• Q : At which the energy is dissipated in line as thermal energy....
    Physics :

    The transmission line resistance is 0.30Ω/cable and the power of the generator is 250kW. If Vt = 80kV, what are the (a) voltage decrease ?V along the transmission line.

  • Q : What is the value of a current in the smaller loop....
    Physics :

    Two concentric metal loops are each carrying a current but in opposite directions. The larger loop carries a current of 8.0 A and has a radius of 0.060 m. The smaller loop has a radius of 0.040 m.

  • Q : How much work does it take to push the trunk....
    Physics :

    Workers pushing a 180 kg trunk across a level floor encounter a 10 m long region where the floor becomes increasingly rough; the coefficient of kinetic friction increases from mo =.17 to .79 accord

  • Q : What should be the banking angle of the curve....
    Physics :

    What should be the banking angle of the curve so that the force of the pavement on the tires of the car is in the normal direction?

  • Q : Find the amount of heat removed....
    Physics :

    A gas is enclosed in a container fitted with a piston of cross-sectional area 0.24 m2. The pressure of the gas is maintained at 8565 Pa as the piston moves inward 8 cm. If the internal energy of th

  • Q : Calculate the size of the current....
    Physics :

    A 74.2 cm long straight section of wire is located entirely inside a uniform magnetic field of |B| = 0.230 T. The wire is perpendicular to the direction of the magnetic field. When a current runs th

  • Q : What is the melting temperature of indium....
    Physics :

    The resistance of the tungsten wire is 3.000 W at 20°C and increases to 4.850 W as the indium starts to melt. atungsten = 4.50 ´ 10-3 (°C)-1. What is the melting temperature of indium?

  • Q : What is the rocket maximum altitude....
    Physics :

    A 250 kg weather rocket is loaded with 100 kg of fuel and fired straight up. It accelerates upward at 32 m/s2 for 34 s, then runs out of fuel. Ignore any air resistance effects. What is the rocket's

  • Q : Find tension in the string-acceleration of the system....
    Physics :

    The coefficient of kinetic friction is 0.265. What is the tension in the string and what is the acceleration of the system. The box off the table weighs 10.0 kg.

  • Q : How much work must this force do to stop the wheel....
    Physics :

    A uniform disk with a mass of 150 kg and radius of 1.3 m rotates with an angular speed of 1000 rev/min. A constant tangential force is applied at a radial distance of 0.7 m. How much work must this

  • Q : Describe the behavior of the ball....
    Physics :

    A positively charged light metal ball is suspended between two oppositely charged metal plates on an insulating thread as shown below. After being charged once, the plates are disconnected from the

  • Q : How far is the electron from the origin....
    Physics :

    An electron moving along the x axis has a position given by x = 11te-1t m, where t is in seconds. How far is the electron from the origin when it momentarily stops?

  • Q : Magnifying power of an astronomical telescope....
    Physics :

    What is the magnifying power of an astronomical telescope having 0.1 diopter object and 20 diopter of eye piece. also find the length of the telescope.

  • Q : What is the final speed of the probe....
    Physics :

    Retrorockets are fired along the line of motion to reduce the probe's speed. The retrorockets generate a force of 3.0 105 N over a distance of 2600 km. What is the final speed of the probe?

  • Q : What will be the induced emf magnitude....
    Physics :

    A 500 turn solenoid, 25 cm long, has a diameter of 2.8 cm. A 10 turn coil is wound tightly around the center of the solenoid. If the current in the solenoid increases uniformly from 0 to 5.0 A in 0.

  • Q : Magnitude of the net torque....
    Physics :

    What is the magnitude of the net torque exerted on the branch by the children? Assume that the axis is located where the branch joins the tree trunk and is perpendicular to the plane formed by the b

  • Q : What is the length of the driveway....
    Physics :

    A 2.1 x 10^3 kg car starts from rest at the top of a driveway that's sloped at an angle of 20.0 degrees with the horizontal. An avg. friction force of 4.0 x 10^3 impedes the cars motion so that the

  • Q : How fast is he moving once he reaches the ground....
    Physics :

    A 77.9-kg fireman slides down a 4.13-m pole by applying a frictional force of 343 N against the pole with his hands. If he slides from rest, how fast is he moving once he reaches the ground?

  • Q : Sketch an x-t graph of the motion of both vehicles....
    Physics :

    Sketch an x-t graph of the motion of both vehicles. Take x=0 at theintersection. sketch a vx-t graph of the motion of bothvehicles.

  • Q : How much kinetic energy was dissipated by the drag force....
    Physics :

    A tennis ball (m = 59 g) is projected vertically with an initial speed of 9.7 m/s. (a) If the ball rises to a maximum height of 3.1 m, how much kinetic energy was dissipated by the drag force of air

  • Q : Minimum distance needed for the car to stop....
    Physics :

    A car is traveling at 50.0 km/h on a flat highway. If the coefficient of friction between the road and the tires on a rainy day is 0.100, what is the minimum distance needed for the car to stop?

  • Q : What is the electromagnetic spectrum....
    Physics :

    What is the electromagnetic spectrum? Give examples of each kind of wave and relate each example to its relative position in the spectrum.

  • Q : What is the current of the second wire....
    Physics :

    A long horizontal wire carries a current of 48 . A second wire, made of 2.2 diameter copper wire and parallel to the first, is kept in suspension magnetically 15 below . What is the current of the s

  • Q : What is the coefficient of kinetic friction of skis on snow....
    Physics :

    The skis have a thrust of 200 N. Sams speed at the bottom is 40 m/s. What is the coefficient of kinetic friction of his skis on snow?

  • Q : Work-done by kinetic frictional force....
    Physics :

    A 100 kg crate is being pushed across a horizontal floor by a force P that makes an angle of 30.0 below the horizontal. The coefficient of kinetic friction is 0.200. What should be the magnitude of

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