• Q : Effect of the air on the bundle....
    Physics :

    An airplane flying horizontally at a constant speed of 350 km/h over level ground releases a bundle of food supplies. Ignore the effect of the air on the bundle.

  • Q : Determine the value of y for the line in the plane....
    Physics :

    The second wire lies along the x axis. Determine the value of y for the line in the plane of the two wires along which the total magnetic field is zero.

  • Q : Uniform angular acceleration....
    Physics :

    A point P is on a rim of a wheel of radius 2.0m. At time t=0 the wheel is at rest and P is on the x-axis. The wheel undergoes a uniform angular acceleration of 0.01rad/s2 about the center O. Find t

  • Q : Tangential speed of the ball....
    Physics :

    The ball and rope are attached to a pole and the entire apparatus, including the pole, rotates about the pole's symmetry axis. The rope makes an angle of 70.0° with respect to the vertical as sh

  • Q : Find magnitude and direction of field produced at point....
    Physics :

    If the arc subtends an angle of θ = 35.0° and the radius of the arc is 0.400 m, what are the magnitude and direction of the field produced at P if the current is 3.00 A?

  • Q : Determine the length of the string....
    Physics :

    A string is fixed at both ends and is vibrating at 136 Hz, which is its third harmonic frequency. The linear density of the string is 5.15e-3 kg/m, and it is under a tension of 3.5 N. Determine the

  • Q : How many full turns does ball make between release-catch....
    Physics :

    The catcher's glove is exactly 60.5 ft, how many full turns does the ball make between release and catch? Neglect any effect of gravity or air resistance on the ball's flight.

  • Q : Same direction on a level road....
    Physics :

    In an action-adventure film, the hero is supposed to throw a grenade from his car, which is going 80.0 , to his enemy's car, which is going 120. The enemy's car is 14.2 in front of the hero's when h

  • Q : What force is needed to prevent fluid flow at the needle....
    Physics :

    When the plunger is pushed, the contents of the syringe are forced through a hollow needle (also of circular cross-If a 4.0 N force is applied to the plunger and the diameters of the plunger and th

  • Q : What is the net force exerted on the skier....
    Physics :

    A 106 kg water skier floating in a lake is pulled from rest to a speed of 13 m/s in a distance of 25 m. What is the net force exerted on the skier, assuming his acceleration is constant?

  • Q : Slope on his jet-powered skis....
    Physics :

    Sam, whose mass is 71.0 , takes off down a 45.0 high, 11.0 slope on his jet-powered skis. The skis have a thrust of 180 . Sam's speed at the bottom is 40.0 .

  • Q : Coefficient of kinetic friction between tires and wet road....
    Physics :

    The cars wheels lock, the tires begin skidding, and the car slides to a halt in a distance of 25.0 m. What is the coefficient of kinetic friction between your tires and the wet road?

  • Q : Compute the average density of the piece....
    Physics :

    You purchase a rectangular piece of metal that has dimensions 5.00 mm x 15.0 mm x 30.0 mm and mass 1.90×10-2 kg. The seller tells you that the metal is gold. To check this, you compute the av

  • Q : What is the magnitude of the torque about the point....
    Physics :

    A 66.0 {rm kg} construction worker stands at the far end of the beam. What is the magnitude of the torque about the point where the beam is bolted into place?

  • Q : Maximum reaction time of the motorist....
    Physics :

    A motorist traveling at 13 m/s encounters a deer in the road 47 m ahead. If the maximum acceleration the vehicle's brakes are capable of is -5 m/s^2, what is the maximum reaction time of the motoris

  • Q : Find net force on loop by working out force exerted....
    Physics :

    A magnetic field of 75 mT that is oriented parallel to the current in the 13 m side of the triangle. Compute the net force on the loop by working out the force exerted on each side and summing.

  • Q : Repeating the charge sharing process....
    Physics :

    Suppose after charging a 2.1 µF capacitor to 9 V, you connect it to the second uncharged capacitor of 14 µF. What voltage will your voltmeter read across the second capacitor after repe

  • Q : Determine the velocity when it passes equilibrium point....
    Physics :

    A 0.68 {rm kg} mass at the end of a spring vibrates 4.0 times per second with an amplitude of 0.13 {rm m}. Determine the velocity when it passes the equilibrium point.

  • Q : What is the direction of the velocity....
    Physics :

    On a very muddy football field, a 100 linebacker tackles an 75 halfback. What is the direction of this velocity?

  • Q : What is the acceleration on the planet....
    Physics :

    On another planet a simple pendulum consisting of a 0.151 kg mass suspended on a 1.2 m long string has a period of 3.860 seconds. What is the acceleration on this planet?

  • Q : Magnitude of the vertical component of velocity....
    Physics :

    A projectile is fired horizontally from a gun that is 47.0 m above flat ground, emerging from the gun with a speed of 250 m/s.

  • Q : Find the coefficient of static friction....
    Physics :

    A coin is placed 32 cm from the center of a horizontal turntable, initially at rest. The turntable then begins to rotate. When the speed of the coin is 100 cm/s (rotating at a constant rate), the co

  • Q : Find rotational kinetic energy of the platform....
    Physics :

    Assume that the platform is initially at rest and the torque is applied for 12.0 rotations. Neglect friction. What is the rotational kinetic energy of the platform K_rot,f at the end of the process

  • Q : Describing the motion of the mass....
    Physics :

    Determine (a) the velocity when it passes the equilibrium point, (b) the veolocity when it is 0.10 m from equilibrium, (c) the total energy of the system, and (d) the equation describing the motion

  • Q : Expected value of for a uniform earth....
    Physics :

    The center of a 1.50 diameter spherical pocket of oil is 1.00 beneath the Earth's surface. Estimate by what percentage directly above the pocket of oil would differ from the expected value of for a

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