• Q : Friction between the tires and the icy pavement....
    Physics :

    A car is slides down an icy driveway that slopes at an angle of 20 degrees. What is the acceleration of the car? Assume that the friction between the tires and the icy pavement is negligible

  • Q : Volume of the tank and the temperature....
    Physics :

    A rigid tank contains 1.20 moles of an ideal gas. Determine the number of moles of gas that must be withdrawn from the tank to lower the pressure of the gas from 24.2 atm to 5.30 atm. Assume the vo

  • Q : How much time does train need to undergo change in speed....
    Physics :

    Suppose a train moving at this speed accelerates at -0.20 m/s2 until it reaches a speed of 8.0 km/h. How much time does the train need to undergo this change in speed?

  • Q : Find the average forces exerted on the car....
    Physics :

    As part of a safety investigation, two 1900 cars traveling at 25 are crashed into different barriers. Find the average forces exerted on (a) the car that hits a line of water barrels and takes 1.8 t

  • Q : What is the potential energy of this system of charges....
    Physics :

    What is the potential energy of this system of charges?  Starting from the rest, the particles are now released.

  • Q : How far does the putty-block system compress the spring....
    Physics :

    A 0.344-kg block is attached to a horizontal spring that is at its equilibrium length, and whose force constant is 22.6 N/m. The block rests on a frictionless surface. A 0.0500 kg wad of putty is th

  • Q : What would be the least speed needed for rest of the trip....
    Physics :

    But then construction work forces you to slow to 42.0 km/h for 41.0 km. What would be the least speed (in km/h) needed for the rest of the trip to arrive in time for the interview?

  • Q : Compute the maximum speed of the glider....
    Physics :

    A 0.500 {rm kg} glider on an air track is attached to the end of an ideal spring with force constant 459 {rm N}/{rm m}; it undergoes simple harmonic motion with an amplitude of 4.50×10-2 {rm

  • Q : Group of racially prejudiced....
    Physics :

    When a group of racially prejudiced high school students discussed racial issues, their attitudes became even more prejudiced. This best illustrates

  • Q : How much time is required until speed reaches specific speed....
    Physics :

    A locomotive is accelerating at 1.33 m/s2. It passes through a 15.1-m-wide crossing in a time of 4.30 s. After the locomotive leaves the crossing, how much time is required until its speed reaches

  • Q : How far must the boarder be pulled....
    Physics :

    A snowboarder is pulled by a tow rope along a horizontal surface with a constant force of 60 N. How far must the boarder be pulled, starting from rest, so that her final kinetic energy is 500 J?

  • Q : What is the resulting compressional force on the earth....
    Physics :

    Suppose 4.10 g of hydrogen is separated into electrons and protons. Suppose also the protons are placed at the earth's North Pole and the electrons are placed at the South Pole. What is the resultin

  • Q : What is the cylinder mass density....
    Physics :

    A 7.2 cm tall cylinder floats in water with its axis perpendicular to the surface. The length of the cylinder above water is 1.4 cm. What is the cylinder's mass density?

  • Q : What is the magnitude of the charge on each....
    Physics :

    The electric field midway between two equal but opposite point charges is 1650 N/C, and the distance between the charges is 10.1 cm. What is the magnitude of the charge on each?

  • Q : Determine the average force exerted by the wall....
    Physics :

    A 5.00 kg steel ball strikes a wall with a speed of 8.0 m/s at an angle of 60.0° with the surface. It bounces off with the same speed and angle. If the ball is in contact with the wall for 0.20

  • Q : Calculate the mass of the aluminum cup....
    Physics :

    An aluminum cup contains 225 g of water and a 40-g copper stirrer, all at 27°C. A 400-g sample of silver at an initial temperature of 87°C is placed in the water. The stirrer is used to stir

  • Q : Find minimum value of acceleration that airplane take off....
    Physics :

    An airplane must reach a speed of 194 mi/h to take off. If the runway is 492 m long, what is the minimum value of the acceleration that will allow the airplane to take off successfully?

  • Q : How much work is done by the electric force....
    Physics :

    The nucleus of a copper atom contains 29 protons and has a radius of 4.8 × 10-15 m. How much work (in electron volts) is done by the electric force as a proton is brought from infinity, where

  • Q : Explain the resonance in a tube....
    Physics :

    How to explain the resonance in a tube which is open at both the ends? What causes the waves to reflect from the ends?

  • Q : Box velocity at the top of the ramp....
    Physics :

    A ramp is 25 meters long and is inclined at 30 degrees with the horizontal. A block of mass 25 is pulled up at a constant acceleration of 1m/s2. The coefficient of kinetic friction is 0.15. If the

  • Q : Minimum speed of the pail....
    Physics :

    A pail of water is rotated in a vertical circle of radius 1.10 m (the approximate length of a person's arm). What must be the minimum speed of the pail at the top of the circle if no water is to sp

  • Q : Find braking distance if car were traveling at given speed....
    Physics :

    A driver traveling at 42.0 km/h in a school zone can brake to an emergency stop in 3.20 m. What would be the braking distance if the car were traveling at 50.0 km/h?

  • Q : Calculate the wavelength of the light....
    Physics :

    Light is incident on a slit 0.750 mm wide. On a screen 2.00 m away, the distance from the central maximum to the first minimum is 1.35 mm. Calculate the wavelength of the light.

  • Q : Oscillates vertically in simple harmonic....
    Physics :

    A coin is placed on a platform attached to a spring that oscillates vertically in simple harmonic 18) motion. The amplitude of the displacement is 1.20 cm. What is the maximum frequency for which t

  • Q : How many revolutions does the fan turn while stopping....
    Physics :

    A ceiling fan with 80-cm-diameter blades is turning at 60rpm. Suppose the fan coasts to a stop 30s after being turned off a.) What is the speed of the trip of a blade 10 s after the fan is turned off?

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