• Q : Height of the pole and length of wire....
    Physics :

    A wire streches from the top of a vertical pole to a point on level ground 16 feet from the base of the pole. if the wire makes an angle of 62 degrees withe the ground, find the height of the pole

  • Q : How long must the engines be fired....
    Physics :

    As a space craft approaches a planet, the rocket engines on it are fired to slow it down so it will go into orbit around the planet. The spacecraft's mass is 291 kg and the thrust (force) of the ro

  • Q : What is the magnitude of the average force exerted by bat....
    Physics :

    A(n) 0.55 kg softball is pitched at a speed of 18 m/s. The batter hits it back directly at the pitcher at a speed of 25 m/s. The bat acts on the ball for 0.018 s. What is the magnitude of the averag

  • Q : Speed of sound of hiker voice in air....
    Physics :

    A hiker shouts toward a vertical cliff 740 m away. The echo is heard 4.00 s later. What is the speed of sound of the hiker's voice in air?

  • Q : Find minimum number of photons per second owl eye can detect....
    Physics :

    What is the minimum number of photons per second that an owl eye can detect if its pupil has a diameter of 8.5 mm and the light has a wavelength of 510 nm?

  • Q : At what rate does the speed of the ball change....
    Physics :

    (b) What maximum height does the ball reach relative to the floor of the elevator cab? (c) At what rate does the speed of the ball change relative to the ground (sign and magnitude)? (d) At what rat

  • Q : Estimate the speed and the mass of object....
    Physics :

    An object has a kinetic energy of 232 J and a momentum of magnitude 26.3 kg·m/s. Find the speed and the mass of the object.

  • Q : Point midway between the two charges....
    Physics :

    Two stationary positive point charges, charge 1 of magnitude 3.80 nC and charge 2 of magnitude 1.55 nC, are separated by a distance of 35.0 cm. An electron is released from rest at the point midway

  • Q : What is the direction of magnetic field....
    Physics :

    If the speed is small compared to the seed of light, what is the numerical magnitude B of the magnetic field made by the coils? What is the direction of this magnetic field?

  • Q : How many independent parameters determine energy splitting....
    Physics :

    Find the energy shifts/splitting of the ground state and the first excited state in terms of the matrix elements of U. How many independent parameters determine the energy splitting?

  • Q : Compute the electric field....
    Physics :

    Calculate the electric field (magnitude and direction) at the upper right corner of a square 1.22 {rm m} on a side if the other three corners are occupied by 3.00×10-6 C charges. Assume that t

  • Q : What are the final velocities of the people....
    Physics :

    A 70 kg person throws a .05 kg snowball forward with a ground speed of 35 m/s. a second person, with mass 60 kg catches the snowball. both people are on skates. the first person is initially moving

  • Q : What is the energy needed to melt grams of lead starting....
    Physics :

    The latent heat of fusion to melt lead at 327.0C is 22.9 kJ/kg and the specific heat of lead is 0.130 kJ/kgC. What is the energy needed to melt 100 grams of lead starting at 0C?

  • Q : Value of the total current it....
    Physics :

    Three resistors connected in parallel each carry currents labeled I1, I2 and I3. Which of the following expresses the value of the total current IT in the combined system?

  • Q : Which is the longer vector and why....
    Physics :

    Draw the force vectors to some suitable scale showing the relative forces acting on the stone. B. Which is the longer vector, and why?

  • Q : Find magnitude of that push and tension in cord....
    Physics :

    A sphere of mass 1.9 × 10-4 kg is suspended from a cord. A steady horizontal breeze pushes the sphere so that the cord makes a constant angle of 17° with the vertical. Find (a) the magnitu

  • Q : Find the first intensity minimum....
    Physics :

    How far must the microphone be moved to the right to find the first intensity minimum?

  • Q : Find the final speed of the two carts....
    Physics :

    Two carts with masses of 12.5 kg and 4.5 kg, respectively, move in opposite directions on a frictionless horizontal track with speeds of 8.0 m/s and 5.0 m/s, respectively. The carts stick together

  • Q : What is the objects mass at a height of three earth radii....
    Physics :

    An object when orbiting the Earth at a height of three Earth radii from the center of the Earth has a weight of 3.00 N. What is the objects mass?

  • Q : What is the length of the string....
    Physics :

    A 232 g ball is tied to a string. It is pulled to an angle of 5.0 degree and released to swing as a pendulum. A student with a stopwatch finds that 23 oscillations take 20 s. What is the length of t

  • Q : What is the equilibrium temperature....
    Physics :

    At high noon, the Sun delivers 1.10 kW to each square meter of a blacktop road. If the hot asphalt loses energy only by radiation, what is its equilibrium temperature?

  • Q : Make uncertainty terms associated with l and r equal to each....
    Physics :

    How much more precisely should this quantity be determined in order to make the uncertainty terms associated with L and r equal to each other?

  • Q : Calculate the required surface area of plate....
    Physics :

    You are asked to design a parallel-plate capacitor having a capacitance of 1.00 F and a plate separation of 1.00 mm. Calculate the required surface area of each plate. Is this a realistic size for

  • Q : Determine the initial speed of the rock....
    Physics :

    A rock fired at an initial angle of 40° lands 230 m downrange on top of a hill that is 19 m above the original launch elevation. (a) Neglecting air resistance, determine the initial speed of the r

  • Q : How far up the hill will it coast before starting to roll....
    Physics :

    A car traveling at 16.0 m/s runs out of gas while traveling up a 23.0 degree slope.How far up the hill will it coast before starting to roll back down?

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