• Q : Magnitude of the centripetal acceleration....
    Physics :

    A rock with a mass of 6.0kg is being whirled in a horizontal circle on the end of a rope 1.6m long. if the seed of the rock is 2.7 m/s, what is the magnitude of the centripetal acceleration?

  • Q : Determine the distance between polaris and earth....
    Physics :

    Determine the distance between Polaris and Earth in Meters. Polaris is 431 ly from Earth. The speed of light is 3.0 x 10^8 m/s.

  • Q : What does the pressure gauge read....
    Physics :

    Water flows at 5.0;{rm L}/{rm s} through a horizontal pipe that narrows smoothly from 10 cm diameter to 5.0 cm diameter. A pressure gauge in the narrow section reads 50 kPa. What does the other pre

  • Q : Uncertainty in the measured distance....
    Physics :

    The distance from a point on the surface of Earth to a point on the surface of the moon is measured by aiming a laser light beam at a reflector on the surface of the moon and measuring the time req

  • Q : Rectangular barge sits deep in the harbor....
    Physics :

    If the rectangular barge is 2.50 m by 24.0 m and sits 0.800 m deep in the harbor, how deep will it sit in the river?

  • Q : How fast must the truck travel to stay beneath the airplane....
    Physics :

    A truck travels beneath an airplane that is moving 120 km/h at an angle of 49 degrees to the ground. how fast must the truck travel to stay beneath the airplane?

  • Q : Rotational frequency for a molecule....
    Physics :

    What is the typical rotational frequency for a molecule like at room temperature ()? Assume that for this molecule is . Take the atomic mass of to be . Express numerically in hertz, to three signifi

  • Q : Problem based on playing tug-of-war....
    Physics :

    Five people are playing tug-of-war. Anders and alyson pull to the right with 45 N and 35 N, respectively. Calid and Marisol pull to the left with 53 N and 38 N, respectively. with what force and in

  • Q : How long will it take the bullet to come to a stop....
    Physics :

    A 0.05-kg bullet traveling at 120 m/s tears into a slab of thick wood. The wood exerts a constant retardation (negative acceleration) of magnitude 8000 m/s2. How long will it take the bullet to com

  • Q : Magnitude of the average force the beam exerts....
    Physics :

    A 3210 kg pile driver is used to drive a steel I-beam into the ground. The pile driver falls 5.13 m before contacting the beam, and it drives the beam 5.43 cm into the ground before coming to rest.

  • Q : Spacing between the centers of neighboring atoms....
    Physics :

    Estimate the spacing between the centers of neighboring atoms in a piece of solid aluminum, based on a knowledge of the density (2700 kg/m3) and atomic mass (26.9815 u) of aluminum.

  • Q : String under a tension....
    Physics :

    A string under a tension of 59 N is used to whirl a rock in a horizontal circle of radius 3.9 m at a speed of 23.9 m/s. The string is pulled in, and the speed of the rock increases. When the string

  • Q : Uncertainty in the electrons momentum....
    Physics :

    An electron passes through a slit of width 7.89 10-8 m. What is the uncertainty in the electron's momentum component in the direction perpendicular to the slit but in the plane containing the slit?

  • Q : What is the maximum speed the ball can have....
    Physics :

    The maximum tension that a 0.5m string can tolerate is 14N. A 2.5kg ball is attatced to the string being whirled in a vertical circle. What is the maximum speed the ball can have at the top of the

  • Q : Calculate the center of mass of the two block-system....
    Physics :

    Block A, with a mass of 4 kg, is moving with a speed of 2.0m/s while block B, with a mass of 8 kg, is moving in the opposite direction with a speed of 3m/s. Calculate the center of mass of the two b

  • Q : Find the work done by the shopper....
    Physics :

    A shopper in a supermarket pushes a cart with a force of 35 N directed at an angle of 25 downward from the horizontal. Find the work done by the shopper on the cart as the shopper moves along a 50

  • Q : Escape earths gravitational field....
    Physics :

    A space vehicle is orbiting Earth in a circular orbit with a radius of 10,300,000 m. What is the minimum increase in speed that is needed for the vehicle to escape Earth's gravitational field? The

  • Q : Neglect friction between car and road....
    Physics :

    A mechanic pushes a(n) 2900 kg car from rest to a speed of v, doing 4367 J of work in the process. During this time, the car moves 26.8m. Neglect friction between car and road. Find the speed v.

  • Q : What is the mass of the heaviest person....
    Physics :

    If the coefficient of friction between the ladder and ground is 0.41, what is the mass of the heaviest person who can safely ascend to the top of the ladder?

  • Q : What is the mass of the other skater....
    Physics :

    A 65Kg ice skater pushes off his partner and accelerates backwards at 1.3m/s^2. if the partner accelerates in the opposite direction at 2.0m/s^2, what is the mass of the other skater?

  • Q : Direction of the friction force....
    Physics :

    A curve of radius 54 m is banked for a design speed of 90 km/h. If the coefficient of static friction is 0.30 (wet pavement), at what range of speeds can a car safely make the curve? [Hint: Conside

  • Q : Degrees to the ground....
    Physics :

    You pull your little sister across a flat snowy field on a sled. Your sister plus the sled have a mass of 31 kg. The rope is at an angle of 30 degrees to the ground. As you pull with a force of 30 N

  • Q : Find the work does on the bag-force friction does on bag....
    Physics :

    The force she exerts is 43 N at an angle of 58° above the horizontal. What is the work she does on the bag, the force friction does on the bag and the coeffecint of kinetic friction.

  • Q : What is meant by the focal length of a lens or mirror....
    Physics :

    What is meant by the focal length of a lens or mirror? What is the difference between the focal length of a lens and the image distance?

  • Q : Determine the radius of the solenoid wire....
    Physics :

    When the solenoid is connected to an ideal (no internal resistance) 2.73-V battery, the magnitude of the magnetic field inside the solenoid is found to be 5.83 10-3 T. Determine the radius of the wi

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