• Q : What is the magnitude of the normal force exerted by the car....
    Physics :

    A small remote controlled car with a mass of 1.6 kg moves at a constant speed of 12 m/s in a vertical circle inside a hollow cylinder that has a radius of 5 m. What is the magnitude of the normal fo

  • Q : Mass of cube of ice taken from the freeze....
    Physics :

    A cube of ice is taken from the freezer at -9.1°C and placed in a 97 g aluminum calorimeter filled with 294 g of water at room temperature of 20°C. The final situation is observed to be all

  • Q : Determine the magnitude and direction of the wind velocity....
    Physics :

    Determine the magnitude and direction of the wind velocity as measured on the boat in knots. What is the component of the wind velocity in the direction parallel to the motion of the boat in knots?

  • Q : Velocity and acceleration of the motorcycle point....
    Physics :

    A motorcycle has a constant acceleration of 4.6 m/s2. Both the velocity and acceleration of the motorcycle point in the same direction. How much time is required for the motorcycle to change its sp

  • Q : At what angle of elevation did the ball leave the bat....
    Physics :

    a fly ball leaves the bat at a velocity of 98 miles per hour and is caught by an outfielder 288 feet away. At what angle of elevation did the ball leave the bat?

  • Q : Angle of incidence of ray at bottom of prism....
    Physics :

    A ray of light traveling in air strikes the mid- point of one face of an equiangular glass prism (n = 1.37) at an angle of exactly 30.0. Trace the path of the light ray through the glass and find t

  • Q : How long does it take him to fill the trough....
    Physics :

    A cowboy at a dude ranch fills a horse trough that is 1.6 m long, 69 cm wide, and 42 cm deep. He uses a 2.7 cm diameter hose from which water emerges at 2.3 m/s. How long does it take him to fill t

  • Q : What is the x component of velocity after given time....
    Physics :

    A particlemoves in the xy plane with constant acceleration. What is the magnitude of the displacement from the origin (x = 0 m, y = 0 m) after 1.5 s?

  • Q : What is the initial resonance angular frequency....
    Physics :

    What is the initial resonance angular frequency W of the cicuit? What is the rms current through the circuit at resonance, rms I?

  • Q : When does the shoe reach the ground....
    Physics :

    A parachutist descending at a speed of 20.0 m/s loses a shoe at an altitude of 60.0 m. (Assume the positive direction is upward.)

  • Q : What fractional increase in the tension....
    Physics :

    Two identical piano wires have a fundamental frequency of 600 Hz when kept under the same tension. What fractional increase in the tension of one wire will lead to the occurrence of 6.0 beats/s whe

  • Q : Boulder''s kinetic energy....
    Physics :

    A boulder has 300 J of potential energy sitting on the edge of a cliff. What is the boulder's kinetic energy as it hits the ground?

  • Q : What net force actually be necessary to stop automobile....
    Physics :

    What net force would actually be necessary to stop an automobile of mass 890 traveling initially at a speed of 52.0 in a distance equal to the diameter of a dime, which is 1.8 ?

  • Q : Calculate the momentum of the gun....
    Physics :

    A 31 kg gun is standing on a frictionless surface. The gun fires a 54.2 g bullet with a muzzle velocity of 321 m/s. The positive direction is that of the bullet. Calculate the momentum of the gun i

  • Q : Find the velocities of the decay products....
    Physics :

    The velocities of the decay product are along the direction of motion M. Find the velocities of the decay products in the laboratory reference frame. (Round your answer to three decimal places.)

  • Q : Ratio of the man kinetic energy....
    Physics :

    A man weighing 680 and a woman weighing 430 have the same momentum. What is the ratio of the man's kinetic energy to that of the woman?

  • Q : Calculate the angle from the center line....
    Physics :

    A beam of light is diffracted by a slit of width 0.600 mm. the diffraction pattern forms on a wall 2.00 m beyond the slit. the distance between the positions of zero intensity on both sides of the c

  • Q : Find the mass of the worker....
    Physics :

    A worker stands still on a roof sloped at an angle of 21° above the horizontal. He is prevented from slipping by a static frictional force of 400 N. Find the mass of the worker.

  • Q : Find velocity of toyota prius relative to vw passat....
    Physics :

    A Toyota Prius driving north at 61.0 {rm mph} and a VW Passat driving south at 41.0. What is the velocity of Toyota Prius relative to the VW Passat when they are 250 apart, just before they meet?

  • Q : Determine the tension in the cables....
    Physics :

    A 20 kg loudspeaker is suspended 2.2 m below the ceiling by two 3.0-m-long cables that angle outward at equal angles. What is the tension in the cables?

  • Q : Kinectic energy in joules....
    Physics :

    If a 50 kg cannon ball is shot horizontally from a cannon at a speed of 80 m/s, what is its kinectic energy in joules?

  • Q : How much friction force be required for a car....
    Physics :

    A 1800 kg car rounds a curve of radius 70 m banked at an angle of 12°. If the car is traveling at 86 km/h, will a friction force be required?

  • Q : How far did projectile travel horizontally during its flight....
    Physics :

    A plane, diving with constant speed at an angle of 50.0° with the vertical, releases a projectile at an altitude of 830 m. How far did the projectile travel horizontally during its flight?

  • Q : Water droplets in clouds....
    Physics :

    Which of the following is true about water droplets in clouds?

  • Q : What was its initial speed....
    Physics :

    A baseball is seen to pass upward by a window 20 above the street with a vertical speed of 10 .If the ball was thrown from the street, what was its initial speed?

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