• Q : What is the magnitude of the force on the bead....
    Physics :

    A 10cm-long thin glass rod is uniformly charged to +50 nC. A small plastic bead, charged to - 4.7 nC, is 4.5 cm from the center of the rod. What is the magnitude of the force on the bead?

  • Q : By approximately what factor is the pressure reduced....
    Physics :

    An ideal gas is allowed to expand adiabatically until its volume increases by 50%. By approximately what factor is the pressure reduced? (k=5/3)

  • Q : Magnitude and direction of the impulse....
    Physics :

    After a 0.360-kg rubber ball is dropped from a height of 1.80 m, it bounces off a concrete floor and rebounds to a height of 1.40 m. Determine the magnitude and direction of the impulse delivered to

  • Q : What is railroad freight car final velocity....
    Physics :

    A railroad freight car with mass 32,000 kg is moving at 2 m/s when it runs into an at-rest freight car with mass of 28,000 kg. The cars lock together. What is their final velocity?

  • Q : What mass of air escapes from the room....
    Physics :

    The volume of the room is 60.0 m^3. When the temperature increases from 289 to 302-degrees K, what mass of air (in kg) escapes from the room?

  • Q : Find the speed and the mass of the object....
    Physics :

    An object has a kinetic energy of 223 J and a momentum of magnitude 23.4 kg·m/s. Find the speed and the mass of the object.

  • Q : Frequency of the light....
    Physics :

    what happens to light of a certain frequency when it is incident upon a material whose natural frequency is the same as the frequency of the light?

  • Q : What is the appropriate banking angle....
    Physics :

    A 600kg car is going around a banked curve with a radius of 110m at a speed of 24.5m/s. what is the appropriate banking angle so that the car stays on its path without the assistance of friction?

  • Q : What volume does oxygen in the tanks occupy....
    Physics :

    Where it is administered at a pressure of 1.00 atmospheres and a temperature of 297-degrees K. What volume does 1.00 m^3 of oxygen in the tanks occupy at the conditions in the patients room?

  • Q : What is net force acting on him at the bottom of circle....
    Physics :

    A 79.2-kg airplane pilot pulls out of a dive by following, at a constant speed of 191 km/h, the arc of a circle whose radius is 321.0 m .

  • Q : What is the average force exerted by the bat....
    Physics :

    A batter hits a 0.140-kg baseball that was approaching him at 30.0 m/s and, as a result, the ball leaves the bat at 40.0 m/s in the direction of the pitcher. The ball remains in contact with the bat

  • Q : How long does it take for person to radiate away energy....
    Physics :

    If a person radiates about 72 W of power at room temperature, how long does it take for a person to radiate away the energy acquired by consuming a 230 Calorie doughnut?

  • Q : Draw free-body diagrams of blocks and of pulley....
    Physics :

    A block of mass m1 = 1.70 kg and a block of mass m2 = 6.20 kg are connected by a massless string over a pulley in the shape of a solid disk having radius R = 0.250 m and mass M = 10.0 kg. These blo

  • Q : What is fx if magnitude of skier-s velocity is increasing....
    Physics :

    What is Fx if the magnitude of the skier's velocity is (a) constant, (b) increasing at a rate of 1.0 m/s2, and (c) increasing at a rate of 2.0 m/s2.

  • Q : What is the magnitude of each of the forces....
    Physics :

    A 1.40 kg bottle of vintage wine is lying horizontally in the rack shown in the drawing. The two surfaces on which the bottle rests are 90.0° apart, and the right surface makes an angle of 45&de

  • Q : Angles in the first-order spectrum....
    Physics :

    A diffraction grating that has 2000 slits per centimeter is used to measure the wavelengths emitted by hydrogen gas. (a) At what angles in the first-order spectrum would you expect to find the two v

  • Q : Coefficient of kinetic friction between rock and surface....
    Physics :

    A 20.0 kg rock slides on a rough horizontal surface at 8m/s and eventually stops due to friction. The coefficient of kinetic friction between the rock and the surface is 0.200. What average therma

  • Q : Determine the charge of the particle....
    Physics :

    A movig particle encounters an external electric field that decreases its kinetic energy from 9630 eV to 7930 eV as the particle moves from position A to position B. The electric potential at A is -

  • Q : Problem based on skating and ice....
    Physics :

    A 67.0 kg person throws a 0.0450 kg snowball forward with a ground speed of 30.0 m/s. A second person, with a mass of 55.0 kg, catches the snowball. Both people are on skates. The first person is i

  • Q : Find average acceleration of car during given time interval....
    Physics :

    A car traveling in a straight-line path has a velocity of +10.0 m/s at some instant. After 3.00 s, its velocity is +6.00 m/s. What is the average acceleration of the car during this time interval?

  • Q : Calculate the unbalanced force....
    Physics :

    Calculate the unbalanced force which will give a 2.998 tonne object an acceleration of 0.110 m/s2

  • Q : What will be the acceleration of the box....
    Physics :

    A 12-kg box is released from the top of an incline that is 5.0 m long and makes an angle of 40 degrees to the horizontal. A 60-N friction force impedes the motion of the box. (a) What will be the ac

  • Q : How fast will each be moving when they are very far away....
    Physics :

    two identical +9.5 microC point charges are initially 3.5cm from each other. If they are released at the same instant from rest, how fast will each be moving when they are very far away from each ot

  • Q : Impacts on the moon surface....
    Physics :

    How much work is done by the Moon's gravitational field as a 915 kg meteor comes in from outer space and impacts on the Moon's surface?

  • Q : Determine the wavelength of the radiation....
    Physics :

    A collimated beam of microwaves impinges on a metal screen that contains a long horizontal slit that is 20 cm wide. A detector moving parallel to the screen in the far-field region locates the firs

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