• Q : Extreme right side to its extreme left side....
    Physics :

    A simple pendulum in a science museum entry hall is 3.51 m long, has a 1.25 kg bob at its lower end, and swings with an amplitude of 10.5 degrees. How much time does the pendulum take to swing from

  • Q : To what frequency must homesick captain tune ship-s radio....
    Physics :

    Broadcasts their well wishes on the Family Radio System frequency of 462.5625 Mhz. To what frequency must the homesick captain tune the ship's radio to receive the broadcast?

  • Q : What horizontal distance does it travel....
    Physics :

    A baseball is hit with a speed of 30.0 ms-1 at an angle of 50.0 degrees. It land`s on the flat roof of a nearby building with a height of 13m. If the ball was hit when it was 1.5 m above the ground

  • Q : Calculate the speed at points....
    Physics :

    The roller-coaster car shown in Fig. 6-41 (h1 = 40 m, h2 = 12 m, h3 = 23 m), is dragged up to point 1 where it is released from rest. Assuming no friction, calculate the speed at points 2, 3, and 4

  • Q : Magnitude of average acceleration of driver during collision....
    Physics :

    What was the magnitude of the average acceleration of the driver during the collision? Express the answer in terms of "g's," where 1.00 {g} = 9.80 {rm m/s^{2}}.

  • Q : Find the density of the metal....
    Physics :

    The owner of the statue claims it is made of solid gold. When the statue is completely submerged in a container brimful of water, the weight of the water that spills over the top and into a bucket i

  • Q : Coefficients of static-kinetic friction between crate....
    Physics :

    A dockworker loading crates on a ship finds that a 25 kg crate, initially at rest on a horizontal surface, requires a 78 N horizontal force to set it in motion. However, after the crate is in motio

  • Q : Find the speed of the bullet....
    Physics :

    A 5.00-g bullet is shot through a 0.97-kg wood block suspended on a string 2.00 m long. The center of mass of the block rises a distance of 0.43 cm. Find the speed of the bullet as it emerges from

  • Q : Distance between town and john current location....
    Physics :

    While John is traveling along an interstate highway, he notices a 153 mi marker as he passes through town. Later John passes a 109 mi marker. What is the distance between town and John's current lo

  • Q : Explain the term terminal speed....
    Physics :

    What is the terminal speed for an 85.0 kg skier going down a 41.0 degree snow-covered slope on wooden skis mu_k= 0.060? The skier is 1.8 m tall and 0.3 m wide.

  • Q : Components of the shell where it explodes....
    Physics :

    An artillery shell is fired with an initial velocity of 300 m/s at 63.0° above the horizontal. To clear an avalanche, it explodes on a mountainside 34.0 s after firing. What are the x and y com

  • Q : What mass is now necessary to balance the scales....
    Physics :

    Next, a beaker of water is placed so that the iron block, suspended as above, is submerged in the beaker but not touching the bottom (see the figure). What mass (in kg) is now necessary to balance

  • Q : Absorb the shock of a collision....
    Physics :

    The front 1.20 m of a 1350 kg car is designed as a "crumple zone" that collapses to absorb the shock of a collision.

  • Q : Pulling on a rope with a force....
    Physics :

    An 845-N sled is pulled a distance of 173 m. The task requires 1.20 104 J of work and is done by pulling on a rope with a force of 142 N. At what angle is the rope held?

  • Q : Find the flux of the earth-s magnetic field of magnitude....
    Physics :

    Find the flux of the Earth's magnetic field of magnitude 5.00 10-5 T, through a square loop of area 30.0 cm2 for the following when the field is perpendicular to the plane of the loop

  • Q : What is its final kinetic energy....
    Physics :

    A proton is initially at rest at a point where the potential is 499 V. Some time later the proton is at a point where the potential is 211 V. If no force other than the electrostatic force acts on

  • Q : Degrees with the horizontal....
    Physics :

    An empty slet of mass 25kg slides down a muddy hill with a constant of 2.4m/s. The slope of the hill is inclined at an angle of 15 degrees with the horizontal.

  • Q : How many missions would be possible in one year....
    Physics :

    If we were able to use 0.85 percent of this energy to accelerate spaceships, then how many missions would be possible in one year?

  • Q : How long inductor be if wrap it with two layers spaced turns....
    Physics :

    You have a spool of 0.3 mm diameter wire and a 3.2 cm diameter plastic cylinder. How long must your inductor be if you wrap it with 2 layers of closely spaced turns?

  • Q : What is the magnitude of the net force on the student....
    Physics :

    A student who weighs 510 N is wearing a backpack that weighs 70 N. The student is standing still on level ground. Give your answers to the following questions in Newtons. (a) What is the magnitude o

  • Q : Dielectric break down of mica....
    Physics :

    Determine at what potential difference the dielectric of a 200 nF mica ( k=5.4) capacitor with a plate area of 0.625 m2 will break down. Dielectric break down of mica is 40kV/mm

  • Q : Resistances and sources of emfs....
    Physics :

    A certain "black box" contains unknown resistances and sources of emfs connected in an unknown way such that (1) a 10 ! resistor across the terminals draws 1.0 A, and (2) an 18 ! resistor draws 0.6

  • Q : Determine the horizontal displacement....
    Physics :

    At time t = 0, a projectile is launched from ground level. At t = 2.00 s, it is displaced d = 41 m horizontally and h = 67 m vertically above the launch point. At the instant it reaches its maximum

  • Q : Find the magnitude of velocity at which two players move....
    Physics :

    What is the magnitude of the velocity at which the two players move after the collision. What is the direction of this velocity?

  • Q : Coefficient of kinetic friction between box and surface....
    Physics :

    A box is sliding up an incline that makes an angle of 34.8 ° with respect to the horizontal. The coefficient of kinetic friction between the box and the surface of the incline is 0.182. The ini

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