• Q : What is the acceleration of two falling sky divers....
    Physics :

    What is the acceleration of two falling sky divers (106.0 kg including parachute) when the upward force of air resistance is equal to one-forth of their weight?

  • Q : Determine the average net force exerted....
    Physics :

    If the human cannonball spends 0.82 s in the cannon, determine the average net force exerted on him in the barrel of the cannon.

  • Q : What is the oscillator maximum speed....
    Physics :

    An oscillator with a mass of 213 g has a speed of 117.8 cm/s when its displacement is 2.50 cm and 64.9 cm/s when its displacement is 7.40 cm. What is the oscillator's maximum speed (in m/s)?

  • Q : At what two locations on x-axis is the potential zero....
    Physics :

    A charge of -3.3 × 10-9 C is at the origin and a charge of 8.8 × 10-9 C is on the x-axis at x = 3 m. At what two locations on the x-axis (xpositive, xnegative) is the potential zero?

  • Q : Falling parabolic trajectory....
    Physics :

    The open end of a garden hose is directed horizontally, at a height of 1.25 m above the ground. Water issues from the hose and follows a falling parabolic trajectory to strike the ground 2.43 m away

  • Q : What is the vessel diameter....
    Physics :

    Catalyst pellets 0.51 cm in diameter are to be fluidized with 45,400 kg h-1 of air at 1atm and 77 C in a vertical cylindrical vessel. The density of the catalyst particles is 960 kg m-3; their spher

  • Q : What is the kinetic energy of the flywheel after charging....
    Physics :

    (a) What is the kinetic energy of the flywheel after charging? (b) If the truck uses an average power of 8.2 kW, for how many minutes can it operate between chargings?

  • Q : How fast must walk so that they each hear frequency....
    Physics :

    Two students with vibrating 392 Hz tuning forks walk away from each other with equal speeds. How fast must they walk so that they each hear a frequency of 389 Hz from the other fork?

  • Q : What is the wavelength on the right....
    Physics :

    3.54 g/m on the right, connected together at the center. If the wavelength of the wave on the left segment is 20.0 m, what is the wavelength on the right?

  • Q : What will the final temperature of the gold be....
    Physics :

    A 345 g chunk of gold at 98.5 degrees Celsius is dropped into a 656 g of water at 22.5 degrees Celsius. What will the final temperature of the gold be after the system reaches equilibrium?

  • Q : What is the speed of the large cart after the collision....
    Physics :

    A small, 100 g cart is moving at 1.20 m/s on an air track when it collides with a larger, 1.00 kg cart at rest. After the collision, the small cart recoils at 0.850 m/s. What is the speed of the lar

  • Q : Find the solubility of pure helium in hundred ml of blood....
    Physics :

    The solubility of pure helium in 100 ml of blood is 0.94 g. What is the solubility of pure helium in 100 ml of blood at a depth in the ocean of 1500 feet where pressure is 46 atm?

  • Q : Maximum stored energy sprinters and nonathletes....
    Physics :

    The spring constant for the tendon is the same for both groups, 32 {rm {N}/{mm}}. What is the difference in maximum stored energy between the sprinters and the nonathletes?

  • Q : What will the traveler weigh on another planet....
    Physics :

    A space traveler weighs 694 N on Earth. What will the traveler weigh on another planet whose radius is 2 times that of earth and whose mass is 2 times that of earth?

  • Q : Find speed of the last car as it passes the worker....
    Physics :

    A 93.0-m long train begins uniform acceleration from rest. What will be the speed of the last car as it passes the worker?

  • Q : At what launch angle did bill aim the arrow....
    Physics :

    If the arrow was shot with an initial speed of 45 and the boy was 20 away, at what launch angle did Bill aim the arrow? (Assume that the arrow and apple are initially at the same height above the gr

  • Q : What are the period of the motion....
    Physics :

    A woman rides a carnival Ferris wheel at radius 15 m, completing 5 turns about its horizontal axis every minute. What are (a) the period of the motion, and the magnitude of her centripetal accelerat

  • Q : Find average acceleration of the plane during landing....
    Physics :

    Once the jet touches down, it has 795 m of runway in which to reduce its speed to 6.3 m/s. Compute the average acceleration (magnitude and direction) of the plane during landing.

  • Q : Magnitude and direction south of east....
    Physics :

    A traveler first drives 19.4 km east, then 27.6 km southeast, and finally 10.2 km south. Find the traveler's total displacement. What is the magnitude and direction south of east?

  • Q : Find out the pressure exerted on the floor....
    Physics :

    A 82 person sits on a 3.8 chair. Each leg of the chair makes contact with the floor in a circle that is 1.4 in diameter. Find the pressure exerted on the floor by each leg of the chair, assuming th

  • Q : Find kinetic energy of particle when it reaches other plate....
    Physics :

    An Particle with mass of 6.5 10-27 kg and charge of 3.2 10-19 C is released from rest near the positive plate. What is the kinetic energy of the Particle when it reaches the other plate?

  • Q : Find the mechanical advantage....
    Physics :

    A farmer raises a bucket of water weighing 20 kg from the bottom of a well. To do this he has the rope wound around a .25 m diameter wooden drum. The handle of the crank on the drum is .4 m from th

  • Q : What is the increase in the internal energy....
    Physics :

    If the gas in a container absorbs 242 J of heat, has 109 J of work done on it, then does 62 J of work, what is the increase in the internal energy of the gas?

  • Q : What is the maximum kinetic energy of the object....
    Physics :

    A 2.2-kg object is suspended from a spring with k = 18 N/m. The mass is pulled 0.35 m downward from its equilibrium position and allowed to oscillate. What is the maximum kinetic energy of the obje

  • Q : What minimum diameter is required for the wire....
    Physics :

    A steel wire of length 2.07 m with circular cross section must stretch no more than 0.220 cm when a tensile (stretching) force of 420 N is applied to each end of the wire. What minimum diameter is r

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