• Q : Acceleration of the horse trailer....
    Physics :

    A 3300kg auto tows a 4500kg horse trailer. If the engine causes the ground to push the car forward with 8.58kN: a) what is the acceleration of the horse trailer?

  • Q : Where should parent push with force-keep teeter totter level....
    Physics :

    A school yard teeter totter with a total length of 6.0 m and a mass of 36 kg is pivoted at its center. Where should the parent push with a force of 350 N to keep the teeter totter level?

  • Q : Destructive interference at a listener standing....
    Physics :

    Two speakers, one directly behind the other, are each generating a 557-Hz sound wave. What is the smallest separation distance between the speakers that will produce destructive interference at a l

  • Q : Earth orbital distance....
    Physics :

    The intensity of sunlight that reaches Jupiter (orbiting at about 5 AU) is approximately what fraction of that at Earth"s orbital distance?

  • Q : What is the electric flux through the top face of the box....
    Physics :

    The box is filled with a nonuniform electric field of the following form: E(x,y,z) = Kz j + Ky k, where K = 4.50 N/(Cm) is a constant. What is the electric flux through the top face of the box?

  • Q : Equilibrium with the surrounding water....
    Physics :

    A diver 60 m deep in 10 degrees Celsius fresh water exhales a 1.0 cm diameter bubble. What is the bubble's diameter just as it reaches the surface of the lake, where the water temperature is 20 deg

  • Q : Calculate the self-induced emf in the coil....
    Physics :

    Calcualte the coil's self-inductance. If the current decreases uniformly from 5.00 to 2.00 in 3.00, calculate the self-induced emf in the coil.

  • Q : Calculate the number of electrons....
    Physics :

    Calculate the number of electrons in a small, electrically neutral silver pin that has a mass of 10.0 g. Silver has 47 electrons per atom, and its molar mass is 107.87 g/mol.

  • Q : Find the new angular speed of the system....
    Physics :

    Now the student extends his arms horizontally to increase the moment of inertia by 0.138 %. Find the new angular speed of the system?

  • Q : How long is the string....
    Physics :

    It is pulled to an angle of 3.00 degrees, and released to swing as a pendulum. A student with a stopwatch finds that 10 oscillations take 19.0 s. How Long is the string?

  • Q : What is the speed at which the belt of the ramp is moving....
    Physics :

    Clifford is in a real hurry, however, and skips the speedramp. Starting from rest with an acceleration of 0.39 m/s2, he covers the same distance as the ramp does, but in one-fourth the time. What is

  • Q : Problem based on cutting a pipe....
    Physics :

    A pipe open only at one end has a fundamental frequency of 261 Hz. A second pipe, initially identical to the first pipe, is shortened by cutting off a portion of the open end. Now, when both pipes

  • Q : Positively charged particle released from rest....
    Physics :

    The potential at location A is 392 V. A positively charged particle is released there from rest and arrives at location B with a speed vB. The potential at location C is 780 V, and when released fr

  • Q : Minimum amplitude of oscillation....
    Physics :

    If she were to use the mattress as a trampoline-losing contact with it for part of each cycle-what minimum amplitude of oscillation does she require?

  • Q : Find the magnitude of the final velocity....
    Physics :

    A 0.154 kg glider is moving to the right on a frictionless, horizontal air track with a speed of 0.800m/s. It has a head-on collision with a 0.292kg glider that is moving to the left with a speed o

  • Q : What is the spring constant of elastic cord....
    Physics :

    An elastic cord is 66 cm long when a weight of 54 N hangs from it but is 90 cm long when a weight of 79 N hangs from it. What is the "spring" constant k of this elastic cord?

  • Q : Axis of rotation-experience an acceleration....
    Physics :

    How fast (in {rm rpm}) must a centrifuge rotate if a particle 5.00 cm from the axis of rotation is to experience an acceleration of 116000 {rm g}'s?

  • Q : Series of characteristic spectral lines....
    Physics :

    When a sample of an unknown element is used as a target for the electron beam in an X-ray tube, it emits a series of characteristic spectral lines in which the two longest wavelengths are 0.0228 nm

  • Q : What is the acceleration of the particle....
    Physics :

    The velocity of a particle moving along the x axis is given for t > 0 by vx = (32.0t - 2.00t3) m/s, where t is in s. What is the acceleration of the particle when (after t = 0) it achieves its m

  • Q : Work done by nonconservative forces....
    Physics :

    A pendulum has a length of 50cm and a bob of mass of 20g. it is pulled to the side by 20 degrees and released. the energy is calculated with a choice of Ug=0 at the bottom of the swing. After many

  • Q : How long is the rock in the air....
    Physics :

    A rock is tossed straight up with a velocity of 35.2 m/s. When it returns, it falls into a hole 20.1 m deep, How long is the rock in the air, from the instant it is released until it hits the botto

  • Q : Transverse wave to travel the entire length of the two wires....
    Physics :

    A 33.0 m steel wire and a 25.0 m copper wire, both with 1.00 mm diameters, are connected end to end and are stretched to a tension of 130 N. How long does it take a transverse wave to travel the en

  • Q : Initial speed of the rock....
    Physics :

    The rock reaches a maximum height of 2.00×103 m, above the surface of the planet, before it falls back down. What was the initial speed of the rock as it left the astronaut's hand? (Glob has n

  • Q : Maximum reaction time of the motorist-avoid hitting the deer....
    Physics :

    A motorist traveling at 17 m/s encounters a deer in the road 49 m ahead. If the maximum acceleration the vehicle's brakes are capable of is -7 m/s2, what is the maximum reaction time of the motoris

  • Q : What would be next smaller wavelength that would work....
    Physics :

    The speed of light is 2.99792 × 108 m/s and Planck's constant is 6.62607 × 10-34 J · s. What would be the next smaller wavelength that would work?

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