• Q : What is the magnitude of its instantaneous velocity....
    Physics :

    An object moves at a constant velocity of 11 m/s to the southwest for an interval of 20 s. Halfway through this interval, what is the magnitude of its instantaneous velocity?

  • Q : What is the magnitude of his velocity relative to the earth....
    Physics :

    A river flows due east with a speed of 2.8 m/s. A man steers a motorboat across the river; his velocity relative to the water is 4.4 m/s due north. The river is 830 m wide.  How far east of his

  • Q : A playground merry-go-round....
    Physics :

    A playground merry-go-round of radius R = 1.99 m has a moment of inertia of I = 289 kg * m2 and is rotating at 14.7 revolutions/min about a frictionless vertical axle. Facing the axle, a 27.8 kg chi

  • Q : Find the work done by the electric field on the charge....
    Physics :

    If a charge qo travels a distance, d, from point A to point B in a uniform electric field of magnitude E parallel to the field lines, what is the work done by the electric field on the charge?

  • Q : What is the charge on each electrode....
    Physics :

    Two 4.0 cm x 4.0 cm metal electrodes are spaced 1.5 mm apart and connected by wires to the terminals of a 9.0 V battery. The wires are disconnected, and insulated handles are used to pull the plates

  • Q : How long must the boom be to maintain a constant attitude....
    Physics :

    how long must the boom be to maintain a constant attitude with 10, 1 and 0.1 degrees? Does the result depend on the radius of the spacecraft bus?

  • Q : Mass along the line connecting the two fixed masses....
    Physics :

    An 8.50 {rm kg} point mass and a 15.0 {rm kg} point mass are held in place 50.0 {rm cm} apart. A particle of mass m is released from a point between the two masses 19.0 {rm cm} from the 8.50 {rm kg

  • Q : Find the electron speed....
    Physics :

    The speeds of the electrons are quite large, and for accurate calculations of the speeds, the effects of special relativity must be taken into account. Ignoring such effects, find the electron speed

  • Q : What velocity is required to lift up surfer from surfboard....
    Physics :

    If the velocity of the water is vo, and it reflects backward from the surfboard with the same speed, what velocity is required to lift up the surfer?

  • Q : Kinetic friction between the pig and the slide....
    Physics :

    A slide loving pig slides down a 35° incline (Fig. 6-24) in twice the time it would take to slide down a frictionless 35° incline. What is the coefficient of kinetic friction between the pi

  • Q : What is the velocity of the cars....
    Physics :

    A 1500-kg car moving east at 20 m/s collides with a 1600-kg car moving south at 15 m/s and the two cars stick together. What is the velocity of the cars right after the collision?

  • Q : Centripetal acceleration at its surface....
    Physics :

    It has been suggested that rotating cylinders about 12 mi long and 5.1 mi in diameter be placed in space and used as colonies. What angular speed must such a cylinder have so that the centripetal a

  • Q : What is the final temperature of the mixture....
    Physics :

    A 500.0 g sample of water at 90 degrees C is mixed with 500.0 g of water at 30.0 degrees C. What is the final temperature of the mixture?

  • Q : How bernoullis principle applies to the flight of airplanes....
    Physics :

    Bernoulli"s principle provides lift to airplane wings and soaring birds. You might want to ask about this one in class. How does Bernoullis principle apply to the flight of airplanes?

  • Q : Assume any lenght for the board....
    Physics :

    A 10.5 kg uniform board is wedged into a corner and held by a string at a 50 degree angle. Calculate the tension in the string. Hint: take torques about the corner and assume any lenght for the boa

  • Q : How long will it take her to reach the bottom of the hill....
    Physics :

    A skier is accelerating down a 30.0 degree hill at 1.8 m/s^2. How long will it take her to reach the bottom of the hill, assuming she starts from rest and accelerates uniformly, if the elevation cha

  • Q : How much time is required to raise the temperature....
    Physics :

    How much heat must be added to the water to raise its temperature from 20.0C to 80.0C? B) How much time is required?

  • Q : How long does it take the block to move....
    Physics :

    A 1.5 kg block is connected by a rope across a 50 cm-diameter, 2.0 kg, frictionless pulley, as shown in the figure. A constant 10 N tension is applied to the other end of the rope. Starting from re

  • Q : What is the minimum acceleration necessary for the plane....
    Physics :

    An airplane needs to reach a velocity of 487 km/h to take off. On a 2000 m runway, what is the minimum acceleration necessary for the plane to take flight.

  • Q : Outline the mathematical steps....
    Physics :

    Assume you are outdoors in the Boundary Water Canoe Area of Northern Minnesota. You have in your hand the empty tube from a roll of paper towel. Outline the mathematical steps you would take to hel

  • Q : Assume any lenght for the board....
    Physics :

    A 10.5 kg uniform board is wedged into a corner and held by a string at a 50 degree angle. Calculate the tension in the string. Hint: take torques about the corner and assume any lenght for the boa

  • Q : What is the time t required for the proton to re-emerge....
    Physics :

    A proton (mass= 1.7×10-27 kg, charge= 1.6×10-19 C) travelling with speed 106 m/s enters a region of space containing a uniform magnetic field of 1.2 T. What is the time t required for th

  • Q : Coefficient of kinetic friction....
    Physics :

    A block of mass 1.00 rm kg sits on an inclined plane as shown. (Intro 1 figure) A force of magnitude 70.0 rm N is pulling the block up the incline at constant speed. The coefficient of kinetic frict

  • Q : Magnitude of angular momentum-angular velocity of disk....
    Physics :

    A sanding disk with rotational inertia 5.4 x 10-3 kg·m2 is attached to an electric drill whose motor delivers a torque of magnitude 10 N·m about the central axis of the disk. About th

  • Q : What was the wheels angular acceleration as it slowed down....
    Physics :

    Through what total angle did the wheel turn between and the time it stopped? At what time does the wheel stop? What was the wheel's angular acceleration as it slowed down?

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