• Q : Find smallest angle of incidence with respect to top mirror....
    Physics :

    A laser beam is directed at the top mirror from the left edge of the bottom mirror. What is the smallest angle of incidence with respect to the top mirror, such that the laser beam.

  • Q : What is the smallest separation distance....
    Physics :

    Two speakers, one directly behind the other, are each generating a 439-Hz sound wave. What is the smallest separation distance between the speakers that will produce destructive interference at a l

  • Q : Calculate the speed of the sports car at impact....
    Physics :

    The police officer, estimating the coefficient of kinetic friction between tires and road to be 0.80, calculates the speed of the sports car at impact.

  • Q : Problem based on free fall acceleration....
    Physics :

    A robot probe drops a camera off the rim of a 285m high cliff on mars, where the free fall acceleration is 3.7ms^2. What is the velocity of which it hits the ground?

  • Q : Expansion of the flask....
    Physics :

    A Pyrex flask in a refrigerator at zero degrees C is filled to the top and holds exactly 1000 cm^3 of ethyl alcohol. If the refrigerator fails, how much alcohol spills by the time the temperature re

  • Q : How much time elapses before the ballast bag....
    Physics :

    A hot-air balloon is rising straight up with a speed of 1.83 m/s. A ballast bag is released from rest relative to the balloon when it is 7.86 m above the ground. How much time elapses before the ba

  • Q : What is the stress on the wire....
    Physics :

    a 500-N weight is hung from the end of a wire of cross-sectional area 0.010 cm^2. The wire stretches from its original length of 200.00 cm to 200.50 cm. What is the stress on the wire?

  • Q : Number of moles of gas in the vessel....
    Physics :

      Gas contained in an 7.2L vessel at a temperature of 37 degrees celsius and a pressure of 4.3 atm. Determine the number of moles of gas in the vessel? and how many molecules are in the vesse

  • Q : Resistivity of the material....
    Physics :

    A 52.0 g sample of a conducting material is all that is available. The resistivity of the material is measured to be 12 10-8 ·m, and the density is 7.44 g/cm3. The material is to be shaped i

  • Q : Effective spring constant....
    Physics :

    Find the effective spring constant k of the two-spring system. Give your answer for the effective spring constant in terms of k_1 and k_2.

  • Q : What is the blocks position....
    Physics :

    A 170 g block hangs from a spring with spring constant 9.0 N/m. At t=0 s the block is 24 cm below the equilibrium point and moving upward with a speed of 107 cm/s. What are the block's oscillation

  • Q : Find the tension in the lower segment of the belt....
    Physics :

    The tension Tu in the upper (taut) segment of the belt is 170 N, and the flywheel has a clockwise angular acceleration of 1.67 rad/s2. Find the tension in the lower (slack) segment of the belt.

  • Q : Speed of the block....
    Physics :

    A 3.1 g block of wood sits on a table. A 3.0 g bullet, fired horizontally at a speed of 460 m/s, goes completely through the block, emerging at a speed of 220 m/s. What is the speed of the block im

  • Q : Problem related to equilibrium position....
    Physics :

    A mass of 1.62 kg stretches a vertical spring 0.315 m. If the spring is stretched an additional 0.130 m and released, how long does it take to reach the (new) equilibrium position again?

  • Q : What is the resistance of the second resistor....
    Physics :

    The current is 5.50 A. A second resistor is added in series, and the current falls to 4.23 A. What is the resistance of the second resistor?

  • Q : How many neutrinos per second rain down on one square cm....
    Physics :

    If 60 billion neutrinos per second rain down on one square cm of the surface of the Earth, how many neutrinos per second rain down on one square cm of the surface of Saturn?

  • Q : Calculate the average magnitude of force....
    Physics :

    In one particular car in the chain, the car has a mass M = 122 kg, the first passenger has a mass m1 = 55.2 kg, and the second passenger has a mass m2 = 68.8 kg. If the chain of cars slows from 26.5

  • Q : What is the equivalent resistance of the two resistors....
    Physics :

    A 55 Ω and 65 Ω resistor are wired in series in a circuit that contains a 12 V battery. (a) What is the equivalent resistance of the two resistors? (b) How much current is flowing in th

  • Q : Capacitance per meter of a coaxial cable....
    Physics :

    Find an expression for the capacitance per meter of a coaxial cable. Assume that the insulating material between the cylinders is air.

  • Q : Magnitude of the acceleration of the chair....
    Physics :

    A 7.6 kg chair is pushed across a frictionless floor with a force of 42 N that is applied at an angle of 22° downward from the horizontal. What is the magnitude of the acceleration of the chair

  • Q : Coefficient of static friction between block and table....
    Physics :

    A wooden block of mass 29.0 kg sits on a horizontal table. A wire of negligible mass is attached to the right side of the block and goes over a pulley (also of negligible mass, and frictionless), w

  • Q : Find the magnitude of the electric force....
    Physics :

    Find the magnitude of the electric force exerted by one sphere on the other.

  • Q : Suspended object descends with constant acceleration....
    Physics :

    A thin, light wire is wrapped around the rim of a wheel, as shown in the following figure. The wheel rotates without friction about a stationary horizontal axis that passes through the center of th

  • Q : Find the point-coordinate between two charges....
    Physics :

    Find the point (coordinate) between these two charges where a charge of +3.10 × 10-9 C should be placed so that the net electric force on it is zero. Answer in units of m.

  • Q : Find magnitude of torque bucket produces around center....
    Physics :

    If the cylinder does not rotate and the bucket hangs straight down, what is the magnitude of the torque the bucket produces around the center of the cylinder?

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