• Q : What is the initial speed of the putty....
    Physics :

    A 13 kg block is at rest on a level floor. A 405 g glob of putty is thrown at the block such that it travels horizontally, hits the block, and sticks to it. The block and putty slide 15 cm along the

  • Q : How many balloons can the tank blow up....
    Physics :

    A tank having a volume of 0.100 m3 contains helium gas at 130 atm. How many balloons can the tank blow up if each filled balloon is a sphere 0.300 m in diameter at an absolute pressure of 1.45 atm?

  • Q : Conservation of energy....
    Physics :

    20000N, 2.47 meter cannon, 40 degrees above horizontal, 74 meters/second, conservation of energy, what sized cannon ball, in kg, must be used?

  • Q : How soon after he drops the rock does he hear it hit....
    Physics :

    Mr. Physics drops a rock down a 250 meter deep well. How soon after he drops the rock does he hear it hit the bottom of the well?

  • Q : How fast was the car traveling over the cliff....
    Physics :

    A car drives straight off the edge of a cliff that is 47 m high. The police at the scene of the accident observed that the point of impact is 122 m from the base of the cliff. How fast was the car t

  • Q : Determine the speed of the shuttle....
    Physics :

    A spaceship moves away from Earth at a speed 0.874c and fires a shuttle craft that then moves in a forward direction at 0.21c relative to the ship. The pilot of the shuttle launches a probe forward

  • Q : Direction of the electric force on object....
    Physics :

    Object A, which has been charged to +10nC, is at the origin. Object B, which has been charged to -22nC, is at (x,y)=(0.0cm,2.0cm). What is the magnitude of the electric force on object A? What is t

  • Q : Coulombs of positive charge....
    Physics :

    Suppose you have 3.0mol of O2 gas. How many coulombs of positive charge are contained in this gas in the atomic nuclei?

  • Q : What is the speed of the truck....
    Physics :

    A baseball pitcher can throw a ball with a speed of 40. He is in the back of a pickup truck that is driving away from you. He throws the ball in your direction, and it floats toward you at a lazy 30

  • Q : What is the mass of earth....
    Physics :

    The orbit of earth's moon has a period of 27.3 days and a radius (semi-major axis) of 2.56 x 10-3 A.U. (= 3.84 x 105 km). What is the mass of Earth? What are the units?

  • Q : Find the depth of the well....
    Physics :

    A stone is dropped from rest into a well. The sound of the splash is heard exactly 2.30 s later. Find the depth of the well if the air temperature is 14.0°C.

  • Q : What is the combined mass of the dog and basket....
    Physics :

    Children in a tree house lift a small dog in a basket 5.50 m up to their house. If it takes 191 J of work to do this, what is the combined mass of the dog and basket?

  • Q : Verticle component of the velocity....
    Physics :

    A hockey puck slides off the edge of the table with an initial velocity of 20.0m/s. the height of the table above the ground in 2.0m. what is the magnitude of the verticle component of the velocity

  • Q : At what speed was the sport utility vehicle traveling....
    Physics :

    Vehicle(mass = 2500 kg) treviling in the opposite direction. in the collision, the two vehicles come to a halt . At what speed was the sport utility vehicle traveling?

  • Q : Coefficient of kinetic friction between the box and ground....
    Physics :

    A woman is pushing a box along the ground. She is exerting a horizontal force of 156 N on the box. The box has a mass of 84.0 kg, and has an opposing horizontal frictional force of 135 N. What is t

  • Q : What mass of liquid helium boils away through venting valve....
    Physics :

    The latent heat of vaporization for helium is 2.1x104 J/kg. What mass of liquid helium boils away through a venting valve in one hour?

  • Q : Estimate door moment of inertia for rotation....
    Physics :

    A 25 kg solid door is 220 cm tall, 94 cm wide. What is the door's moment of inertia for rotation about a vertical axis inside the door, 13 cm from one edge?

  • Q : What is the width of the second slit....
    Physics :

    The central bright fringe broadens to a width of 2.1 cm. What is the width of the second slit? It may be assumed that is so small that sin is approximately equal to tan.

  • Q : What would be the linear speed of the ice....
    Physics :

    If this energy were used to accelerate the ice from rest, what would be the linear speed of the ice? For comparison, bullet speeds of 700 m/s are common.

  • Q : Determine the centripetal force experienced by the ball....
    Physics :

    A small ball of mass 42 g is suspended from a string of length 69 cm and whirled in a circle lying in the horizontal plane.If the string makes an angle of 28 with the vertical, find the centripetal

  • Q : Calculate the modulus of elasticity of the aluminum....
    Physics :

    An aluminum bar 125 mm long and having a square cross section 16.5 mm on an edge is pulled in tension with a load of 66,700 N, and experiences an elongation of 0.43 mm. Assuming that the deformatio

  • Q : How much energy is released when water falls over an area....
    Physics :

    How much energy is released when 0.0254-m (one inch) of water falls over an area of 2.59 X 10^6 m^2 (one square mile)?

  • Q : Framework of a new building....
    Physics :

    A 3.50-m-long, 360 steel beam extends horizontally from the point where it has been bolted to the framework of a new building under construction. A 66.0 construction worker stands at the far end of

  • Q : Determine the density of the object....
    Physics :

    An object weighs 317 N in air. When tied to a string, connected to a balance, and immersed in water, it weighs 264 N. When it is immersed in oil, it weighs 268 N. Find the density of the object. Ans

  • Q : What is the heaviest barbell that could be lifted distance....
    Physics :

    If 2.0% of this energy could be converted by a weight lifters body into work done in lifting a barbell, what is the heaviest barbell that could be lifted a distance of 2.1-m?

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