• Q : What is electric flux....
    Physics :

    What is electric flux through a cube with side length 'A' enclosing a electric dipole, explain and also draw the field lines, what if dipole can move inside the cube.

  • Q : In what seat nearest middle seat of row hard to hear tone....
    Physics :

    In what seat nearest the middle seat of the row (on either side) will it be most difficult to hear a tone of 3430 Hz from the speaker? [The speed of sound in 20°C air is 343 m/s.]

  • Q : Determine tension in the ropes....
    Physics :

    A 20-rm kg loudspeaker is suspended 2.0 rm m below the ceiling by two ropes that are each 30^circ from vertical. What is the tension in the ropes?

  • Q : Determine the work done by the applied force....
    Physics :

    A block of mass 2.50 kg is pushed 2.20 m along a frictionless horizontal table by a constant 16.0-N force directed 25 degrees below the horizontal. Determine the work done by (a) the applied force,

  • Q : Determine the distance and direction....
    Physics :

    A plane flies from base camp to Lake A, 250 km away in the direction 20.0° north of east. After dropping off supplies it flies to Lake B, which is 260 km at 30.0° west of north from Lake A.

  • Q : What would be the weight on the surface of a neutron star....
    Physics :

    If you weigh 690 N on the earth, what would be your weight on the surface of a neutron star that has the same mass as our sun and a diameter of 25.0 km?

  • Q : Determine the velocity of puck after collsion....
    Physics :

    A 0.255 kg puck, initially at rest on a frictionless horizontal surface, is struck by a 0.200 kg puck that is initially moving along the x axis with a velocity of 2.06 m/s. After the collision, the

  • Q : What is the increase in temperature of the bullet....
    Physics :

    If half the kinetic energy of the bullet is transformed into internal energy and remains with the bullet while the other half is transmitted to the tree, what is the increase in temperature of the b

  • Q : Calculate the velocity of the boat....
    Physics :

    A child on a boat throws a 5.40-kg package out horizontally with a speed of 10.0 m/s. Calculate the velocity of the boat immediately after, assuming it was initially at rest. The mass of the child

  • Q : Magnitude of the normal force....
    Physics :

    A 116 kg chesterfield is pushed up a frictionless ramp at a constant speed by a delivery person. ff the ramp is inclined at 25.8° to the horizontal. What is the magnitude of the normal force th

  • Q : How much electrical energy does the panel produce....
    Physics :

    Which converts solar energy to electrical energy with an efficiency of 26%. In one hour, how much electrical energy does the panel produce?

  • Q : What is the mass of the meter stick....
    Physics :

    A meter stick is found to balance at the 49.7-cm mark when placed on a fulcrum. When a 60.0-gram mass is attached at the 18.0-cm mark, the fulcrum must be moved to the 39.2-cm mark for balance. Wha

  • Q : Determining the magnitude of field....
    Physics :

    At the Fermilab accelerator in Batavia, Illinois, protons having momentum 5.55 × 10-16 kg · m/s are held in a circular orbit of radius 1 km by an upward magnetic field.

  • Q : What was the average current through the calculator....
    Physics :

    A total of 6.0 W·h of energy. If the batteries last 70 hours before they need to be replaced, what was the average current through the calculator?

  • Q : What will the new water temperature....
    Physics :

    29 g of copper pellets are removed from a 300 C oven and immediately dropped into 100 mL of water at 22 C in an insulated cup. What will the new water temperature be?

  • Q : Degrees to horizontal and with initial speed....
    Physics :

    A ball is thrown from the top of a building upward at an angle of 39 degrees to the horizontal and with an initial speed of 24 m/s. The ball is thrown at a height of 57 m above the ground and hits t

  • Q : What is the length of the string....
    Physics :

    A 108 ball is tied to a string. It is pulled to an angle of 8.0 and released to swing as a pendulum. A student with a stopwatch finds that 16 oscillations take 19 . What is the length of the string

  • Q : Find the distance traveled using the equation....
    Physics :

    A car takes 13 s to go from v = 0 to v = 50 m/s at approximately constant acceleration. If you wish to find the distance traveled using the equation d = 1/2 at2, what value should you use for a?

  • Q : Current in circuit when temperature of carbon rises....
    Physics :

    At 20°C, the carbon resistor in an electric circuit connected to a 5.0 V battery has a resistance of 200. What is the current in the circuit when the temperature of the carbon rises to 80°C

  • Q : Position on a frictionless incline by a cord....
    Physics :

    A block (mass = 15.1 kg) is held in position on a frictionless incline by a cord (length = 0.604 m). The mass per unit length of the cord is 1.21e-2 kg/m, so the mass of the cord is negligible compa

  • Q : Find angle from central axis-which first order bright fringe....
    Physics :

    Find the angles from the central axis at which the (a) first-, (b)second-, and (c) third-order bright fringes are located on the screen.

  • Q : What is the smallest angle....
    Physics :

    The cord is being vibrated at a frequency of 169 Hz (vibration source not shown in the drawing). What is the smallest angle θ between 15.0degree and 90.0degree at which a standing wave exists

  • Q : Forces of friction and air resistance....
    Physics :

    Two people are pushing their stalled car up a hill with an incline of 2.00°. They are pushing parallel to the surface of the hill. The car's mass is 954 kg. What is the combined force they must

  • Q : Find the current in loop if current is increasing at a rate....
    Physics :

    The near edge of the loop is 1.20 from the wire. The current in the wire is increasing at the rate of 130. What is the current in the loop?

  • Q : Magnitude of the car acceleration....
    Physics :

    In a test run, a certain car accelerates uniformly from zero to 23.6 m/s in 2.95 s. What is the magnitude of the car's acceleration?

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