ride in which the compartment is to be pulled downward in the negative direction of a axis with an acceleration magnitude of 1.24g, with . A 0.567 g coin rests o

  • Q : Constant angular acceleration....
    Physics :

    A dentist's drill starts from rest. After 3.20 s of constant angular acceleration, it turns at a rate of 2.46 104 rev/min.

  • Q : Boat completing the round-trip....
    Physics :

    Two boats start together and race across a 52-km-wide lake and back. Boat A goes across at 52 km/h and returns at 52 km/h. Boat B goes across at 26 km/h, and its crew, realizing how far behind it i

  • Q : Calculate the effective stiffness of the interatomic bond....
    Physics :

    You hang the rod vertically and attach a 201 kg mass to the bottom, and you observe that the bar becomes 1.21 cm longer. Calculate the effective stiffness of the interatomic bond, modeled as a "spr

  • Q : Find the tension of the cablew....
    Physics :

    A 28 kg loudspeaker is suspended 2.0 m below the ceiling by two cables that are each 60 degrees from vertical. What is the tension of the cable?

  • Q : Radius of the smallest possible circle....
    Physics :

    Someone under the table begins to pull the string downward to make the circle smaller. If the string will tolerate a tension of no more than 105 N, what is the radius of the smallest possible circle

  • Q : Question on magnitude push....
    Physics :

    A crate of 45.0 kg tools rests on a horizontal floor. You exert a gradually increasing horizontal push on it and observe that the crate just begins to move when your force exceeds 313 After that yo

  • Q : What is the tension of the cable....
    Physics :

    A 28 kg loudspeaker is suspended 2.0 m below the ceiling by two cables that are each 60 degrees from vertical. what is the tension of the cable?

  • Q : High roof of the gymnasium....
    Physics :

    With what minimum speed must you toss a 130 ball straight up to hit the 15.0 -high roof of the gymnasium if you release the ball 1.10 above the ground? Solve this problem using energy.

  • Q : Determining the force exerted on the ball....
    Physics :

    A 0.16-kg ball is placed in a shallow wedge with an opening angle of 110°, as shown in the figure. For each contact point between the wedge and the ball, determine the force exerted on the ball.

  • Q : Computing the mass of the planet....
    Physics :

    A small moon of a giant planet has an orbital period of 1.61 days and an orbital radius of 4.50 105 km. From these data, determine the mass of the planet.

  • Q : Range of the distance covered by the motion sensor....
    Physics :

    The motion sensor used in this experiment has a minimum range of 0.15m and a maximum range of 10.0m. Explain in theoretical terms, how you could have increased or lowered the range of the distance

  • Q : Coefficient of static friction between tire rubber and ice....
    Physics :

    On an icy day, you worry about parking your car in your driveway, which has an incline of 12 degrees. Your neighbor's driveway has an incline of 9.0 degrees, and the driveway across the street is a

  • Q : Problem based on temperature....
    Physics :

    A 4.00 X 100 g glass coffee cup is 20.0 C at room temperature. It is then plunged into hot dishwater at a temperature of 80.0 C. If the temperature of the cup reaches that of the dishwater, how muc

  • Q : Find minimum resistance that variable resistor needs....
    Physics :

    What is the (a) maximum and (b) minimum resistance that the variable resistor needs to provide in order for the "toasting" to last between 30 and 90 seconds?

  • Q : What is the particle motion....
    Physics :

    A particle moves back and forth along the x axis from x=-xm to x=+xm, in simple harmonic motion with period T. At time t=0, it is at x=+xm. When t=1.5T what is the particle's motion?

  • Q : Determine horizontal component of pendulum displacement....
    Physics :

    A 20 g rifle bullet traveling 240 m/s buries itself in a 3.5 kg pendulum hanging on a 2.6 m long string, which makes the pendulum swing upward in an arc. Determine the horizontal component of the p

  • Q : Astronaut and the satellite....
    Physics :

    An 95 kg spacewalking astronaut pushes off a 645 kg satellite, exerting a 85 N force for the 0.440 s it takes him to straighten his arms. How far apart are the astronaut and the satellite after 1.2

  • Q : What is the minimum force directed perpendicularly....
    Physics :

    A bucket filled with water has a mass of 75 kg and is attached to a rope that is wound around a 0.075 m radius cylinder. A crank with a turning radius of 0.25 m is attached to the end of the cylind

  • Q : Computing the density of the glycerin....
    Physics :

    A plastic sphere floats in water with 65.0% of its volume submerged. This same sphere floats in glycerin with 51.8% of its volume submerged. (a) Determine the density of the glycerin.

  • Q : Change in momentum using unit vector notation....
    Physics :

    A 145 g baseball, moving along the x axis with speed 30.0 m/s, strikes a fence at a 45 degree angle and rebounds along the y-axis with unchanged speed. Give its change in momentum using unit vector

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