• Q : What is the tension in each of the cables....
    Physics :

    A loudspeaker of mass 25.0 is suspended a distance of = 1.20 below the ceiling by two cables that make equal angles with the ceiling. Each cable has a length of = 2.70 . What is the tension in each

  • Q : What is the final equilibrium temperature....
    Physics :

    A 0.55 kg iron horseshoe that is initially at 515°C is dropped into a bucket containing 10 kg of water at 22°C. What is the final equilibrium temperature? Neglect any heat transfer to or fro

  • Q : Determine the speed of block just before it hits the floor....
    Physics :

    A light, flexible cable is wrapped around a solid cylinder with mass 3.5 kg and radius 0.8 meters. The cylinder rotates on a frictionless pin. The free end of the cable is tied to a 4.0 kg box that

  • Q : What is the average degree and the degree distribution....
    Physics :

    Describe the graph you obtained. How many edges are in the graph? Is it connected or not? What is the average degree and the degree distribution?

  • Q : Is there a solution to the konigsberg bridge walking problem....
    Physics :

    If the two nodes are disconnected, the distance is infinity. Is there a solution to the Konigsberg bridge walking problem?

  • Q : Coasts to a stop at constant angular acceleration....
    Physics :

    At a grinding wheel has an angular velocity of 23.0 . It has a constant angular acceleration of 33.0 until a circuit breaker trips at time = 1.70 . From then on, it turns through an angle 440 as it

  • Q : How long is the baseball in the air....
    Physics :

    If I hit at the same angle but with twice the initial velocity, how much further does the baseball go? Which angle should I hit at to maximize distance? Which baseball will hit the ground first?

  • Q : Density of the sea water....
    Physics :

    A rectangular block of ice 14 m on each side and 1.4 m thick floats in sea water. The density of the sea water is 1025 kg/m3. The density of ice is 917 kg/m3.

  • Q : By how much potential energy of 20.0 kg child increase....
    Physics :

    When an 81.0 kg adult uses a spiral staircase to climb to the second floor of his house, his gravitational potential energy increases by 2.10 103 J. By how much does the potential energy of a(n) 20.

  • Q : What is electron-s final speed....
    Physics :

    In a cathode ray tube (CRT, like in your TV or computer monitor) electrons initially at rest are accelerated through a potential difference of 10 kV. What is their final speed?

  • Q : Calculate the magnitude of the electric field at 150 cm....
    Physics :

    A solid sphere of radius 42 cm has a total positive charge of 21 µC uniformly distributed throughout its volume. Calculate the magnitude of the electric field at 150 cm from the center of the

  • Q : How much total time (ascent and descent) does player spend....
    Physics :

    A basketball player grabbing a rebound jumps 70.0 cm vertically. How much total time (ascent and descent) does the player spend (a) in the top 11.9 cm of this jump and (b) in the bottom 11.9 cm?

  • Q : How far is home from school....
    Physics :

    You are driving home from school steadily at 96 for 120 . It then begins to rain and you slow to 65 . You arrive home after driving 3 hours and 40 minutes. How far is home from school?

  • Q : Is the velocity constant or changing....
    Physics :

    Common Mistakes with Newton"s 1st Law Motion doesn"t necessarily mean there"s a force acting. Is the velocity constant or changing?

  • Q : What is the cheetah''s average speed....
    Physics :

    A cheetah runs a distance of 107 m at a speed of 26 m/s and then runs another 107 m in the same direction at a speed of 37 m/s. What is the cheetah's average speed?

  • Q : What is the magnitude of the average force exerted on ball....
    Physics :

    A 6 kg steel ball strikes a wall with a speed of 4.96 m/s at an angle of 32.2  with the normal to the wall. It bounces off with the same speed and angle. If the ball is in contact with the wall for

  • Q : By what value have raised cable-s temperature....
    Physics :

    The cable has a temperature coefficient of resistivity of 4x10-3 1/K. Instead of making the cable longer, he could have raised its temperature by what value?

  • Q : At what angle is the rope held....
    Physics :

    An 845-N sled is pulled a distance of 183 m. The task requires 1.40 104 J of work and is done by pulling on a rope with a force of 128 N. At what angle is the rope held?

  • Q : Compute the rms speed of the molecules....
    Physics :

    400 of work are done to compress the gas while, in the same process, 1300 of heat energy are transferred from the gas to the environment. Afterward, what is the rms speed of the molecules?

  • Q : At what minimum height must it spot pelican to escape....
    Physics :

    If it takes a fish 0.25 to perform evasive action, at what minimum height must it spot the pelican to escape? Assume the fish is at the surface of the water.

  • Q : Find the speed of the golf ball just after impact....
    Physics :

    High-speed stroboscopic photographs show that the head of a 280 g golf club is traveling at 58 m/s just before it strikes a 46 g golf ball at rest on a tee. After the collision, the club head travel

  • Q : What does it mean for net force on an object to equal zero....
    Physics :

    Since our insurance was cancelled after the last class "jump", you will explore this phenomenon using coffee filters. What does it mean for the Net Force on an object to equal zero?

  • Q : Highway safety enigeeners....
    Physics :

    Highway safety enigeeners build soft barriers so taht cars hitting them will slow down at a safe rate. A person wearing a safety belt can withstand an acceleration of -3.0 x 100 m/s . how thick shou

  • Q : Determine the ambulance''s speed from these observations....
    Physics :

    Standing at a crosswalk, you hear a frequency of 590 Hz from the siren of an approaching ambulance. After the ambulance passes, the observed frequency of the siren is 515 Hz. Determine the ambulance

  • Q : Ceiling by two cables that make equal angles....
    Physics :

    A loudspeaker of mass 23.0 m is suspended a distance of h = 1.20 m below the ceiling by two cables that make equal angles with the ceiling. Each cable has a length of l = 2.90 m.

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