• Q : Determine the average force that the water exerts....
    Physics :

    A 55 kg person jumps from rest of a 10 m high tower straight down into the water. neglect air resistance during the descent. she comes to rest 3 m under the surface of the water. determine the aver

  • Q : Calculate the initial internal energy of the crate....
    Physics :

    A force of 315 N is applied horizontally to a wooden crate in order to displac eit 35.0 m accorss a level surface at a constant velocity. As a result of this work the crate's internal energy is inc

  • Q : How long will it take her to reach the bottom of the hill....
    Physics :

    How long will it take her to reach the bottom of the hill, assuming she starts from rest and accelerates uniformly, if the elevation change is 250 ?

  • Q : How many balloons can the tank blow up....
    Physics :

    A tank having a volume of 0.100 m3 contains helium gas at 140 atm. How many balloons can the tank blow up if each filled balloon is a sphere 0.300 m in diameter at an absolute pressure of 1.10 atm?

  • Q : Blood pressure in the unobstructed artery....
    Physics :

    A typical human aorta, or main artery from the heart, is 1.8 cm in diameter and carries blood at a speed of 35 cm/s. The clot reduces the flow area by 80%? If the blood pressure in the unobstructed

  • Q : What is the minimum force needed between her feet....
    Physics :

    A 75. kg child stands on the rim of a merry go round. The merry go round has a mass of 250. kg, and a diameter of 6 meters. The merry go round has an angular speed of 3.00 rad/s. What is the minimum

  • Q : What is the minimum time necessary for crossing....
    Physics :

    A hunter wishes to cross a river that is 1.1 km wide and flows with a speed of 5.0 km/h parallel to its banks. The hunter uses a small powerboat that moves at a maximum speed of 11 km/h with respect

  • Q : Electron to pass between the plates without being deflected....
    Physics :

    An electron travels with speed 1.8 107 m/s between the two parallel charged plates shown in the figure below. The plates are separated by 1.0 cm and are charged by a 160 V battery. What magnetic fie

  • Q : Bullet flight time and speed....
    Physics :

    A rifle is aimed horizontally at a target 45 m away. The bullet hits the target 2.5 cm below the aim point. What is the bullet's flight time and the speed as it left the barrel?

  • Q : How fast does it move after the bullet emerges....
    Physics :

    A 12 g bullet traveling 224 m/s penetrates a 2.0 kg block of wood and emerges going 166 m/s. If the block is stationary on a frictionless surface when hit, how fast does it move after the bullet eme

  • Q : What is the speed of the train at the end of the distance....
    Physics :

    A train on a straight, level track has an initial speed of 47.0 km/h. A uniform acceleration of 1.50 m/s2 is applied while the train travels 165 m. What is the speed of the train at the end of this

  • Q : What is the pipes radius at a constriction....
    Physics :

    Water discharges from a horizontal cylindrical pipe at the rate of 484 {rm cm^{3}/s}. At a point in the pipe where the radius is 2.02 {rm cm}, the absolute pressure is 1.70×105 {rm Pa}. What

  • Q : Find the period of the pendulum....
    Physics :

    A simple pendulum makes 121 complete oscillations in 3.0 min at a location where g = 9.80 m/s2. (a) Find the period of the pendulum.

  • Q : What will be the equilibrium temperature....
    Physics :

    What will be the equilibrium temperature when a 244 block of copper at 268 is placed in a 136 aluminum calorimeter cup containing 845 of water at 14.0?

  • Q : Gravitational potential energy for the hammer on the moon....
    Physics :

    For a hammer dropped on earth, the initial gravitational potential energy is 60.0 {rm J}. What would be the initial gravitational potential energy for the hammer on the moon (where the acceleration

  • Q : What was the speed of the meteorite....
    Physics :

    A 60 meteorite buries itself 6.0 into soft mud. The force between the meteorite and the mud is given by = (750 ), where is the depth in the mud. What was the speed of the meteorite when it initially

  • Q : Find the speed of the stone just before it hits the ground....
    Physics :

    If the window is 14 m above the ground, find the time the stone is in flight and Find the speed of the stone just before it hits the ground.

  • Q : What is the uncertainty in the position....
    Physics :

    What is the uncertainty in the position of an electron if it is moving with a speed of 2.05 * 10 6 m/s and the momentum is measured with a precision of 0.5%.

  • Q : Find the actual minimum distance needed to stop the plane....
    Physics :

    A jet plane lands with a speed of 101 m/s and can accelerate at a maximum of -5.00 m/s^2 as it comes to rest. What is the actual minimum distance needed to stop the plane?

  • Q : What is the energy of this system....
    Physics :

    Two small metal spheres with masses 2.0 g and 4.0 g are tied together by a 5.5 cm--long massless string and are at rest on a frictionless surface. Each is charged to +2.5uC .

  • Q : What is the average force his feet exert....
    Physics :

    he moves an additional 0.76 m before coming to rest. Treating our rigid legged friend as a particle, what is the average force his feet exert on the ground while he slows down?

  • Q : Find out the upward acceleration of the shell....
    Physics :

    A thing, rigid, spherical shell with a mass of 4.00 kg and diameter of 0.200 m is filled with helium at 0 degrees celsius and 1 atm pressure. It is then released from rest on the bottom of a pool o

  • Q : Find the total distance covered....
    Physics :

    A subway train starts from rest at a station and accelerates at a rate of 1.60;{rm m}/{rm s}^{2} for 14.0 {rm s}. Find the total distance covered.

  • Q : Showing the ball momentum....
    Physics :

    Draw arrows showing the ball's momentum before and after it hits the bat. What was the change in momentum of the ball? What was the impulse delivered by the bat?

  • Q : Problem based on specific gravity of the wood....
    Physics :

    A raft is made of 10 logs lashed together. Each is 56cm in diameter and has a length of 6.1m. How many people can the raft hold before they start getting their feet wet, assuming the average person

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