• Q : Angular velocity of the disk....
    Physics :

    A sanding disk with rotational inertia 8.1 x 10-3 kg·m2 is attached to an electric drill whose motor delivers a torque of magnitude 20 N·m about the central axis of the disk. About th

  • Q : How long did it take for train to travel given distance....
    Physics :

    A train on a straight, level track has an initial speed of 35.0 km/h. How long did it take for the train to travel the 175 m?

  • Q : How long does it take the 4.0 kg block to reach the floor....
    Physics :

    The two blocks in the figure are connected by a massless rope that passes over a pulley. The pulley is 11 in diameter and has a mass of 1.8 . As the pulley turns, friction at the axle exerts a torqu

  • Q : Calculate the speed of the sports car at impact....
    Physics :

    A 810 kg sports car collides into the rear end of a 2000 kg SUV stopped at a red light. The bumpers lock, the brakes are locked, and the two cars skid forward 2.5 m before stopping. The police offi

  • Q : What is final kinetic energy....
    Physics :

    The flywheel of an engine has a moment of inertia 2.40 kg m^2 about its rotation axis.What constant torque is required to bring it up to an angular speed of 400 rev/min in a time of 8.50 s, startin

  • Q : What is the tension in each string....
    Physics :

    A uniform meter stick with a mass of 250 g is supported horizontally by two vertical strings, one at the 0.0 cm mark and the other at 90.0-cm mark. (a) What is the tension in each string? (b) Where

  • Q : Net electrostatic force....
    Physics :

    A charge of -3.80 nC and a charge of -6.00 nC are separated by a distance of 60.0 cm. Find the position at which a third charge of +7.30 nC can be placed so that the net electrostatic force on it i

  • Q : What is the horizontal distance between the elbow and point....
    Physics :

    What is the horizontal distance between the elbow and the point where the weight of the forearm acts?

  • Q : Determine time the inhabitants of alpha station have quit....
    Physics :

    As soon as the enemy spaceship detects the electromagnetic waves it releases the same kind of missile therefore moving at speed of 0.95c. determine the time the inhabitants of alpha station have qui

  • Q : Center of a uniformly charged sphere of radius....
    Physics :

    An electron starts from rest 4.00 cm from the center of a uniformly charged sphere of radius 2.00 cm. If the sphere carries a total charge of 1.00 multiplied by 10-9 C, how fast will the electron b

  • Q : Temperature of water before insertion of the thermometer....
    Physics :

    A thermometer has a mass of 31.0g, a specific heat capacity of C=815J/(kg.C degrees) and a temperature of 12.0 degrees celsius. It is immersed in 119g of water, and the final temperature of the wat

  • Q : Find coefficient of kinetic friction between sled and snow....
    Physics :

    A skier attained a speed of 15 m/s down a slope with a 40 degree incline. It took the sled rider 4 seconds to achieve such a speed after she started down the slope. Find the coefficient of kinetic

  • Q : Determining the mass of the puck....
    Physics :

    An ice hockey puck slides along the ice at 12 {rm m/s}. A hockey stick delivers an impulse of 4.0 {rm kg cdot m/s} causing the puck to move off in the opposite direction with the same speed. What i

  • Q : How much does she weigh....
    Physics :

    a woman who weighs 600 N at earth's surface stands on top of a very tall ladder so she is one earth radius above earth's surface. how much does she weigh?

  • Q : What is the pressure tendency recorded at a near by island....
    Physics :

    A ship is streaming northward at a rate of 10km/h. the surface pressure increases toward the northwest at a rate of 5 pa/km. what is the pressure tendency recorded at a near by island station if th

  • Q : With what speed would the arrow leave the bow....
    Physics :

    If the average force exerted on the arrow by the bow were doubled, all else remaining the same, with what speed would the arrow leave the bow?

  • Q : How far walk toward speaker to move to reach interference....
    Physics :

    How far must you walk toward speaker to move to reach the first point of destructive interference? Take the speed of sound to be 344 .

  • Q : Orbital angular momentum....
    Physics :

    Quarks carry spin 1/2. Three quarks bind together to make a baryon (such as the proton or neutron); two quarks (or more precisely a quark and an anti-quark) bind together to make a meson (such as t

  • Q : Determine the other force....
    Physics :

    Besides its weight, a 4.00 kg object is subjected to one other constant force. The object starts from rest and in 1.20 s experiences a displacement of (5.20 - 3.30) m, where the direction of is the

  • Q : What is its speed at the instant it leaves the table....
    Physics :

    It strikes the floor at a point 1.06 m horizontally away from the edge of the table. (a) How long is the ball in the air? (b) What is its speed at the instant it leaves the table?

  • Q : What is the atomic mass of lithium....
    Physics :

    Lithium has only two naturally occuring isotopes: lithiumi-6 and lithium-7. Lithium-6 has a mass of 6.01512 and makes up 7.42 percent of all naturally occuring lithium. Lithium-7 has a mass of 7.01

  • Q : Depressants-opioid....
    Physics :

    Which one of the following depressants is an opioid?

  • Q : What voltage difference exists between the plates....
    Physics :

    it takes 130 J of work to move 2.2 C of charge from a positive plate to a negative plate. What voltage difference exists between the plates.

  • Q : What is the wire-s linear charge density....
    Physics :

    A proton orbits a long charged wire, making 1.10 times 10^{6} revolutions per second. The radius of the orbit is 1.80 cm. What is the wire's linear charge density?

  • Q : Problem on biometric measurements....
    Physics :

    A 54.0 ice skater spins about a vertical axis through her body with her arms horizontally outstretched, making 2.50 turns each second. The distance from one hand to the other is 1.5 . Biometric mea

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