• Q : What tension is needed to tune string properly....
    Physics :

    The lowest note on a grand piano has a frequency of 27.5Hz . The entire string is 2.00m long and has a mass of 400g . The vibrating section of the string is 1.90m long. What tension is needed to tun

  • Q : Determine the magnification of the image....
    Physics :

    A dentist uses a small mirror with a radius of 44 mm to locate a cavity in a patient's tooth. If the mirror is concave and is held 17 mm from the tooth, what is the magnification of the image?

  • Q : Explain the mechanical energy of the system....
    Physics :

    A mass-spring system oscillates with an amplitude of 3.40 cm. If the spring constant is 228 N/m and the mass is 414 g, determine the mechanical energy of the system.

  • Q : Determine the force needed to compress the spring....
    Physics :

    A hand exerciser utilizes a coiled spring. a force of 89.0 N is required to compress the spring by 0.0191 m. Determine the force needed to compress the spring by 0.0508m.

  • Q : Effective coefficient of the kinetic friction....
    Physics :

    A potter's wheel having a radius 0.55 m and a moment of inertia 14.8 kg·m2 is rotating freely at 52 rev/min. The potter can stop the wheel in 5.0 s by pressing a wet rag against the rim and e

  • Q : Determine the rms speed of the molecules....
    Physics :

    500 J of work are done to compress the gas while, in the same process, 1200 J of heat energy are transferred from the gas to the environment. Afterward, what is the rms speed of the molecules?

  • Q : Determine final temperature of system consisting of ice....
    Physics :

    Determine the final temperature of the system consisting of the ice, water, and calorimeter. Remember that the ice must first warm to 0°C, melt, and then continue warming as water.

  • Q : What is the frequency of the vibration....
    Physics :

    A 310 kg wooden raft floats on a lake. When a 75 kg man stands on the raft, it sinks 3.2 cm deeper into the water. When he steps off, the raft vibrates for a while. What is the frequency of the vibr

  • Q : Find out the reading on each of the scales....
    Physics :

    A 68 kg woman stands on a very light, rigid board that rests on a bathroom scale at each end. What is the reading on each of the scales?

  • Q : Find the weight of plane if air speed beneath wing is given....
    Physics :

    In level flight the air speed over the top of the wings is 61 m/s, while the air speed beneath the wings is 55 m/s. What is the weight of the plane?

  • Q : Behaviorism and contemporary psychology....
    Physics :

    A description of the gestalt revolt and an analysis pf the challenges it made to behaviorism (specifically) and contemporary psychology generally.

  • Q : What is the time interval between the successive sound pulse....
    Physics :

    Fred strikes a steel train rail with a hammer at a frequency of 0.52 Hz, and Wilma puts her ear to the rail 2.1 km away. How long after the first strike does Wilma hear the sound? What is the time i

  • Q : What is coefficient of friction for tire under low pressure....
    Physics :

    Assume that the net horizontal force is due to rolling friction only and take the free-fall acceleration to be g = 9.80 m/s^2. What is the coefficient of friction for the tire under low pressure?

  • Q : Describe component of velocity....
    Physics :

    A 58.3 kg pole vaulter running at 10.7 m/s vaults over the bar. The acceleration of gravity is 9.81 m/s2 . If the vaulter's horizontal component of velocity over the bar is 1.1m/s and air resistance

  • Q : Hollow ball rolling along a horizontal surface....
    Physics :

    A hollow ball is rolling along a horizontal surface at 2.5 when it encounters an upward incline. If it rolls without slipping what is the maximum height it will reach?

  • Q : How long would a three-kw space heater have to run....
    Physics :

    A refrigerator (coefficient of performance = 3.00) does when it freezes 1.50 kg of water at 20.0-degrees C into ice at 0.0-degrees C?

  • Q : What is the electric potential just outside the surface....
    Physics :

    A spherical conductor with a radius of 75.0 cm has an electric field of magnitude 8.4 x 10^5 V/m just outside its surface. What is the electric potential just outside the surface, assuming the poten

  • Q : Describe component of velocity....
    Physics :

    A 58.3 kg pole vaulter running at 10.7 m/s vaults over the bar. The acceleration of gravity is 9.81 m/s2 . If the vaulter's horizontal component of velocity over the bar is 1.1m/s and air resistance

  • Q : How far is your hometown from school....
    Physics :

    You are driving home from school steadily at 98 for 150 . It then begins to rain and you slow to 62 . You arrive home after driving 3 hours and 30 minutes. How far is your hometown from school?

  • Q : Empty corners of the square....
    Physics :

    Two identical point charges of +2.00 C are fixed to diagonally opposite corners of a square. A third charge is then moved to and fixed at the center of the square, such that it causes the potentia

  • Q : What is the speed of the baseball....
    Physics :

    A 145g baseball is thrown by a pitcher exerting an average force of 75N over a distance of 1.6 m. What is the speed of the baseball as it leaves the pitcher's hand?

  • Q : What are weight and masson earth and in interplanetary space....
    Physics :

    A space traveller whose mass is 115kg leaves earth. What are his weight and masson earth and in interplanetary space where there are no nearby planetary objects?

  • Q : Compute magnitude of the centripetal acceleration....
    Physics :

    A floppy disk for a personal computer rotates with a constant angular speed of 31.4 rad/s about an axis perpendicular to the disk at its center. (a) Find the tangential speed of a point that is 0.04

  • Q : How much work changing gravitational potential energy....
    Physics :

    (a) How much work does she do in changing her gravitational potential energy? (b) What is her efficiency (expressed as a fraction between 0 and 1) in doing the work in part (a)?

  • Q : Center of mass of the two-stone system....
    Physics :

    (a) How far below the release point is the center of mass of the two stones at t = 390 ms? (Neither stone has yet reached the ground.) (b) How fast is the center of mass of the two-stone system movi

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