• Q : Determine the maximum compression of the spring....
    Physics :

    If the collision is perfectly inelastic, what is the ball's speed immediately after the collision? What is the maximum compression of the spring for a perfectly inelastic collision?

  • Q : What is the mass density of the white dwarf star....
    Physics :

    The mass of Sirius B is 2 X 10^30 kg, nearly the same as the sun's. What is the mass density of this white dwarf star? For comparison, the density of water is 1000-kg/m^3.

  • Q : Compute the magnitude of the net gravitational force....
    Physics :

    Four identical masses of mass 900kg each are placed at the corners of a square whose side lengths are 10cm.  what is the magnitude of the net gravitational force on one ofthe masses, due to the

  • Q : How much energy is used to operate the oven for six hours....
    Physics :

    How much energy is used to operate the oven for six hours? (b) At a price of $0.10 per kilowatt X Hour for electricity, what is the cost of operating the oven? Topic: The Transfer of Heat; Conductio

  • Q : Find out the magnitude of the average force....
    Physics :

    A 53.0-kg person jumps from rest off a 12.0-m-high tower straight down into the water. Neglect air resistance. She comes to rest 3.00 m under the surface of the water. Determine the magnitude of the

  • Q : What is the height of the slope....
    Physics :

    A ball rolls down a starting at 4.95 m/s. At the bottom of the slope its speed is 13.4 m/s. What is the height of the slope?

  • Q : Estimate the pressure....
    Physics :

    A 71-kg skier is going down a slope oriented 31° above the horizontal. The area of each ski in contact with the snow is 0.13 m2. Determine the pressure that each ski exerts on the snow.

  • Q : What is mass of object if combined mass is given....
    Physics :

    Al moves off with a speed of 8.8 m/sec in one direction and Jo moves off with a speed of 10 m/sec in the other. You can assume friction is negligible. What is Al's mass?

  • Q : Uniform circular motion around the turn based problem....
    Physics :

    A car of mass M = 1300 kg traveling at 60.0 km/hour enters a banked turn covered with ice. The road is banked at an angle theta, and there is no friction between the road and the car's tires. What

  • Q : Actual sound frequency....
    Physics :

    If you were moving at 12 m/s and you heard a train whistle at a freqncy of 436 Hz, but the actual sound frequency was 412 Hz, how fast was the train moving?

  • Q : What is the maximum charge you can put on this sphere....
    Physics :

    It is possible to calculate the maximum possible potential (relative to infinity) in air of a metal sphere of 19 cm radius. First, what is the maximum charge you can put on this sphere?

  • Q : Determine the width of the slit....
    Physics :

    When blue light of wavelength 470 nm falls on a single slit, the first dark bands on either side of center are separated by 65.0 degrees. Determine the width of the slit.

  • Q : What is the magnification of the resulting image....
    Physics :

    A dentist uses a small mirror of radius 48 mm to locate a cavity in a patient's tooth. If the mirror is concave and is held 10 mm from the tooth, what is the magnification of the resulting image?

  • Q : Find out the electric potential energy of the system....
    Physics :

    Three equal point charges, each with charge 1.65X10^-6 , are placed at the vertices of an equilateral triangle whose sides are of length 0.250 . What is the electric potential energy of the system?

  • Q : Overhanging part of the plank question....
    Physics :

    A uniform plank of length 4.3m and weight 236N rest horizontally on two supports, with 1.1m of the plank hanging over the right support. To what distance x can person who weighs 450N walk on the ove

  • Q : Estimate magnitude of the electric field....
    Physics :

    A 30nC charged particle and a 50nC charged particle are near each other. There are no other charges nearby. The electric force on the 30nC particle is 4.30×10^-2 N. The 50nC particle is then

  • Q : What is the value of mass at the end of a spring....
    Physics :

    A mass m at the end of a spring oscillates with a frequency of 0.83 Hz. When an additional 680 g mass is added to m, the frequency is 0.60 Hz. What is the value of m?

  • Q : Electric field on a charge....
    Physics :

    Find the potential at point A. Find the potential at point B. Find the work done by the electric field on a charge of 1 nC that travels from point B to point A.

  • Q : Determining the magnitude of the acceleration....
    Physics :

    A 68-kg person on skis is going down a hill sloped at 30° from the horizontal. The coefficient of friction between the skis and the snow is 0.11. What would be the magnitude of the acceleration

  • Q : Estimate the power required to operate the tow....
    Physics :

    A ski tow operates on a slope of angle 14.3 degree of length 250 m . The rope moves at a speed of 12.6 km/h and provides power for 53 riders at one time, with an average mass per rider of 68.0 kg.

  • Q : How many electrons reach the anode during a period....
    Physics :

    The cathode and the anode at a rate of 3.50 A. If 95.0% of the electrons reach the anode,(a) How many electrons reach the anode during a period of 15.0 s?

  • Q : How long will it take the car to reach the truck....
    Physics :

    A car is traveling 96 km/h and is 130 m behind a truck traveling 75 km/h. How long will it take the car to reach the truck?

  • Q : By how much will hunter miss the target....
    Physics :

    A hunter 1.7 meters tall (that is to the eye level) directly aims at a target which is on the same level. By how much will he miss the target?

  • Q : Thermal equilibrium of the surrounding water....
    Physics :

    A diver 60 m deep in 10^circ{rm C} fresh water exhales a 1.5 {rm cm} diameter bubble.What is the bubble's diameter just as it reaches the surface of the lake, where the water temperature is 20^circ{

  • Q : Estimate the power required to operate the tow....
    Physics :

    A ski tow operates on a slope of angle 14.3 degree of length 250 m . The rope moves at a speed of 12.6 km/h and provides power for 53 riders at one time, with an average mass per rider of 68.0 kg.

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